MauLer is the guy who made the six-hour-long Last Jedi critique video, and is known for making critiques of other movies and shows that end up being as long if not several times longer than the presentation itself. If you still don't know who he is you're better off for it most likely, but suffice it to say the man does not know how to make a succinct point.I don't know who MauLer is, and I'm only negligibly aware of Ben Shapiro as some kind of mouth-breather that no-one seems to like or respect.
Shapiro is a real-life hobbit most noteworthy for being a vomitorium for the most brain-dead, vapid, right-wing talking points imaginable. He sits in the uncanny valley between neoconservatism and alt-rightism, holding the dumbest positions of both but the more coherent positions of neither. Neither group of conservatives like him and generally uphold him as a bastion of mockery and ironic derision, but are agreed in the need to pretend to like him (for comedy), and this is all something he doesn't quite seem to grasp. Ergo he's basically a living meme and chief purveyor of "debate me!" culture, except when someone does actually debate him, he tends to lose...badly...but is too damn dense or proud to understand he did, how, or why.