This is an instance where the laugh reaction would be good to still have.
This is an instance where the laugh reaction would be good to still have.
At least you can still get the same laugh reaction through the emoticons button, but I wanted the self satisfaction of typing the "HA!"myself. You still have a major point.This is an instance where the laugh reaction would be good to still have.
You kidding me? Pound for pound Druckmann has made something bleak yet relatable in a month where opression is happening across the world and all good thing seem to have vanished from the world. Leaving only a rotten veneer beneathThis is just sad-
Last of Us 2 voice actor Laura Bailey shares death threats on Twitter
The voice of Abby from The Last of Us Part 2 is the target of online harassment. She took to Twitter in an attempt to stop this
Regardless of what people think of the game, it’s pretty ironic that its themes aren’t very far removed from how some of these fanatics act like IRL. The scary part is a lot of them will breed at some point, and pass that repugnance on to their offspring.
I've pretty much decided I'm good with the first one and decided to go ahead and just watch/read all the spoiler stuff.OF course, we don't really get much conclusion. Abby not killing Dina and Ellie still is encountering all sorts of problems, and didn't even stop them going after her again. Ellie not killing Abby just dead ends, we don't see any positive outcome for her either. Tommy seems to have the best outcome of anyone, living with his wife in a safe settlement, and he's the one who drags Ellie back into the revenge thing, he never gave it up but couldn't physically do it anymore. Dina gets out of the game, but with the father of her child dead, and having lost her long-term partner in Ellie, in the process, as well as presumably having to leave the safety of Jackson to do so.
The game could've gotten rid of Abby's flashbacks al together. Really what do they add other than showing Abby was the daughter of the surgeon, Abby and Owen's strained romance, and showing how Abby found Tommy? All of this could've just as easily been written into Abby's current narrative, while also not seeming so desperate to make her empathetic with that first flashback. If they want to make her the daughter of that surgeon, fine, but let the implication of that brew in the mind of the audience; don't force feed Abby's grief through a flashback.
- Have the first two flashback segments (Ellie's birthday and clearing out the motel) in the beginning. You're reintroduced to the world and characters as you remember them. Leave the final flashback for late in the game to have intrigue as to why Ellie is so cold around Joel all of a sudden.
- After those flashbacks show Abby's first flashback. This will establish an oncoming threat, but in a way where we don't hate her by the time we see her humanized.
- Alternate between gameplay sections with Abby and Ellie: this way you won't be essentially forced to start again at level 1 halfway through the game. Show Abby fighting the Seraphites before killing Joel, flesh out her side of the story and all the characters we end up killing.
- Have Ellie and Abby's stories in Seattle parallel each other: the events in one influence another, instead of being completely separate.
This is a complaint I've been seeing come up a lot recently with big movies and games. The amount of money being used for these mediums has never been greater but they're finding fewer justifiable uses for all of it.One thing I noticed about TLoU2 's story and pacing is how many potentially great ideas are hidden inside, it just tried to do too many.
What about Joel himself? Dude was built like brick. Most of the goons you fought in the first TLoU had biceps as big as Abby's.I'm also willing to bet none of the people who made a hissy fit about Abby's physique ever questioned how Bill managed to keep his physique in the first game, alone, in a derelict town filled with infected, constantly patrolling and resetting traps, with presumably close to no sources of food.
Joel I can just about give a pass on. He looks more like a dude doing hard physical labor, not a bodybuilder, and I guess his circumistances could have him get enough food to maintain that physique. For the goons though, yeah, there's no excuse there either. Pittsburgh was probably filled with behind the scenes pig farms and crop fields for those dudes to look that jacked.What about Joel himself? Dude was built like brick. Most of the goons you fought in the first TLoU had biceps as big as Abby's.
It's kinda sad that some people have to be reminded that attacking the actors over things their characters do just makes them look like assholes.Here's Jim on the harassment.
What about Joel himself? Dude was built like brick. Most of the goons you fought in the first TLoU had biceps as big as Abby's.
The thing is the general physiology of people. Men looked jacked when they get lean due to higher natural muscle mass full stop. A morbidly out of shape man will still have more muscle mass than an average woman just due to they human bodies are constructed.Joel I can just about give a pass on. He looks more like a dude doing hard physical labor, not a bodybuilder, and I guess his circumistances could have him get enough food to maintain that physique. For the goons though, yeah, there's no excuse there either. Pittsburgh was probably filled with behind the scenes pig farms and crop fields for those dudes to look that jacked.
It's kinda sad that some people have to be reminded that attacking the actors over things their characters do just makes them look like assholes.
Death threats and such are never appropriate but proper criticism should be leveled at the writers/director if that's what really bothers them.
I'm fairly certain it's not how "cool, awesome and badass" he is that has people upset at his death.Minor side note, but i find it rather disturbing that with how much TLOU hammers home that Joel is a broken, dangerous and violent man who's left nothing mayhem in his wake, and has very much earned his dark fate...
That so many gamers seem to have missed the point entirely and latched onto how cool, awesome and badass he is, and are legitimately upset he died.
I see nobody really making the argument that Joel was anything short of a bad guy. But the simple fact is, the first game made people love and root for him. Much the same way people love Walter White from Breaking Bad. Or Tony Soprano. Nobody liked them because they're good people. But you root for them anyway because they've become the likable bad guy.Minor side note, but i find it rather disturbing that with how much TLOU hammers home that Joel is a broken, dangerous and violent man who's left nothing mayhem in his wake, and has very much earned his dark fate...
That so many gamers seem to have missed the point entirely and latched onto how cool, awesome and badass he is, and are legitimately upset he died.
You don't just brain a dude out of nowhere. Essentially telling the audience "Fuck the character you like, you should like this stupid new character now." That's not how it works.
If that's what you got from that scene I don't know where your head was at.You don't just brain a dude out of nowhere. Essentially telling the audience "Fuck the character you like, you should like this stupid new character now." That's not how it works.
When I first heard about the death threats being made against Laura Bailey, my first thought was "wow, these people really need a better grip on reality". Jim brings up the people who hate women in media and it made me think. These people never made these threats against the woman whose body Abby was based on. Probably because the people making these threats are cowards and that lady would crush them like insects if they did.Here's Jim on the harassment.