Hi everyone, I'm new here and looking for two games for about 20 years, but didn't find out the names; one on PS1 and the other on SNES.
Description to the game on PS1:
1. Released at the beginning of PS1, in the 1st and 2nd year of console release; language is English
2. Only left-to-right side moving, no 3D
3. