Discuss and Rate the Last Thing You Watched (non-movies)


Nascent Orca
Jun 21, 2012
So, over the year I watched the first 6 Star Wars movies with my kids. I didn't really approve, my kids are very flat on them. I liked Rogue and Andor and Mandalorian was okay. I didnt think Andor would be their speed so I tried something crazy for me... I tried out SW animated. Many years ago, I watched two seasons of Clone Wars, it was terrible. I am not going through that again. So, that left Rebels....

After watching 30+ hours of other SW media, my boy stated something early on in Rebels - 'this is good Star Wars.' He did like Mandalorian too but not as much as this. I would agree. After Andor and Rogue One, this is the best Star Wars has ever been.

And this is with the animation looking utterly garbage. It's very off-putting. I don't know why they could computer animate Ninja Turtles a decade ago better than this.

Anyway, the group has a great dynamic. It has that fun, bantery but they actually care for each other vibe from the original movie but actually feels real instead of forced like between the Skywalkers and Han. There is a clear growth for most of the characters. Zeb is categorized as the stupid one troupe but his solo stuff shows a different kind of clever. I dont remember what I thought of Thrawn from my reading of the books two decades ago but it was better than most Admirals in SW. The political machination of Andor was in here but not overwhelming for kids or bogs down the story

Overall, surprisingly enjoyable for a kids' show. On the same level as Voltron or She-Ra. 7/10. Going to watch Ahsoka now
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Unrealistic but happy
May 13, 2009
Gen V on Amazon Prime Ep. 8: 9/10. I had a blast with this one. Gory, violent supes with great cameos. Spliced into The Boy series. The kids have had enough.

Invincible S2E1 comes out on Fridays on Amazon Prime

Just as people are getting really sick of the multi-verse especially as it zeroes out the stakes (guy you liked killed? Just start the show in an alt. universe. I hear Tony Stark is coming back to life. Black Widow as well.) Invincible is doing its take on the concept.

I wanted to know what the pacifist's plan was. May never know now as the machine he built for the plan exploded before implementation

Still very enjoyable. 7.5/10.



Nascent Orca
Jun 21, 2012
Asoka series 2023

Rosario: "So here I'm being patient, I should cross my arms and give like a smirk"

Director: "yeah just a slight smirk, but don't give away any emotion"

Natasha Liu Bordizzo: "here, I've broken down and given away everything in the hope to see ezra again"

Director: *sigh* "dark blank look.. then smirk"

Eman Esfandi: "I'm seeing my friend for the first time in 20 years and I might get home? I should be overjoyed right? this.."

Director: "The script says fold your arms and smirk."

Rosario: "Are you sure about this? we've lost everything and were stranded. This should seem really bad?"

Director: "slight...fuckin...SMIRK!!!!"


It had some moments, but overall it felt like a big waste of time.

I think the best worded complaint was that Asoka, like many other Disney shows, doesn't seem to understand how to write compelling TV.

If you recall watching Breaking bad or Better Call Saul, you'd have this kind of "hook" at the beginning of each season, then each episode starts with a hook. Each episode would have a payoff, but still keep you on the hook. Out of the 8 episodes of Asoka I felt liek only one really had that concept, the Anakin episode. It started with an interesting premise, told its story, and then setup the next episode. The rest of the episodes just felt like visual/audial exposition, meandering from one episode into the next.

No actor in the entire show seemed to emote beyond constant smiles and smirking at the camera as if to say "isn't star wars fun? we're all here doing a star wars together?".

It harkened back painfully to the prequels where actors struggled to fine emotion or tension, acting alone in front of big green screens, in one takes due to production costs. I don't think Green screen itself is the problem so much as "scheduled content". Nothing about Asoka ever screamed "This is important to us, we care about what the audience remembers from this production". Even the ending battle felt like the direction was to "get it done".

