Game Articles and Videos Thread

Jun 11, 2023
United States
Sony Hates Bloodborne
It’s because the leaders at Sony who gave a fuck about their earlier IP’s have left, and their replacements don’t have a clue what to do next even when it’s right under their noses. It’s like Astro Bot was a tease reminding us of what was and may never be again.
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Elite Member
Jun 8, 2015
Seattle, WA

Ahh yes, an apology 10 years late from IGN. Better late than never, I guess.

You know, I don't think the review score would've received as much backlash (still would've gotten lots, though) if they didn't give 9.1 for COD AW and 8.0 for Goat Simulator that year
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Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America

Ahh yes, an apology 10 years late from IGN. Better late than never, I guess.

You know, I don't think the review score would've received as much backlash (still would've gotten lots, though) if they didn't give 9.1 for COD AW and 8.0 for Goat Simulator that year
History repeats itself as they did the same for God 👊 Hand. I find it funny they do these defense videos, yet only after everybody else on YouTube has long defended these games. Who the hell you are trying to fool IGN?

When so many videos had done better defenses over a decade ago.

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Elite Member
Jun 8, 2015
Seattle, WA
History repeats itself as they did the same for God 👊 Hand. I find that funny. They do lose defense videos yet after everybody else on YouTube has long defended these games. Who the hell you are trying to fool IGN?

When so many videos had done better defenses over a decade ago.

Oh just wait until they make another one of these videos for Pokemon games. Let's see how they backtrack from criticizing HGSS for "It's a remake" or more infamous "Too much water" for ORAS.
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Elite Member
May 29, 2007
United States

Ahh yes, an apology 10 years late from IGN. Better late than never, I guess.

You know, I don't think the review score would've received as much backlash (still would've gotten lots, though) if they didn't give 9.1 for COD AW and 8.0 for Goat Simulator that year
Game's okay. Anniversary review is shallow. There's so much to dislike about this game, yet he could barely think of anything.

For example, how far too generous the crafting materials and resources are on even the higher difficulties and how boring it is that nearly all of 'em are just thrown or placed as mines, but on the highest difficulty IIRC some become TOO rare and the alien becomes too much of a satellite.

Should have let you make your own difficulty by adjusting each of the parameters: alien, items, HUD (whose absence is annoying on the highest because the level design doesn't really have a natural flow like those of the better survival horror games of old).

Old tech comes off as more stupid than in original movie.

Interacting with devices feels like playing with dumb toys.

He's also wrong about the difficulty. Only so hard if it's baby's first stealth game. I mostly didn't wait like the original reviewer apparently did, I progressed as the alien searched.

Story was shitty.

Wanted a sequel as much as anyone, for a time, but fans make me wanna be the contrarian by overrating it significantly.


Elite Member
May 29, 2007
United States
The rounded monitors from the movie I'm okay with because it gives the feeling of them looking back at you. But then you also have stereos, cassette tapes, big printers, AA batteries... Even filmmakers and science fiction artists in the 1970s would have thought this (then) present day tech was dumb.

Dumbest of all is the release for the docking clamp. They designed it like the nuclear self-destruct in Alien and even write "nuclear bolt" on the screen. It's just a docking clamp. Nostalgia-mining is so dumb sometimes.



Elite Member
May 29, 2007
United States
HUD removal on the highest difficulty is mostly fine, but health indicator should have stayed. She would always know the shape she is in.

Other AI is actually dumb. The humans see their buddies getting killed by the alien in the same room and still they shoot at Ripley when she's discovered and draw the alien. Developers don't think enough about behavior when designing AI.

Elaborating on the middling level design that's reliant on the pointer... Without the pointer, it took me an annoying length of time that I'm too embarrassed to specify to get from the Martial's Office back to Ski/Med Tower. Yet using the pointer feels too much like hand-holding. Sevastapol is a bad maze that really needs proper signs and maps on the walls, like any international airport. I couldn't use the pause map because Nightmare disables it. If getting to the map progression standard of something like old Resident Evil makes the game somewhat shorter, so be it.

Don't know how the IGN writer can possibly say that it wasn't too long. There's too little variety in the things you do (fixing the most broken down space station in the universe, next to the one in Dead Space) to carry the game for that long, too many tedious baby puzzles.

Stupid that an old handgun blows up an alien's skull in Aliens, but all the guns in this game do nothing. If they wanted an invincible enemy, they shouldn't have put guns in the game. So goofy. But they were very liberal with the alien. It's much bigger than in Alien and Aliens and doesn't stand the same. Stands like a dinosaur instead of a hunched over human. Look at the feet.

