Funny events in anti-woke world


Elite Member
Apr 24, 2020
United States
Perhaps Boston University is in a better place to judge the value of their own expenditures than you are, if you're basing this on....Google searches and a skim-read of a bibliography from 14 years ago. They are likely to have a more substantial perspective on his work than you.
By that do you mean virtue-signaling in hopes of getting more donations from gullible people then yes I agree.

Cicada 5

Elite Member
Apr 16, 2015

I can't speak for anyone else, but much of the anime I've watched didn't have slavery and if it did, it was something the villain engaged in.


Elite Member
Apr 24, 2020
United States
Some levity, and I'm putting this here instead of the Woke thread because... well it's the bigger thread I guess. As the caption says, I just don't know.

Given that China doesn't have favorable geography, doesn't attract the best and brightest, and doesn't have the language of academia, science, and technology. Rich Chinese and anyone who is upper middle class and above are fleeing China. Why build AI companies in China for example when the government can seize your company and kick you out of the board, and Executive suite? And it's sad too, that BYD, and many innovative products, and people come from China but refuse to allow that innovation to take root.

But ironically it wasn't the Americans that rigged the game, it was Earth that did so. China is surrounded by hostile neighbors to its interests.


Elite Member
Mar 8, 2013
The Netherlands

I can't speak for anyone else, but much of the anime I've watched didn't have slavery and if it did, it was something the villain engaged in.
I think specifically harem anime have the main character be a ''good'' slave owner and end up having slaves he treats ''well' as part of the harem.


Elite Member
Mar 8, 2013
The Netherlands
Some levity, and I'm putting this here instead of the Woke thread because... well it's the bigger thread I guess. As the caption says, I just don't know.

Its funny the UK is on both side of the fight. Maybe the point of the picture is that the UK is playing both sides before trying to seize power themselves?


The Muse of Fate
Apr 3, 2020
w/ M'Kraan Crystal
The alt-right doesn't have allies. It has a doctrine, and anyone who falls out of lockstep with it for even a moment will find a bayonet in their back.
You're legit actually saying this not ironically?

The second a person on the left says something that is just in the orbit of a right narrative, they get branded as right-wing by the left.


Elite Member
Mar 20, 2010
It was self-defense. I don't know why you care so much about stuff that doesn't matter.
Because just looking at the stuff actually relevant to the charges doesn't support their position. So him being from the next town over ("crossing state lines") and the like become important because they feel like that lets them ignore the right to self defense.

I honestly think if the same series of events happened but it were some variety of right-wing protest and someone opposing them that did the shooting BrawlMan would have exactly the opposite view, because it's not about the details of the shootings to him, but about which sides the parties were on.

stupid lawsuits either because that's what the ones against Rittenhouse are, stupid. I hope he countersues and wins
It'll probably come down to if he can afford to fight it. The difference in standards of evidence might bite him, but you'd think the part where Grosskreutz testified that after he approached he lowered his hands and pointed his gun at Rittenhouse before Rittenhouse shot him would ruin a civil case the same way it basically decided that criminal charge. I figure in the civil trial he's going to backpedal on that answer hard and try to come up with a framing where he didn't perjure himself but also didn't do the thing he said he did in the criminal trial.

Not too surprised by this, more surprised it's being framed in terms of property rights. The notion being that the "property" they're being stripped of is the defense provided by an expired statute of limitations. I'd be curious what kind of defense they were expecting priests accused of doing stuff in the 1970s to be able to raise other than trying to fight the legality of revoking the statute of limitations? I guess the expectation was that the accusations would be made, the priests wouldn't be able to prove anything about where and when and what was happening 50 years ago and that would be it.

Funny how selective outrage works when Kern is charging about $500 more only for 4 copies of the game, 4 lots of early access and actual stuff to be put in game, has been keeping his backers updated while said Chuck Tingle game has been radio silent since 2018.
That's largely because of who is behind it and the degree to which they are bulletproof regardless of what they do.

Most people of the black community didn't praise the fucker,
Sure, but the ones that did were certainly the loudest. I was in high school when the trial happened and you could hear "THE JUICE IS LOOSE!" echoing through the halls when he was found not guilty. Literally groups roving the halls screaming it at top volume. For the rest of the day. It was kind of obnoxious.