At some point they gotta stop blaming covid for these bland productions.
Just gotta say, Breaking Bad and Better Call Saul had some terrible wrtitng and incredibly dreary moments. Some parts of episode could be cut out and you'd miss nothing. In fact, it would be beneficial. And no, I'm not talking about The Fly episode.

It doesn't stop them from being good shows. But also, I haven't bothered finishing Better Call Saul. I also have not really wanted to watch Breaking Bad again


Nascent Orca
Jun 21, 2012
So I didn't see anyone talking about this but I'll have a crack....

Wheel of Time Season 2
First things first. If you are a book purist, don't bother with this show. It is not the same as the books and never will be

The two Forsaken are incredible... when they are talking. Their plans are... not. The Forsaken should be failing because they are working at cross purposes. Not because some can hold a magic shield against them. Great casting. They took Lanfear in a different direction and I like this version and the books for different reason.

I feel like the money was better spent here but also there are some terrible effects and one day shot for night scene that is egregious. There is also a loose sense of place. Game of Thrones sort of had this but they also had a map... There was one instance where a character was shot with an arrow and then the archer stop shooting their friends for no reason. Which leads me to believe that there was a lot cut from the show and the edits are just not making sense. This show needs at least two episode extra per season to fit in all it wants.

Also, drop all the drama between Moiraine and Lan. It hurts the show. Moiraine and everyone else. That's great. See also: Moiraine's machinations especially when they are exposed

This show is wierd. The best episodes were in the MIDDLE. It's like the opposite of most shows. Seachan looked great and alien. Whitecloacks aren't portayed as villianous, just misguided, like the Seanchan. I think they are currently BETTER than in the books. The future of the Tower is possibly better explained and Elaida hasn't even been introduced yet.

This is a great cast who get their characters. The writers do too but it's the events and connective tissue that fails this show. The finale is not epic, and the blowing of the horn is the epitome of this. Like 80% of the way there but something is missing

This is a dramatic improvement of season 1 but still has many failings. Episode 6 is almost 10/10 though.


Is on the Gin
May 26, 2020
So I didn't see anyone talking about this but I'll have a crack....

Wheel of Time Season 2
First things first. If you are a book purist, don't bother with this show. It is not the same as the books and never will be

The two Forsaken are incredible... when they are talking. Their plans are... not. The Forsaken should be failing because they are working at cross purposes. Not because some can hold a magic shield against them. Great casting. They took Lanfear in a different direction and I like this version and the books for different reason.

I feel like the money was better spent here but also there are some terrible effects and one day shot for night scene that is egregious. There is also a loose sense of place. Game of Thrones sort of had this but they also had a map... There was one instance where a character was shot with an arrow and then the archer stop shooting their friends for no reason. Which leads me to believe that there was a lot cut from the show and the edits are just not making sense. This show needs at least two episode extra per season to fit in all it wants.

Also, drop all the drama between Moiraine and Lan. It hurts the show. Moiraine and everyone else. That's great. See also: Moiraine's machinations especially when they are exposed

This show is wierd. The best episodes were in the MIDDLE. It's like the opposite of most shows. Seachan looked great and alien. Whitecloacks aren't portayed as villianous, just misguided, like the Seanchan. I think they are currently BETTER than in the books. The future of the Tower is possibly better explained and Elaida hasn't even been introduced yet.

This is a great cast who get their characters. The writers do too but it's the events and connective tissue that fails this show. The finale is not epic, and the blowing of the horn is the epitome of this. Like 80% of the way there but something is missing

This is a dramatic improvement of season 1 but still has many failings. Episode 6 is almost 10/10 though.
I bounced hard off Season 1 in the end because I've not read the books and the show just seemed intent on throwing stuff out there expecting you to know it was important or the backstories etc. Like the hollow earth tunnels stuff or the mystical weapons.

Then I heard from people who read the books how it had been changed.