Making Amanda Ripley the protagonist was a mistake. Now I have to think she went through this big adventure when I watch that short scene in the Special Edition of Aliens. Actually, who am I kidding? The theatrical cut is the default. It's a better cut. Ripley didn't have a daughter, because if she did she'd be the worst mother for leaving her for months or years on end. Also makes Newt feel like a weird replacement and makes the mother-daughter theme too on the noise. It's not like Ellen Ripley needs that motivation to protect Newt, after they bonded. A good adult should do that anyway.

The exploration of the derelict is actually dull, because it plays out almost exactly like in the movie and doesn't let you do anything but walk forward. Aliens came out seven years after but still didn't waste the viewer's time by showing that again. There is only an external shot of it with Newt in the big vehicle with her family in the Special Edition. You also play that chapter as another character, who could have simply told Ripley/the player what happened.

Really wish they would have used egg-morphing. That they had shown it. The developer said in an interview that there is a queen somewhere on the ship, but the positions of the eggs don't make sense for that. It's implied in the original Alien, either cut, that the alien can reproduce, but for some lame reason all media after Aliens has to say there is a queen. How far-fetched is it that the one facehugger that the ship brought back was a queen? The solitary alien in the original movie was scarier.

Basically this:

"Aliens is a fun movie but what frustrates me about it is that it takes a concept that was inscrutable, symbolizing an uncaring universe, and diminishes it so we can relate to it. The aliens are now just man-sized bugs with a hive and a queen. It's unclear to what extent the creature in the first movie even thinks, or if it does if its thoughts could ever be understood by us, but in Aliens the queen clearly has a bitchy domineering personality and sort of becomes a Disney villain, fighting Ripley at the end over who gets to be Newt's new mother. Cameron has a way of turning everything into a cartoon."

He could have also talked about some of the technical issues. The (choppy) cutscenes looked like the devs ran them through the lowest settings in Handbrake. Check out those marcoblocks.

I extracted one of the USM video files and found it's MPEG-1. Who in their right mind still compressed videos for PC monitors and HD televisions in MPEG-1 in 2014? I wanted to compress a video in MPEG-1, MPEG-2 and 4 to see what the visual difference is, but Handbrake doesn't even have an option for outputting in MPEG-1, because it's so dated and obsolete. 12 Mbps for 1080p is kind of low, but I've seen videos at the same bitrate that look much better, only they aren't in MPEG-1.

The extracted MPEG videos are a solid 30 fps, not below 20 as rendered in the game. Knowing nothing about game code, I tried simply renaming the extension on the extracted file to see if the cutscene would play smoothly, but it didn't work. Don't think it's a problem with the USM format. Witcher 2 had USM files that played fine. Isolation is just broken, can't play the videos back right.



Elite Member
May 29, 2007
United States

Yup, it makes no sense.

Ouchy, human toy hurt, I better run

Why not just kill the pesky human, if you are immune?

Always found the glowing beacon pretty silly. I've been told that in the Alien novelization it's described as an obsidian box with an oblong piece sliding back and forth in the middle.

The scale of the pilot's chamber is totally off. They made it much bigger for no other reason than wanting it to look imposing, but it looks much more wasteful.

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Elite Member
Dec 9, 2010
The rounded monitors from the movie I'm okay with because it gives the feeling of them looking back at you. But then you also have stereos, cassette tapes, big printers, AA batteries... Even filmmakers and science fiction artists in the 1970s would have thought this (then) present day tech was dumb.

Dumbest of all is the release for the docking clamp. They designed it like the nuclear self-destruct in Alien and even write "nuclear bolt" on the screen. It's just a docking clamp. Nostalgia-mining is so dumb sometimes.

Honestly I kinda like the retro stuff, it gave it a unique art direction, different from the usual sci fi look that everything have.

But I didn't enjoy the game that much because the alien section were rather annoying with the alien always kinda knowing where you were.
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Elite Member
May 29, 2007
United States
Columbo: "Oh, one more thing!"

The aliens being very difficult (and dangerous, because of instant-death acid) to kill would have been pretty cool. So much vital resources and alerting of other aliens that it's still mostly smarter to stay hidden. Mostly. Could use environment to destroy them as well. A crusher press, a molting factory, containers dropped...


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
This one is for you @PsychedelicDiamond. Supegreatfriend's Shatter Memories Playthrough. A few pre-Halloween gifts for you.

These are new.

These two are older reviews. Avalanche's video is from 4 years ago.


Simian Abomination
Escapist +
Apr 3, 2020
Honestly, that's an amazing reply

Also, Akira Slide 9 seconds in and JoJo reference at the end, don't think I didn't notice you
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Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
Odd using Demon Souls dodging as a comparison. I get where he's coming from, but Bayo's dodge reminds me more of Oneechanbara's Bikini Zombie Slayer from 2008. You're encouraged to dodge; especially against human sized bosses. BZS being much more forgiving though.

Sphere Hunter: RE8, Three Years Later