Beef: Ep 1-4: Ugh / Great
Two people have a minor altercation in a hardware store parking lot when one is backing out of a parking space, and the other fails to yield resulting in a near-miss and aural berating from their respective car horns. As fate would have it, both are ostensibly at the end of their mental ropes, because what most normal people would dismiss as an irritating inconvenience turns into a frenetic car chase and sparks a back-and-forth as each tries to sabotage the other's life and livelihood.
This one is making me feel icky. It's billed as a comedy, and on its face, the lengths they go to are ridiculous and could make for a decent absurdist comedy, but I've not laughed once, even with my dark sense of humor. The problem is that as we dive into each of their lives, we see two deeply troubled people hanging on to the last threads of their lives as they unravel, and it's sad more than anything. Yeah, the things they do to each other would fit perfectly in a movie like The Hangover or Due Date, but when all the stuff in between is just watching them with a metaphorical gun in their mouth... ugh. 6 more episodes to go, but I'm not sure if I'm up for finishing it; at this point, it's only morbid curiosity that I've made it this far.