Old games you remember playing, but can't remember the name of


Follower of the Glorious Sun Butt.
Apr 1, 2009
Whatever, just wash your hands.
Hi @ all, I am looking for a game I played in the 2000s (i think so)

It was a Point and Click Adventure in a spy setting.

In one scene you had to observe a luggage in an airport and after that you jumped on plane.
The overall story and setting was just like a James Bond movie but a bit of a parody.

BR Everdis
Was it Operation Stealth? Keep in mind it might have a different name in a different country, since I think it actually did have the James Bond IP in one country.
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Sep 1, 2020
Thanks Worgen, but no it was not operation stealth.
I played it in german, and there was also a scene where you had to disarm a bomb.

The bomb was stolen in the intro from the villains. The drove under the transporter of the bomb, and cutted it out with a cutting torch.

There where also many references to James Bond. And short videos in comic graphic.


Sep 1, 2020
Thanks Worgen, but no it was not operation stealth.
I played it in german, and there was also a scene where you had to disarm a bomb.

The bomb was stolen in the intro from the villains. The drove under the transporter of the bomb, and cutted it out with a cutting torch.

There where also many references to James Bond. And short videos in comic graphic.

I found it!!!

It was -> Superspy Das Omega Projekt
I dont know the english title



I've Been Having These Weird Dreams Lately...
Mar 17, 2012
United States
It was a PC game that I saw in the early 2000s, the cover had a cartoon cat with a bomb in it's mouth? May have been a mix of cartoon/realistic visuals kind of like Roger Rabbit.


Elite Member
Oct 22, 2016
The game's much older than your timeframe suggests, but it might be "Severance: Blade of Darkness" (2001).
At least it has the panning camera in the character selection part.
Severance was my guess as well, but didn't mention it because of the time frame.
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Sep 6, 2020
Here is my game that I could never figure out. I have been looking for years!! and I would love to know what game it was. The year was 1987 and I bought this game for the original Nintendo. It was a 2D platform game. In each level you had to find a part of this super golden gun. On the last level of the game this super gun was ready to be used to kill the final boss and win the game. I remember beating this game in like 1 to 2 hours. I thought it was to easy so I took it back to the store and got this new game called Mega Man which turned out to be one of my favorite games ever.


I love the smell of card games in the morning
Sep 23, 2010
Just off-screen
I played this game in the hazy days of my youth, but I don't think it was very popular. You play as some sort of tradesman (maybe an electrician, or a carpenter?) on a mission of some description for the local monarchy. I'm not really sure what it consisted of beyond crushing the local wildlife and destroying boxes for money and valuables. Occasionally you'd loot castles for valuables and kill the residing dragon, liberating it's prisoners in the process. I don't remember what you were looking for, but it was always somewhere else. The gameplay mainly consisted of the tradesman performing acrobatics to enact his destruction, but I think at some points he learned to use his magic powers to summon fire? Also, I think he was addicted to drugs, shrooms in particular. I dunno, it was kind of a weird mishmash of tropes now that I think about it, but it was really fun.

I hope somebody can help me find this game, I've been looking for it for a long time.

Edit: Thinking a bit more, I think it came bundled with a hunting simulation. One of those immersive affairs that you need accessories to play. I never owned the gun so I didn't play it.
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Sep 19, 2020
Hi so I made an account just because of this thread, I've been trying to remember a game for at minimum 7 years but definitely almost a decade at this point and nobody I've ever talked to has any idea what I'm talking about.

I can't remember the year I played it but it was definitely before 2012, so I'd assume it was released sometime in the late 2000s.
It was a PC game, I think I downloaded it, never saw a disc version at least.
It was very cybernetic themed, I was looking for more Pokemon-esque creature fighting games and I found *this* game, you had these creatures and fought with them and I only remember one in detail it was a frog-like thing and it had a huge axe-like blade attached to its tongue. It was also really gorey and splattery when you beat a creature but all of the guts were bright colours like pink and yellow. I think I also remember a floating electric caterpillar-esque thing too. I THINK it might have had microtransactions to buy the little creatures you wanted too.
I also think I remember that it got a sequel that was really bad, I think the sequel tried to make it child-friendly and not super gorey and I think it had really annoying voice acting. I hope I didn't dream this part but I swear I remember looking it up and finding its shitty sequel back in like 2013 or something. After that I cannot remember the name and I haven't been able to find it anywhere. For all I know it was a download only game that disappeared from the internet afterwards but god at this point if I could know one thing before I died it'd be the name of this game.


Regular Member
Apr 2, 2017
I remember playing some sort of diablo like game, obv not diablo, but looks basically like diablo.

top down rpg game like diablo, you could choose between 2 characters, a mage and a brute (maybe more but all I remember is trying out only those two), you would get xp for killing shit, your armor would get damaged and it would get more red the more it's damaged, if it's broken you can no longer equip it. Killing chickens in a town would get you xp but you would make all villagers aggressive. One of the towns/villages was near a piece of water and there was a bridge with guards.

It wasn't a browser game. I played it ~2005-06, but I believe it's a game from before 2002, although could be wrong.

Not: Nox, Dark Stone, Dungeon Siege.

Second game is a request of a friend:
2 factions one that was primitive humans and the other some kind of monsters but still primitive I think, in a jungle or forest where you would run to the enemy base and destroy their buildings. I think you could build stuff.
That's all he could remember.