I don't start shit by shooting people
...another demonstration you are either ignorant of trial evidence or just willfully ignore it. I'd say I was surprised, but not really.

and try to run away/
Like he did when Rosenbaum first attacked him, but wasn't fast enough to actually escape?

hide from the consequences
By trying to turn himself in that night, failing because the police were idiots, and then turning himself in the following day? Or is the problem that he actually mounted a successful defense in court?


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
Sure, but the ones that did were certainly the loudest. I was in high school when the trial happened and you could hear "THE JUICE IS LOOSE!" echoing through the halls when he was found not guilty. Literally groups roving the halls screaming it at top volume. For the rest of the day. It was kind of obnoxious.
And they are an idiotic vocal of minority. No more and no less.

As for the rest of your nonsensical and victim blaming stuff with Rittenhouse, I don't care. All your arguments are full of crap and the same thing over and over. Don't even bother responding to me on this again, because you're not going to get any different results. The man is a coward that took the law into his own hands and crossed to a different state he had no business being in. A wannabe vigilante cop running away from this consequences and crying like he's the victim and lost something when his ass should be rotting in jail. He has nowhere else to go. Unless you want to suck his dick that badly and give him all your money, he's not getting out of this. I highly doubt your money, Dwarvenhobble no Phoenixmgs money combined would be able to help him much. And even if it did, Ritts would happily drop your ass and ditch you the moment you are no longer needed. Tucker Carlson (ironic because all those conservatives that were behind him abandoned him too, and it's so called fans didn't buy his crappy book), the KKK, Proud Boys, and those so-called cops that protect the peace in that specific state, all abandon him either out of convenience, you have failed me (Rittenhouse sucking up to BLM and failing horribly), or ran away from him and pretended not to know Ritts, when the consequences were about to come knocking. No American military wants his dumb and crazy ass either. The man is a colossal failure and his own worst enemy. He has no one to blame but himself and those that tried to cover and save them for the consequences just for some political gain and power. Fuck him. Fuck the people making excuses or trying/tried to support him knowing how awful of a person he is. You support a murderer. Not a self-defender, nor is he a man protecting the weak. He's another selfish biatch in a box-stand that's only out for himself, and you love him for it. The Thing (from the horror movie by John Carpenter) has more class than all of you. Deuces.


The Muse of Fate
Apr 3, 2020
w/ M'Kraan Crystal
Because just looking at the stuff actually relevant to the charges doesn't support their position. So him being from the next town over ("crossing state lines") and the like become important because they feel like that lets them ignore the right to self defense.

I honestly think if the same series of events happened but it were some variety of right-wing protest and someone opposing them that did the shooting BrawlMan would have exactly the opposite view, because it's not about the details of the shootings to him, but about which sides the parties were on.
I was a juror on a case about excessive force by a cop that lasted a week, and only about 5 minutes of testimony actually mattered in the whole trial. It was my one and only time as a juror so far and at the start of the trial, I was taking notes and stuff to make sure I'm doing a good job and all. But like after lunch on the 1st day or the 2nd day, I'm like none of this shit is important yet so there's really no point in taking notes and I completely stopped.

A cop punched a dude in the face and broke his jaw and the guy was suing for excessive force. The plaintiff didn't remember anything as he left a party after an altercation there so he had no testimony. The cop said the guy came towards him. The girlfriend and her sister both also saw the incident; one said the guy didn't move towards the cop and the other one said he did move towards the cop. If one of your own witnesses says your guy moved towards the cop, then a punch isn't excessive. The plaintiff's lawyer knew he wasn't doing to well and he actually asked the cop why he didn't shoot instead because that would be less excessive... It took like everything for me to not bust out laughing at the ridiculousness of that argument.

Yeah, BrawlMan is not a rational person. When full video of the incidents isn't convincing, then there's nothing that he change his mind on anything. Also, the jurors on the case know the case inside and out and they all agreed on their decision (these decisions are unanimous, it's not like it was 7-5 on the jury that Rittenhouse was deemed not guilty, it was 12-0). To act like you know more about the case than they do is great hubris and ignorance.


