I never said approval. If I ever did say approval, it was a mistake.So why did you start talking about FDA approval rather than that CDC recommendation for its usage? I don't think you really even know; you're just muddling everything together as what the evil guvment sez.
I said this:
Then, I posted this:Recommending covid boosters, it was why the 2 FDA directors quit.
---Another mixed message came in August 2021: President Joe Biden promoted booster shots for American adults even though boosters had not been approved by the FDA yet.
A month later, the FDA advisory committee overwhelmingly voted against the recommendation to offer boosters to people under age 65, because there wasn’t enough evidence at the time that an extra dose would improve protection to people of all ages.
Paul Offit looks back on COVID-19, misinformation, and how public health lost the public’s trust in new book
"Tell Me When It's Over" chronicles the first years of the COVID-19 pandemic, and the mishaps of public health agencies.www.inquirer.com
Again, you gonna admit eating fat doesn't make you fat yet due to the overwhelming evidence point to that?
SilvanusWho SPECIFICALLY is saying this?
If it's immunologist.... yeah they just want to stop people from dying. 50K Americans dying to the flu every years is stupid to them when they could reduce it to almost zero
The Dems and Republicans both understand that 100% coverage is almost impossible and costly so they settle for 50K dead Americans each year.... well at least until 2020. Now I don't know how many millions Republicans are willing to kill
Is there someone else?
I'm pretty sure you can't reduce the flu to almost zero as the flu shot isn't nearly as effective as you probably think it is. There's some randomized studies that show taking vitamin d is more effective than the flu shot against the flu. And if it's just the US being lazy about it, why does the rest of the world have issue with flu deaths? Also, kids are IIRC the primary driver of spreading the flu, so why not close schools for that then (instead of for covid when kids didn't spread covid)?