I don't know who this show is meant to be for then because why make a show that doesn't expect a number of things such that only a serious fan would know about the stuff and then apparently make some pretty drastic changes to the story and characters especially in this age where people joke that writers just want to have male heroes seem pretty ineffective and replace them with strong female leads.
Jun 11, 2023
United States
American Horror Stories: Tapeworm

F me, this is...well it's good F'in TV horror. I was falling asleep to A Haunting in Venice before watching this, but my eyes were glued awake here. This episode examines the pressures that are placed on an innocently hopeful supermodel of the no-so-distant-past in the most extremely...well let's just say I wanted to crawl back up onto the headboard of my bed towards the end.

Then they followed it up with Organ

Disappointing to say the least. The one interesting angle to the plot of an elite organ theft ring potentially existing is tying in how disturbing Ancestory.com could theoretically be. The rest is kinda rubbish.
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Is on the Gin
May 26, 2020
Gen V Episodes 4-8
(Prime Video)

So I talked about episodes 1-3 before so time for the rest of the season

Gen V - Episodes 1-3
(Prime Video)

Rating: TBD but so far trending towards an 8 / 10

Thoughts tagline: Watchmen's Xmen American Pie

Thoughts (Non spoiler):

So did you like the Season 2 of The Boys? The stuff with Stormfront and it being a commentary on social media manipulation etc? If you answered yes then Gen V is more of that done more and done with university students who haven't yet made it in the world like many of the more established heroes in The Boys with the vices seemingly not fully there yet.

The show seems to be forming a bit of a mystery box style show where new student Marie is trying to make a success of herself after a family disaster when her powers first manifested which seems like an almost Carrie esc reference. Even before classes have started though Marie ends up dragged into series of events that start to spiral towards disaster thanks to Vought industries shady conspiracies leaving Marie and many others at Godolkin U to have to deal with the fallout and a mystery on their hands.

Social commentary:
I can hear it now "Oh we don't need another social commentary bit from Dwarvenhobble" well too bad you getting one because as I keep being told "everything is political" and so very much is Gen V which I'm amazed really does feel like it captures but explains the supposed "apathy" of Gen Z by feeling like this is American Pie but if it were both in the Watchmen universe but also with the kind of fairly cynical world view seen in Watchmen . This is a show that takes a look at modern society and just goes "I hate it, it's all so shit" from a hilarious "Look at our diversity" trailer for Godolkin U while in reality it some characters only seem to care about people for their diversity traits and not them as people to the invisible guy whose powers work the same was as Translucent (thus he has to be naked to be invisible) walking round reminding people they have to go to their seminar on consent.

It's also a show that heavily skewers the idea of social cliques, the pressure to be the best and be number 1 or you won't make it and social media complete with it's own "Down with the patriarchy" poisonous sort of 'Feminist" youtuber (no really). This is a show that really does hate so much of the modern world and the seeming hypocrisy of it all. It's actually refreshing to see played out.

This is in no small part helped majorly with it's use of imagery as I'm pretty sure it's no accident one character ends up looking like Marylin Monroe during a certain Gala event. It's a show that really cuts into the idea of social problems being used as marketing too or at least pretending to care about them.

I will say one of the bits of social commentary I feel is going to fall flat specifically around the character of Jordan who has multiple powers one of which is to switch sexes and depending on if they're male Jordan or female Jorden their powers actually change from Male Jordan's super strength to Female Jordan's shockwave / force blasting powers. So to go full spoilers maybe not the best storyline to have with parents gave their son somewhat experimental drugs which caused biological changes causing Jordan to now want to be a woman......... like Jesus Christ is that giving some series story ammo to certain activist groups including TERFs in the most insane way because it basically is like going "They're only trans because of the drugs" and creative the implicit idea that some of the present trans activist push is doing what their opposition claims and trying to get people to transition or cause them to think they're trans of claims to be trans and get them on the drugs so they then go through with it as again Jordan only got the power to changes sexes or the desires to be the opposite sex after the experimental drugs. Then again this could also be the writer doing a meta commentary middle finger to studios and the media going "Here's your Trans character story you mandated enjoy fuckwads" and writing a story that will be read by many as a trans character story but in reality is both a massive veiled shot at trans activist and the media that pretends to care so much about them. Oh and to be clear at present my favourite character is a toss up at present between Emma and Jordan.