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
The only irrational people here are you @Phoenixmgs, @Schadrach, & @Dwarvenhobble. All any of you do is make excuses for assholes in power or try to act like they never did anything wrong. Wouldn't surprise me a bunch of cowards like you would support a coward like Rittenhouse. You can spin it any way you want or try to victim blame or make any pathetic excuses for him. The man is in a living hell and you know it. A living hell he created for himself. Once again he is his own worst enemy and brought it all upon himself. The military don't want them, because he broke civil rules and is not their mentally. They don't want a man like that behind a gun, nor given any type of authority. They made the actual right call and proper use of their authority. More than those cops ever did in their entire lifetime. The cops don't want him either, cuz he refused several other offers, or once again, they didn't want to be associated when consequences came knocking. Those cops should also stand trial as well for letting him in the first place. They should be fired and face prison time for openly working with a vigilante. The only reason they let him in id because he happens to have the privilege of being a straight white male they indoctrinated with their pathetic racist and sexist views.


Elite Member
Sep 16, 2014
United States

Weebs: Feminists? In my Japan? I don't think so!
"Rarely allowed to portray sexy girls"

What in the denying reality is going on here? Like, I don't even seek this stuff out, but there's a nude Lulu in 1/6th of Bravern and a top 3 anticipated scene in Dungeon Meshi was a nude bath scene with both main women

Is it because there might be less school girls and more women?


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America

It ain't 2015 anymore, your ppl have moved on to newer more intense strawmen, the carried water has long gone stagnent, plz do keep up.
It's the same people trying to start Gamergate 2: Electric Pathetic Boo. The "war" is never over for them.

"Rarely allowed to portray sexy girls"

What in the denying reality is going on here? Like, I don't even seek this stuff out, but there's a nude Lulu in 1/6th of Bravern and a top 3 anticipated scene in Dungeon Meshi was a nude bath scene with both main women

Is it because there might be less school girls and more women?
They know what's actually up, but I don't want to physically admit it unless it's something they're not into as much or like down playing to appear to be normal. These fools ain't pulling no one but themselves and each other.
I guess the feminists are taking away their lolis now.
They never took much to begin with. But even if they did, oh no what a nightmare. How about you guys actually go out and test the entire forest?


The Muse of Fate
Apr 3, 2020
w/ M'Kraan Crystal
The only irrational people here are you @Phoenixmgs, @Schadrach, & @Dwarvenhobble. All any of you do is make excuses for assholes in power or try to act like they never did anything wrong. Wouldn't surprise me a bunch of cowards like you would support a coward like Rittenhouse. You can spin it any way you want or try to victim blame or make any pathetic excuses for him. The man is in a living hell and you know it. A living hell he created for himself. Once again he is his own worst enemy and brought it all upon himself. The military don't want them, because he broke civil rules and is not their mentally. They don't want a man like that behind a gun, nor given any type of authority. They made the actual right call and proper use of their authority. More than those cops ever did in their entire lifetime. The cops don't want him either, cuz he refused several other offers, or once again, they didn't want to be associated when consequences came knocking. Those cops should also stand trial as well for letting him in the first place. They should be fired and face prison time for openly working with a vigilante. The only reason they let him in id because he happens to have the privilege of being a straight white male they indoctrinated with their pathetic racist and sexist views.
It's not making excuses for anyone or supporting anyone. It's just basic application of the law. It doesn't matter who the person was whether it was Rittenhouse, you, Ronald McDonald, etc.


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
Whatever shit you have to say Phoenixmgs, I'm not reading.

A reminder everyone, that Rittenhouse was hiding at his sister's and cousin's house when trying to avoid the lawsuits that are still active right now that are still active right now. Yet had plenty of time to try to get his dumbass into the army and fail, cuz he put himself on video doing something stupid he shouldn't have. Thus the army rejected him and they probably didn't want that hotness attached to them. I can't blame them either way and they made the right call.


The Muse of Fate
Apr 3, 2020
w/ M'Kraan Crystal
Whatever shit you have to say Phoenixmgs, I'm not reading.

A reminder everyone, that Rittenhouse was hiding at his sister's and cousin's house when trying to avoid the lawsuits that are still active right now that are still active right now. Yet had plenty of time to try to get his dumbass into the army and fail, cuz he put himself on video doing something stupid he shouldn't have. Thus the army rejected him and they probably didn't want that hotness attached to them. I can't blame them either way and they made the right call.
Why are you so mad at this person? Must be exhausting constantly being so upset all the time.