The Escapist Countdown to Shutdown Thread: What’s Next?

Jun 11, 2023
United States

But seeing as there are a gazillion users on there, we'll probably never run into eachother on there. I probably won't even bother participating as chats, especially highly active ones, are too fleeting for my tastes. It's like screaming into the void.

Feel free to send a DM though, name's the same.

Understandable, and Chimpzy already has a workaround for that -

For efficiency sake, maybe @JoJo can get it stickied?
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Previously known as an alleged "Feather-Rustler"
Apr 3, 2020
Corner of No and Where


Elite Member
Aug 28, 2014
Maybe I should do the big tearful goodbye thing too, just in case worst comes to worst.

Kind of wild, how long I've been, through thick and thin. I initially joined for the content. When that dried up, I stayed for the people. It's been a reliable part of my online experience for over 14 years, a place I could always come back to for a chat about stuff I like, or don't like, or just waffle about stupid shit. but who knows what will happens in the next days, weeks, months?

But if tomorrow the lights go out, and we get scattered to the void, I will miss this place. And I will miss you, even the folks I don't like so much. I truly will. I hope I'll be able to continue to see and talk with as many of you as possible, here or elsewhere, for as long as we can. Maybe some have already moved on, and they'll never read this. In that case, I wish them the very best, even though they'll never know.

Because you are the best.

I tried to get as many folks as possible. All the regulars, everyone I could find who posted in the past year, everyone who dropped in after hearing the news, and some people whom I ran across as I gathered this that fell off over the years and I found myself thinking: "Wow, I remember them. I wonder what they're up to. I hope they're well"

Here's a download link for the full image for whoever wants it:
Full res image

It's probably far from comprehansive, so if I somehow missed you and you feel you should be included, hit me up, I'd be glad to add you.
I have to say it's a little embarrassing seeing that big ass B for me. Thanks for this though, brought a smile to my face.
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Simian Abomination
Escapist +
Apr 3, 2020
When did she die? I never knew about this.
We don't know, but myself and some others suspect/fear it.

She was working as a nurse while having a history of pretty serious respiratory health issues, and dropping off suddenly after mentioning needing surgery. And all this during one of the Covid peaks.


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
It is an assumption of mine, but it's based on what she was saying about her health at the time and going in for a surgery that makes me think she likely didn't survive it. I can still hope I'm wrong but...
I won't count her out just yet. I do thank you for the info. I didn't know about the surgery part either.
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Elite Member
Nov 15, 2012
If no one with privileged access is left, I wonder how the site has remained this clean. Maybe even the bots have forgotten about it, or they only target places with a certain amount of traffic.
Eh, there is the two factor gate. And while bots are sophisticated enough to do that via email, the current iteration isn't a thousands posts/users message board to target


At age 6 I was born without a face
Jul 1, 2020
Not kidding when I say that when this forum closes there goes the majority of my social interactions. The life of an introvert. But it could've been worse - I could've never stumbled or joined here in the first place. And in the 14 years I've been part of this community I've developed quite a bit, and actually managed to let go of some unhealthy behavior due to the interactions with everyone here. It's gonna suck not being able to jump in here anymore to say my piece on whatever new anything just occured in gaming, movies, or just the world.

I'm not too keen on Discord, and it seems my email is locked out anyway. Who knows, maybe this Second Wind will eventually get a forum and we'll all meet there again, but if not...

You're a good egg, Casual Shinji. Despite never meeting (and likely stay that way), I've always felt a respect and kinship for you, at least as much as one can from forum posts. You're a thoughtful, kind and considerate person, and I'd be glad to call you a friend.

Casual Shinji

Should've gone before we left.
Jul 18, 2009
You're a good egg, Casual Shinji. Despite never meeting (and likely stay that way), I've always felt a respect and kinship for you, at least as much as one can from forum posts. You're a thoughtful, kind and considerate person, and I'd be glad to call you a friend.
Thanks man, that does an awkward soul like myself good. :') You were a solid presence on these forums yourself.

Elvis Starburst

Unprofessional Rant Artist
Aug 9, 2011
Also, made a thing.
Ah jeez, you're getting me all sentimental... both by making this at all, and by all the faces I've seen over time that I haven't seen in so long. Dammit Chimpzy, when and why did you get into the onion cutting business?!

Maybe I should do the big tearful goodbye thing too, just in case worst comes to worst.