As for where "Xmen" come in, well this goes into the idea of the downsides of many powers that have to be dealt with by people with them. This really does feel like they've taken the formula of some College comedy film / American Pie formula and gone "This is what the world hoped for but look how fucked the world is" in a very fun way.

Honestly I kind of want to go a bit deeper into the ideas and themes and may do once the series is done (or if people really want me to dive more into them now in another post).

I will say it loses a point or two though for double standards (I mean it's a Sony show I expect it at this point) but really male nudity being deemed so fine that we get 2 penises in an episode by female nudity being deemed so off limits that we don't even see tits in a sex scene? fucking really?
Rest of Season thoughts:

Ok so the big question does the mystery box get resolved?

The answer is Kinda but also kinda not at least not neatly.

The show seems to steer more towards The Boys later on rather than being kept at arms length and jesus did they carry on the idea of skewering the vapid social media obsessed modern age.

And not to spoil the ending but I have to say

"You are a hero Emma"

The show really does feel like it pivots hard in the last couple of episodes to going to far darker places. I will also say I working knowledge of The Boys is advisable by the end as it really does cross over more with the show and you'd need knowledge of the characters to understand what plays out and why.

My objection still remains regarding the disparity in nudity allowed because even a sex scene with the girl in question on top sees her keep her bra on but as I've recently found out it's being directed by some-one who worked on the latter series of Supernatural it makes far more sense considering that shows demographics and what said director is most likely used to doing.

Spoiler time

Ok so the series big mystery box is "The woods" which seems a bit like that clinic in The Boys from before for Superhero's where Lamplighter was found working with the big question being what was happening there. It's sort of solved in the form of revealing the dean was experimenting on students to create a way to "control" supes which quickly evolves into trying to create a highly infectious virus to kill them because her family was on the flight Homelander brought down in The Boys in an earlier season and she wants revenge on all supes now. What was the original purpose of the Woods? Never fully revealed beyond something to do with enhancing other supes powers how is this done? Never explained

The show leaves a fair bit unanswered but one of the big questions is around Sam and what the hell was with the muppets and who did he believe had found him or whatever? The show really never clears this up and while it's implied Sam isn't the most mentally stable it's strongly hinted something else is going on and some-one else might be pulling some strings. This is in addition to a number of plot threads left entirely open for future stories and a cliff hander ending.

Oh and it also implies at the ending that the dorky social media manager dude is actually some undercover person but it's not revealed who for

Well the ending was certainly something. It felt like they show really embraced the whole Xmen comparison with Cate going near full Magneto wanting to destroy the staff who were behind the plan to make the virus or keeping the woods secret while freeing the rest of the unstable supes being kept in The Woods, who then under Cate's guidance start running rampage on campus along with Sam whose decided his ways to be a hero is to make sure humans don't harm supes anymore by killing the staff. This leaves Marie, Jordan, Emma and eventually Andre to try and stop the rogue student supes and stop Cate and Sam.

Which they do, saving the Vought staff and execs just as Homelander arrives and seeing Cate with a bleeding stump where her arm used to be decides Marie, Jordan, Andre and Emma are to blame and as Homlander is the one running Vought basically now the story becomes how the new Guardians of Godolkin Cate and Sam stopped the other 4 who were one a rampage, oh and Homelander blasts Marie with his head visions too. It's quickly revealed she and the others survived but they've been locked up somewhere new with seemingly no escape.

