What have we actually heard from Israel and Netanyahu on this? All I've seen so far is the comment from that Likud media stand-in.
That is actually a fair point
But as I stated previously, I ultimately care way more that the ceasefire has happened over who gets credit cause Biden and Trump are both shit people who deserve to go to the deepest parts of hell either way. If Biden is responsible for the ceasefire, he's still going for not forcing it far earlier and allowing Israel to have an extra half year of genocide. Trump is going to hell cause...well... he's Trump. I don't think (most) people here need an explanation.
Everything being reported and what makes sense to me based on the timeline is Trump is primarily responsible for the ceasefire but I do not care ultimately who is responsible as long as it gets done (and Trump doesn't immediately fold like Biden does when Israel tap dances all over the "Red Line".). But the reason I think it was Trump who did it rather than Biden is all the news reports from Israel stating that as well as if it was Biden, there's no reason why this wasn't done in July then. Israel has zero leverage in these negotiations; this is a take take take relationship. WE'RE giving them the weapons and Israel is giving us happy thoughts; Israel has no position to demand anything of Biden. So if the ceasefire wasn't done in July, it's because Biden didn't care enough about it (or far more likely considering Biden himself has called himself a Zionist; he wants Israel to be allowed to do whatever the fuck it wants, including genocide) to force it to happen. Therefore Trump is the X Factor added that got the ceasefire to happen.
If it turns out everyone is lying and Biden is ultimately responsible, I'll give him the kudos instead (while simultaneously telling him he's going to hell for only finally growing a fucking spine in the last week of his presidency).