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Dirty Hipsters

This is how we praise the sun!
Feb 7, 2011
3 children in a trench coat
The Book of Clarence

A biblical fiction in which Clarance, a drug dealer who owes money to a gangster, meets Jesus and his disciples. Clarance decides to pretend to be a rival messiah in order to doop money from followers to pay off his debt. After gaining followers and notoriety he gets arrested by the Romans, who want him to reveal the location of Jesus to them. Clarance chooses not to betray Jesus, ends up performing real miracles, and is crucified.

This is a very strange movie and I don't understand the point of it or why it exists.

The movie has a good cast with a lot of actors I actually really like. LaKeith Stanfield, Michael Ward, Nicholas Pinnock, Babs Olusanmokun, James McAvoy, and Benedict Cumberbatch are all really great actors but the entire time I was watching the movie I was just rather unimpressed with all of them.

The movie feels like it doesn't know what it wants to be. It starts off as a religious comedy/spoof, kind of a The Life of Brian, but then halfway through the movie takes a hard right turn into just being The Passion of the Christ (but for black people) with all pretense of levity gone. The comedy part of it isn't that funny, and the serious drama doesn't really work either because of the weird religious fanfiction aspect to it.

Halfway through the movie Clarance starts acting like he actually believes himself to be a Messiah figure, he even starts to perform real miracles like walking on water. He gets tortured and crucified, like Jesus, and he even gives the "forgive them for they know not what they do" speech and gets stabbed with the spear of destiny by Pontius Pilate. Clarance literally fills the Jesus role, except that Jesus is ALSO in the movie. After Clarance dies on the cross and is buried in a cave (exactly like Jesus, with a stone covering the entrance) Jesus comes and resurects him. We are told that Jesus is ALSO going to get crucified a day later (presumably in the exact same way).

What is the point of making Clarance figuratively Jesus if you're also going to literally have Jesus there? It's not so there would be a black Jesus analogue, because the Jesus in this movie is also black.

I don't understand what they were going for at all, and I'm not sure they do either. There's some allegories of Romans being cops and "over-policing" the black community, but this is more of a tangent the story takes rather than being the point of it.

It really feels like LaKeith Stanfield did Judas and the Black Massiah, and during the filling of that movie someone got high and went "what if we did a biblical fiction where YOU were a black messiah?" and then no additional thought was put into what the movie would actually be about.

So yeah, it's weird and unfocused, and I don't think it's very good. I watched the whole thing being fascinated with "where are they going with this" and the answer was apparently "fucking nowhere."

I don't know, maybe I'm just too white and too non-religious to "get" it.


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
The Book of Clarence

A biblical fiction in which Clarance, a drug dealer who owes money to a gangster, meets Jesus and his disciples. Clarance decides to pretend to be a rival messiah in order to doop money from followers to pay off his debt. After gaining followers and notoriety he gets arrested by the Romans, who want him to reveal the location of Jesus to them. Clarance chooses not to betray Jesus, ends up performing real miracles, and is crucified.

This is a very strange movie and I don't understand the point of it or why it exists.

The movie has a good cast with a lot of actors I actually really like. LaKeith Stanfield, Michael Ward, Nicholas Pinnock, Babs Olusanmokun, James McAvoy, and Benedict Cumberbatch are all really great actors but the entire time I was watching the movie I was just rather unimpressed with all of them.

The movie feels like it doesn't know what it wants to be. It starts off as a religious comedy/spoof, kind of a The Life of Brian, but then halfway through the movie takes a hard right turn into just being The Passion of the Christ (but for black people) with all pretense of levity gone. The comedy part of it isn't that funny, and the serious drama doesn't really work either because of the weird religious fanfiction aspect to it.

Halfway through the movie Clarance starts acting like he actually believes himself to be a Messiah figure, he even starts to perform real miracles like walking on water. He gets tortured and crucified, like Jesus, and he even gives the "forgive them for they know not what they do" speech and gets stabbed with the spear of destiny by Pontius Pilate. Clarance literally fills the Jesus role, except that Jesus is ALSO in the movie. After Clarance dies on the cross and is buried in a cave (exactly like Jesus, with a stone covering the entrance) Jesus comes and resurects him. We are told that Jesus is ALSO going to get crucified a day later (presumably in the exact same way).

What is the point of making Clarance figuratively Jesus if you're also going to literally have Jesus there? It's not so there would be a black Jesus analogue, because the Jesus in this movie is also black.

I don't understand what they were going for at all, and I'm not sure they do either. There's some allegories of Romans being cops and "over-policing" the black community, but this is more of a tangent the story takes rather than being the point of it.

It really feels like LaKeith Stanfield did Judas and the Black Massiah, and during the filling of that movie someone got high and went "what if we did a biblical fiction where YOU were a black messiah?" and then no additional thought was put into what the movie would actually be about.

So yeah, it's weird and unfocused, and I don't think it's very good. I watched the whole thing being fascinated with "where are they going with this" and the answer was apparently "fucking nowhere."

I don't know, maybe I'm just too white and too non-religious to "get" it.
Thanks. I was debating on seeing this, but something felt off. You saved me 2+ hours.