Pretty cool twist really as the fact it was playing out like a stereotypical heroes save the day arc up to that point but with more blood only for the twist to basically be that the basically The Boys version of The Brotherhood of Mutants were the ones who got the credit and were seen as heroes while the Gen V Xmen ended up branded villains and seemingly are going to be the ones no longer at the school. A sort of horrifying, what if Magneto took over the Xavier School for the gifted and outed Charles Xavier and the Xmen sort of thing.
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Ineptly Chaotic
Jan 6, 2011
A Hermit's Cave
Star Wars: Ahsoka...

It was... OK. Just more in a drab dribble of underwhelming Star Wars content which was mildly entertaining at times, but terribly dull, all things considered. A few general comments, though: RIP Ray Stevenson, didn't realise he died prior to release, and his character was probably the most interesting so it's a pity we won't get to see him as Skoll in any potential follow up; there was something akin to uncanny valley about Hayden Christensen's (who, I presume, was de-aged for his appearance) performance; and purrgils are cool (best thing about the series, IMO)!


Elite Member
Jan 7, 2011
So I just watched Gen V. I kinda found out about it recently and wasn't expecting too much from a The Boys spinoff, but I quite liked it. Some characters were kinda annoying but well, I think it comes with the territory when it's about college kids. Also surprised how it kinda ties into the main The Boys in the end. Did find the ending very abrupt though.

Definitely looking forward to The Boys Season 4, and maybe Gen V 2 if they keep the ball rolling.


Elite Member
Jun 2, 2020
About halfway through Red Rose. Pretty decent so far. Think Black Mirror, meets The Ring, meets Skins.

Teens download an app on their phone that promises to give them anything they want but they have to keep performing challenges that make them look progressively worse to their peers. Queue ghosts and spooky goings on. It's been keeping me interested episode to episode so far.
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Previously known as an alleged "Feather-Rustler"
Apr 3, 2020
Corner of No and Where
Just finished up Loki season 2. And I find myself oddly charitable towards it. I know there is a lot of talk, at least among clickbait youtubers, about Superhero fatigue and the MCU is dying and woke politics and blah blah blah. I ain't see it, I love me some MCU even if I do miss the OG Avengers and I will admit some projects are better than others.
But Loki has been consistently good enough, I enjoy his banter with his friends, and this final episode was his, basically, ascension to become the time god - although the comic name is Loki God of Stories. The one who watches over the multiverse. And you know what, that's cool. Loki finally getting his throne and rulership but its for the good of his friends and loved ones and he's protecting the timelines instead of destroying them it a very good way to end his arc until Secret Wars. It is sad he had to do it alone without his...not stepsister stepsister lover, but I'm sure that'll be paid off someday.
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Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
Just finished up Loki season 2. And I find myself oddly charitable towards it. I know there is a lot of talk, at least among clickbait youtubers, about Superhero fatigue and the MCU is dying and woke politics and blah blah blah.
While have no interests in Loki, nor the MCU TV shows, the clickbaiters can get fucked as usual.

Glad you love the show.
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Is on the Gin
May 26, 2020
Loki Season 2

(Disney Plus)

Tagline: Oh Kang there goes Phase 5

Rating: 8/10


Loki season 2 follows on from the ending of Season 1 with Loki having to deal with the fallout of the events of Season 1 and trying to find a direction for the TVA now the TVA has been revealed to be not be all it appeared.

I really enjoyed the retrofuturism aesthetic of Season 1 and season 2 very much carries that on with some actually pretty cool character development and unexpected turns happening that I can quite confidently say that if Marvel were dropping Jonathan Majors then this is how they're going to explain it away.

Thoughts that require spoilers:

So season 1 ended with the revelation that He Who Remains (Kang) actually ran the TVA to prune other timelines to prevent other Kangs rising and trying to fight a multiversal war for dominance over one another with Sylvie (a female Loki variant) killing him and causing the timeline to branch this series deals with that in interesting ways. I will say pacing wise and even character development there's a bit of an issue in that It's a 6 episodes series where a good 4 episodes are basically video game sidequest stull with only 5 and 6 ultimately mattering to real character development. This uneven pacing of the story and honestly uneven quality as again 4 episodes basically are what you'd expect from the MCU and pretty much and only 2 really stand out ones is hugely carries by the sheer talent of the cast on this one with oddly a very good performance by Jonathan Majors ending up as one of the weaker less believable performances of the show by sheer quality of the others on show here.