Regular Member
Apr 2, 2017
I remember playing some sort of diablo like game, obv not diablo, but looks basically like diablo.

top down rpg game like diablo, you could choose between 2 characters, a mage and a brute (maybe more but all I remember is trying out only those two), you would get xp for killing shit, your armor would get damaged and it would get more red the more it's damaged, if it's broken you can no longer equip it. Killing chickens in a town would get you xp but you would make all villagers aggressive. One of the towns/villages was near a piece of water and there was a bridge with guards.

It wasn't a browser game. I played it ~2005-06, but I believe it's a game from before 2002, although could be wrong.

Not: Nox, Dark Stone, Dungeon Siege.

Second game is a request of a friend:
2 factions one that was primitive humans and the other some kind of monsters but still primitive I think, in a jungle or forest where you would run to the enemy base and destroy their buildings. I think you could build stuff.
That's all he could remember.
oh right, both games were on PC. And I looked through quite a few action rpg games on mobygames, but up until 2006 there wasn't anything similar. Inventory for the first game was similar to Throne of Darkness, but the game was western medieval not eastern.
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Follower of the Glorious Sun Butt.
Apr 1, 2009
Whatever, just wash your hands.
Second game is a request of a friend:
2 factions one that was primitive humans and the other some kind of monsters but still primitive I think, in a jungle or forest where you would run to the enemy base and destroy their buildings. I think you could build stuff.
That's all he could remember.
That would be Savage. There is Savage and Savage 2. They used to be on steam but doesn't look like anymore.


Regular Member
Apr 2, 2017
That would be Savage. There is Savage and Savage 2. They used to be on steam but doesn't look like anymore.
According to him, there was no magic and it was more primitive.
Edit: It was the first Savage.


Formely Gone Gonzo
Jun 30, 2014
Time for something old-school. It was an Amiga game, a side-scroller where you control a small knight. The memorable thing is the hilarious intro: it starts with the studio logo on black background, a fanfare plays followed by sounds of fighting, the fanfare continues, fade to black, and fade back to an image of a knight standing next to a pile of defeated soldiers, with some cool music on the background, then a wizard on a dragon appears on the horizon and shoots a lighting bolt to the knight, and he instantly shrinks. The music changes to just bass and everyone in the pile of soldiers immediately starts laughing out loud, at the shrunk knight, as he turns around and waves his fist at them; a gnome appears at the right, throws at him a rock, mocks him and leaves, with the knight pursuing him. Then the music changes back to cool and game's title appear.

What is the name of this fever dream of a game?


Regular Member
Apr 2, 2017
I remember playing some sort of diablo like game, obv not diablo, but looks basically like diablo.

top down rpg game like diablo, you could choose between 2 characters, a mage and a brute (maybe more but all I remember is trying out only those two), you would get xp for killing shit, your armor would get damaged and it would get more red the more it's damaged, if it's broken you can no longer equip it. Killing chickens in a town would get you xp but you would make all villagers aggressive. One of the towns/villages was near a piece of water and there was a bridge with guards.

It wasn't a browser game. I played it ~2005-06, but I believe it's a game from before 2004, although could be wrong.

Not: Nox, Dark Stone, Dungeon Siege, Throne of Darkness, Grim Dawn.

Edit: changed some stuff, added more "not" games.
Since no one seems to be answering, I'll add this as well: In the first game, leveling up was pretty important because even 1 level difference made enemies much harder. Equipment damage color went in 3 stages: Clear, slighly red, red (broken). I don't remember if there were areas and loading screens for them, but when you leave the starting area, you traverse through a forest, there is at least 1 wolf there. The mage? class started with a quarterstaff as a weapon, was weak in general. Brute, well, he had high strength, high vitality, but without armor, it's really easy to die. At the time the game was too hard for me so at most, I reached like level 4. I can't remember if you got skill points or not, but like I mentioned previously leveling is pretty important in that.
Tried recreating the village in paint, this is as close as I can make out the village from memory.


Follower of the Glorious Sun Butt.
Apr 1, 2009
Whatever, just wash your hands.
Since no one seems to be answering, I'll add this as well: In the first game, leveling up was pretty important because even 1 level difference made enemies much harder. Equipment damage color went in 3 stages: Clear, slighly red, red (broken). I don't remember if there were areas and loading screens for them, but when you leave the starting area, you traverse through a forest, there is at least 1 wolf there. The mage? class started with a quarterstaff as a weapon, was weak in general. Brute, well, he had high strength, high vitality, but without armor, it's really easy to die. At the time the game was too hard for me so at most, I reached like level 4. I can't remember if you got skill points or not, but like I mentioned previously leveling is pretty important in that.
View attachment 996
Tried recreating the village in paint, this is as close as I can make out the village from memory.
I mean, I don't think it was Titan Quest, but the layout of the starting village sounds kinda similar.



Regular Member
Apr 2, 2017
I mean, I don't think it was Titan Quest, but the layout of the starting village sounds kinda similar.

Looked through gameplay of Titan Quest, but even the old Gold Edition graphics looked too good. This game looked more like Diablo 2.


Follower of the Glorious Sun Butt.
Apr 1, 2009
Whatever, just wash your hands.
Looked through gameplay of Titan Quest, but even the old Gold Edition graphics looked too good. This game looked more like Diablo 2.
What about the Divine Divinity series, or Beyond Divinity?