Could be, I don't remember a lot of the minutia of the little tech details. I was just giving a broad overview of a detail that is significant to the setting, but has never actually been addressed in the films. The David Lynch film just basically ignored it, and let them use guns all over the place. The mini-series didn't use guns much that I can recall(?) but it also didn't really explain the shields much either. It's just one of those details that relies on the audience knowing this detail from the books. But given how many people will be seeing this film, that have never read the books, I can see that being something that makes a lot of people scratch their heads.More like shields can be modulated to admit or repel a spectrum of kinetic energy, in thresholds measured in joules if I remember right. Because that's why hunter-seekers were so absolutely lethal, they can bypass almost any shield that wouldn't kill its wearer on account of how light they were. And that was the other thing about shields too, they could be attuned so finely they wouldn't even admit airflow; that actually came up in one of the later books if I remember right, when one of the characters managed to either avoid a gas attack or was assassinated by asphyxiation by an over-tuned shield.
It's similar to why Jim Butcher made the magic in the Dresden-verse, be so hostile to technology. He has specifically said it was to negate the "yeah but why don't they just pull out their cell phones and call for help?" "Because magic kills technology."
Same thing for the shield tech. It was simply to justify "Yeah but why pointy sticks instead of pew pew?"