Metacritics for those games
Star Wars Outlaws: 75 average critically, 5.3 average user
Suicide Squad: 60 critics, 3.4 user
Foamstars: 57 critics, 6.8 users
Skull and Bones: 59 critics, 3.3 users
Concord: 62 critics, 1.9 users
South Park Snow Day: 59 critics, 4.4 users
Hellblade 2: 81 critics, 7.4 users
So, out of those games that you felt didn't deserve 7 or higher...only 2 of them actually averaged 7 or higher, and one of those was higher than 7 with both critics and users, which suggests that even among gamers, they felt it deserved 7 or higher. I'm not saying you are wrong, mind you. That's the thing about opinions, they can't be right or wrong. But you can't say that gaming critics are giving games undeserved 7/10's seems like the games that you feel don't deserve 7/10s are not getting them for the most part.