Dirty Hipsters

This is how we praise the sun!
Feb 7, 2011
3 children in a trench coat
Thanks. I was debating on seeing this, but something felt off. You saved me 2+ hours.
I was actually kind of hoping you would or had seen it, I was curious to get your thoughts.
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Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
I was actually kind of hoping you would or had seen it, I was curious to get your thoughts.
Yeah, I am more than likely not going to see this movie. I appreciate and thank you for wanting an alternate perspective, but I go so much other stuff to catch up on. Everything you described sounds like copy cat fan-fiction, and I see no point in watching.


Unrealistic but happy
May 13, 2009
Probably my favorite MCU film. Right now, Dark Knight is my over-all favorite. (Honorable mention to Good Fellas) It's a movie that, if I see it's on and say, "I'll watch a little for the fun stuff" and find myself watching the whole movie. Winter Soldier is in that league.

My biggest complain? Like many other movies, they have something happen that you have to believe this guy should be dead but the plot armor says they are not.

But overall? Marvel's best.


Elite Member
Apr 5, 2020
United States
Probably my favorite MCU film. Right now, Dark Knight is my over-all favorite. (Honorable mention to Good Fellas) It's a movie that, if I see it's on and say, "I'll watch a little for the fun stuff" and find myself watching the whole movie. Winter Soldier is in that league.

My biggest complain? Like many other movies, they have something happen that you have to believe this guy should be dead but the plot armor says they are not.

But overall? Marvel's best.
Definitely high ranking for me. Not my favorite, unless I end up changing my mind during rewatches, but still very good.


Elite Member
Apr 5, 2020
United States

Casual Shinji

Should've gone before we left.
Jul 18, 2009
Just watched Godzilla: Minus One and... I don't know. Certainly not as good as Shin Godzilla, but seeing as that's the only other Japanese Godzilla movie I've seen I can't judge Minus One on its Godzilla quality. What I can judge it on is acting quality and unfortunately this is not terribly good. Even accounting for how Japan might approach acting this is just kinda hokey - I can't say I felt this awkwardness when watching Battle Royale, Kikujiro, Audition, or even Shin Godzilla.

It also doesn't seem to feel its size. It takes place in the aftermath of World War 2, the aftermath of the nuclear strikes on Nagasaki and Hiroshima, yet you never really get a sense of the nation wide trauma. We get a handful of people and one or two crowd scenes showing discontent at the state of the country due to the war, but this rather pales in comparison to movies like Grave of the Fireflies and Barefoot Gen which manage to drench you in post-war depression. But maybe I'm asking too much from what is ultimately a summer blockbuster.

There's two moments that were very convenient to a ludicrous degree. Like when Koichi finds a tripped Noriko in a crowd of hundreds of feeling people, or Mizushima's entourage of tugboats managing to tie themselves to the two main warships in a matter of minutes.

There's also some rather dire sequel baiting that honestly felt like it came out of left field, considering the message of this movie.
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The Muse of Fate
Apr 3, 2020
w/ M'Kraan Crystal
Boy Kills World - 6/10

It's a basic revenge action movie where a kid gets trained after his parents are killed his whole life to get revenge. The action scenes are mostly pretty solid and inventive enough. I feel like the camera was a just a bit too close to make out exactly what was happening all the time or maybe just not enough long shots. I really dug the movie's quirkiness; loved the Archer voice over, loved how eccentric the evil family was. The movie was great fun until the fucking plot twist that really makes everything make no fucking sense. It also completely changes what characters you care about / are routing for to the point where I didn't even care at all at the end.

What I can judge it on is acting quality and unfortunately this is not terribly good. Even accounting for how Japan might approach acting this is just kinda hokey - I can't say I felt this awkwardness when watching Battle Royale, Kikujiro, Audition, or even Shin Godzilla.
It's like the actors thought they were in some wacky drama the way they were acting when the movie was definitely going for a serious tone. I usually don't have a problem with acting in Asian movies honestly whether it be Battle Royale, The Handmaiden, Infernal Affairs, etc.


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Apr 5, 2020
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Apr 5, 2020
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My dice apparently loves coincidental review timing.



Unrealistic but happy
May 13, 2009
I love this movie. Though, you can ask why RDJ didn't also voice Ultron: he's supposed to have Tony's personality and I think it shows.
We got Wanda and Silver, Hulk Buster Armor fight and Vision. Lot of fun dialogue and some cringe. OK, Tony wanting Prima Nocta rights was icky. But I can understand BW lament of what they did to her in her training. I enjoyed the team just hanging, drinking and trying to lift Thor's Hammer (which would later become relevant).
For me, pre-End Game, this movie is still in the top 1/2 of Marvel movies.