Kind of wild, how long I've been, through thick and thin. I initially joined for the content. When that dried up, I stayed for the people. It's been a reliable part of my online experience for over 14 years, a place I could always come back to for a chat about stuff I like, or don't like, or just waffle about stupid shit. but who knows what will happens in the next days, weeks, months?

But if tomorrow the lights go out, and we get scattered to the void, I will miss this place. And I will miss you, even the folks I don't like so much. I truly will. I hope I'll be able to continue to see and talk with as many of you as possible, here or elsewhere, for as long as we can. Maybe some have already moved on, and they'll never read this. In that case, I wish them the very best, even though they'll never know.

Because you are the best.
But I'll echo your sentiments. This place has been a part of my life for years, and it does sadden me to think one day I'll wake up, and see nothing from any of you. I know we've jested and ribbed about how low-traffic and niche we've been since, well, forever, but it is MY niche, and I don't want to see it simply shut off like a light switch. I actually prefer the intimacy of seeing only a handful of names, each I recognize, and each I feel I "know" in my own way.
Not kidding when I say that when this forum closes there goes the majority of my social interactions. The life of an introvert. But it could've been worse - I could've never stumbled or joined here in the first place. And in the 14 years I've been part of this community I've developed quite a bit, and actually managed to let go of some unhealthy behavior due to the interactions with everyone here. It's gonna suck not being able to jump in here anymore to say my piece on whatever new anything just occured in gaming, movies, or just the world.
Aww, you guys... :c

I honestly forgot how long I'd been here for until I looked again, and man... 12 years. That's insane to think. I wasn't even in my 20's at the time that I joined. So much of my life has changed during that time, and so much has happened. I can't even begin to parse just how much of the biggest turning points in my life was in just half that time, let alone the full 12 years. Hell, a lot of people here likely know of those moments in time, cause I remember making threads at some of the best and worst of them when I needed it. I gotta say though, it was nice being here during all of it. I agree with Xprimentyl in that this place was a niche that worked for me. Niche has always been my vibe.

I know for sure I was not always the most ideal poster, cause sometimes I'd let my emotions get ahead of me, or I'd have dumbass opinions that I didn't think through well enough or hadn't researched enough and was correctly called out for it. But especially in the early years of my time here... that's what helped me grow. I learned a lot through my experiences on The Escapist, and for that I'm grateful for it. I know I didn't get along with everyone here, but who has?
I'll never know if I'm looked at as fondly to others as I may feel towards them, but there's a hell of a lot of people here I'll miss seeing on the daily if this place goes. It's too bad my biases towards the where in the equation means that the connections may fade over time.
But hey, it's been a good run regardless


Became a mass murderer for your sake
Sep 23, 2010
Just off-screen
Not kidding when I say that when this forum closes there goes the majority of my social interactions. The life of an introvert.
Same. Well maybe not 'majority', because I see a bunch of people at work, but I'll say the majority of interactions I'm actually interested in.
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Jun 11, 2023
United States
Watch, a year from now we’ll still be here, doing GotY 2024 predictions and someone will causally mention, “Hey, remember last year when we thought this place was going bye-bye?”

And then it’ll happen and we’ll be digging up the discord server.


The face I make when I see unguarded pie.
Jan 9, 2011
Speaking of missing faces, I've been wondering about ObsidianJones. I remember he was really struggling and trying to escape the US to somewhere a little safer and more suited to him. I think he was trying to finish his education and leave for Canada, but I'm not certain. Hope he made it.

There was another dude from eastern Canada I remember as well, but I can't place his name. Worked in a factory out that way, and stopped posting around the time a lot of people got laid off from manufacturing jobs. I don't recall agreeing with a lot of his views, but I hope he's doing alright.
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Simian Abomination
Escapist +
Apr 3, 2020
here was another dude from eastern Canada I remember as well, but I can't place his name. Worked in a factory out that way, and stopped posting around the time a lot of people got laid off from manufacturing jobs. I don't recall agreeing with a lot of his views, but I hope he's doing alright.
Was it Zhukov? Cuz he popped in yesterday. Didn't say that much, but seemed like he's ok.
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Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
happyninja42 went MIA since late 2022. He had stopped posting around October of that year.


Simian Abomination
Escapist +
Apr 3, 2020
Ok, updated the collage to include Kwak whom I had shamefully missed, Zhukov and Goremocker for dropping in after so long, and some more familiar faces who made the move to v2 but stopped frequenting. I've updated the original post, but here is everything again.
The Escapist Forums2.jpg

EDIT: updated with yet more people
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