Loki's arc very much is about him taking responsibility and slowly becoming a hero in his own right with the twist ending as such being that now Loki finally doesn't want a throne he has to take up one along with the immense responsibility that comes with it because it's the 3rd option in what to Loki has become an impossible choice between an apocalypse and murdering Sylvie whom he has feelings for. Loki takes a throne at the end of all time reluctantly to save all of time in a move Kang hadn't seen coming.

Kang actually gets a nice villain moment at the end of the show revealing that being murdered by Sylvie was all predicted such that either he would once again come back to take his throne or Loki would hand it to him and he let Sylvie kill him knowing that one way or another he'd be back with his multiple contingency plans in place only for Loki to refuse to allow that and find another solution. This really does elevate Kang as a villain because he's a plotting villain not a punching villain, he didn't care about dying because to him Death was but a new beginning to his cycle thanks to his carefully laid out plans. That's a kind of sinister evil that is far more chilling because it's leaning even more into the Thanos idea of "I am inevitable" only the implication was and still somewhat is Kang in inevitable now that's darker MCU right there the idea that all will be for nothing. Or may be even so with Loki basically exiling himself to the end of all time to save all time.

We get a nice arc of Sylvie of "OK so what after revenge?"

We even get a fairly sombre explanation for Morbius's love of Jetskis
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Elite Member
Apr 28, 2020
United States
Loki Season 2

I sat down and binged Loki season 2 yesterday afternoon. I had put it to the side as by Episode 2 it hadn't really gripped me and it's a part of the Phase of marvel shows/movies where Bob chapek had taken over and gone back toe strategy of everything being a tie-in to everything else, that got Ike permutter demoted in the first place. In fact Loki specifically was going to be a catalyst of kang and Phase 5 or 6 or whatever. Yeah you know what? I guess I did have marvel fatigue. It occurs to me thats why I don't read the comics anymore. I used to be big in Marvel comics until the around the time the MCU blew up and it felt like Marvel was just a series of "events" with all single titles just being tie-ins.

I went back and gave Loki another shot for a couple reasons. The first being that I had heard good things online. In fact, I saw none of the usual "end of marvel" clickbait headlines with any relevance to Loki. Secondly and I don't think this merits a spoiler tag. This is it for the this Loki story. The director said in an interview recently that there were only two seasons planned, intentionally. That this story is self-contained. Not a cliffhanger you say? Call me shocked!

With all that I can happily say I mostly enjoyed it. It's still a bit padded with various characters arguing and fighting and not communicating which predictably ads some unnecessary altercation which drives the story forward. That said this second season moves at a very deliberate pace. Hurried really and so these little complaints I have only make about 5-10 minutes of the run on the last 4 episodes.

It did end up not only being self-contained storywise, no derailing for cameos of tie-ins, but it also actually has an ending. Quite an emotional one that, instead of "setting the stage" for some other story, actually closes some doors and leaves Loki in a very enticing place. The ending is one of those rare occasions of delivering closure. It's not gonna leave you wondering "whats next of Loki" or eyerolling about some tease.

I'm gonna give it a 7.5/10. Similar to Mooneys complaints Episodes 2-3/4 drag a tiny bit. I'm really glad I waited to watch it all in one go. It's much more entertaining.
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Elite Member
Dec 29, 2021
United States
So I didn't see anyone talking about this but I'll have a crack....

Wheel of Time Season 2
First things first. If you are a book purist, don't bother with this show. It is not the same as the books and never will be

The two Forsaken are incredible... when they are talking. Their plans are... not. The Forsaken should be failing because they are working at cross purposes. Not because some can hold a magic shield against them. Great casting. They took Lanfear in a different direction and I like this version and the books for different reason.