Elite Member
Apr 5, 2020
United States
I love this movie. Though, you can ask why RDJ didn't also voice Ultron: he's supposed to have Tony's personality and I think it shows.
We got Wanda and Silver, Hulk Buster Armor fight and Vision. Lot of fun dialogue and some cringe. OK, Tony wanting Prima Nocta rights was icky. But I can understand BW lament of what they did to her in her training. I enjoyed the team just hanging, drinking and trying to lift Thor's Hammer (which would later become relevant).
For me, pre-End Game, this movie is still in the top 1/2 of Marvel movies.
It wasn't so much BW's lamenting that bothered me as the way the movie framed it, by making it seem comparable to Bruce Banner's situation. Just felt not right. And yeah, that Prima Nocta joke was eyebrow-raising, to say the least. As for Ultron's voice, apparently it's been said they never considered anyone but James Spader for the role.
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Apr 5, 2020
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Elite Member
Dec 29, 2021
United States
The Monsterverse movies:

Godzilla (2014)
Kong: Skull Island
Godzilla: King of the Monsters
Godzilla vs King Kong
Godzilla x Kong = New Diet Monster Empire Squared or Whatever They're Calling These Things

Yeah I was in the mood for some dumb monster shit I guess, mostly inspired by multiple IRL peeps hyping up that AppleTV+ show set in this rebooted mega-umbrella property owning empire that smashed these 100 year old properties and rips them away from any of the relevant thematic context they came from in order to deliver mindless spectacle.

Funny enough the first of these does try to be a real movie, serving as a sort of respectful tribute to the original Godzilla and a corrective to the 1998 movie and honestly anything we as a society can do to clean up the cultural horror that was the late 90's the better we'll all be for it anyway. Having Bryan Cranston and then Ken Watanable try to carry the emotional stakes is the best you can do in this circumstance and they're compelling as always. But I was mostly bored and I felt bad about that because I recognized they were trying here.

I think the reason I felt more connected to the Planet of the Apes remake trilogy is that the creature-feature hook and the character were the same person: Caeser. We see his journey and I was compelled. Godzilla can never be the character- sure sometimes you can sympathize when he's being tricked and they certainly make him a hero by making him the protector of earth but he's not a person, they give us a series of actual human person we're supposed to care for. But then with each movie as the spectacle gets more and more insane it drowns out the character moments. I just didn't care about 11 from Stranger Things and her dumb family as people.

By the last two movies every human is a Borderlands characters because now there's just too many monsters. In the one where they introduce King Gidorah they also introduce like 5 others and I knew this would happen. Well it's fun, you know, well produced as expected. Kinda like "playing" Final Fantasy 16 hahah come on you knew I had to make that completely original joke no one else is comparing them....

I guess King Kong by the end got the most "arc" because he's threatened, displaced, and in the last movie we get Even Worse Apes.


The Big Engine
Apr 3, 2020
The Monsterverse movies:

Godzilla (2014)
Kong: Skull Island
Godzilla: King of the Monsters
Godzilla vs King Kong
Godzilla x Kong = New Diet Monster Empire Squared or Whatever They're Calling These Things

Yeah I was in the mood for some dumb monster shit I guess, mostly inspired by multiple IRL peeps hyping up that AppleTV+ show set in this rebooted mega-umbrella property owning empire that smashed these 100 year old properties and rips them away from any of the relevant thematic context they came from in order to deliver mindless spectacle.

Funny enough the first of these does try to be a real movie, serving as a sort of respectful tribute to the original Godzilla and a corrective to the 1998 movie and honestly anything we as a society can do to clean up the cultural horror that was the late 90's the better we'll all be for it anyway. Having Bryan Cranston and then Ken Watanable try to carry the emotional stakes is the best you can do in this circumstance and they're compelling as always. But I was mostly bored and I felt bad about that because I recognized they were trying here.

I think the reason I felt more connected to the Planet of the Apes remake trilogy is that the creature-feature hook and the character were the same person: Caeser. We see his journey and I was compelled. Godzilla can never be the character- sure sometimes you can sympathize when he's being tricked and they certainly make him a hero by making him the protector of earth but he's not a person, they give us a series of actual human person we're supposed to care for. But then with each movie as the spectacle gets more and more insane it drowns out the character moments. I just didn't care about 11 from Stranger Things and her dumb family as people.

By the last two movies every human is a Borderlands characters because now there's just too many monsters. In the one where they introduce King Gidorah they also introduce like 5 others and I knew this would happen. Well it's fun, you know, well produced as expected. Kinda like "playing" Final Fantasy 16 hahah come on you knew I had to make that completely original joke no one else is comparing them....

I guess King Kong by the end got the most "arc" because he's threatened, displaced, and in the last movie we get Even Worse Apes.
Its funny because King of the Monsters was the only one I liked. I didn't like the first one because everyone was hyping up Cranston - who I find insufferable and no Breaking Bad was not revelatory for me so fuck off with that shit, Internet - who then died and we're left with his idiot son. Why we're not with Dr. Serizawa and Admiral Stenz all the time is beyond me but there you go. Plus the movie had a bad habit of blue-balling the audience on monster action. I get they didn't want to go overboard but it was never going to be Gojira from '54 and it was arrogant to try.

The rest of them had Kong in them and outside the 1934 film which I respect as a piece of film history rather than actually like, I didn't bother because if I'm gonna pay money to see something smash up a building it better be a giant radiation Tyrannosaurus dragon, or a three headed space lightning dragon. Hell I will watch a solo movie about Mothra before I watch another Kong movie.