I feel like the money was better spent here but also there are some terrible effects and one day shot for night scene that is egregious. There is also a loose sense of place. Game of Thrones sort of had this but they also had a map... There was one instance where a character was shot with an arrow and then the archer stop shooting their friends for no reason. Which leads me to believe that there was a lot cut from the show and the edits are just not making sense. This show needs at least two episode extra per season to fit in all it wants.

Also, drop all the drama between Moiraine and Lan. It hurts the show. Moiraine and everyone else. That's great. See also: Moiraine's machinations especially when they are exposed

This show is wierd. The best episodes were in the MIDDLE. It's like the opposite of most shows. Seachan looked great and alien. Whitecloacks aren't portayed as villianous, just misguided, like the Seanchan. I think they are currently BETTER than in the books. The future of the Tower is possibly better explained and Elaida hasn't even been introduced yet.

This is a great cast who get their characters. The writers do too but it's the events and connective tissue that fails this show. The finale is not epic, and the blowing of the horn is the epitome of this. Like 80% of the way there but something is missing

This is a dramatic improvement of season 1 but still has many failings. Episode 6 is almost 10/10 though.

I was just not feeling the desire to watch this season. I loved the first few books back in the day, fell off the series hard when it went off the rails, never bothered to finish.
Watched the first season with my wife and we were both extremely MEH on the whole thing. But I also just feel that way about all the fantasy/sci-fi/genre franchise stuff: Star Wars, Marvel, Trek... it's all this mediocre content soup. I feel like this stuff should go big or go home- be extra awesome or fun or go home.

It's like when "prestige" TV became a thing and then were a million clones of Sopranos and Mad Men and Breaking Bad and it became a predictable genre. Wheel of Time just felt like the fantasy equivalent of Hell on Wheels or something.

But if it's better than season 1 and we're in the mood for something, maybe we'll check it out.


Elite Member
Dec 29, 2021
United States
With wife watching:

Alias season 4
This show is great. It's the perfect mix of stupid and fun and dramatic and preposterous. Every single decision everyone makes on this show makes us yell WTF at them and I think it's brought us closer as a couple.

The Morning Show season 3
We're still in the middle and I honestly am trying to remember if we're watching it because it's actually good or just the cast. Because it's like the Newsroom- a show I absolutely despised- but with moments of actual humor. I do genuinely like Jennifer Anniston and Reese Witherspoon a lot so that goes a long way. But man, the way they try to tackle politics is a rollercoaster of quality. I mean some moments make me cringe harder than anything else on TV but there are some good lines.
Mostly the show works because the actors and cameras make everything seem smarter and more important than they are, and that's... well, that's something.

The Gilded Age season 2
I dunno why watching rich assholes be mean to each other is entertaining to me when it's set in the past like this as opposed to in the present like Succession but there it is. Maybe it's that hats. Episode 2 literally starts with a hat montage.

On my own watching:
I think my brief dalliance's with anime is suspended- the final of Attack on Titan was fine except I didn't remember the context of anything but there sure was a lot of killing. I watched a few episodes of Demon Slayer and one episode of Yasuke and... it's all fine, I guess, none of does anything particularly interesting to keep me caring.
Blue Eye Samura benefited from being short. And yes I know Yasuke is short but while I like Lakeith Stanfield as an actor, his disaffected monotone is super boring in cartoon form.
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Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
Blue Eye Samura benefited from being short. And yes I know Yasuke is short but while I like Lakeith Stanfield as an actor, his disaffected monotone is super boring in cartoon form.
You ever seen Afro Samurai and Afro Samurai Resurrection? The original is better, but Resurrection is decent. Samurai Champloo is a great watch too.

Last edited:


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
Blue Eye Samurai is fucking awesome and went in certain directions I did and did not expect. I know this a Western show, but it's an honorary anime in my books! Bring on Season 2 and book end it there! London, here we come!
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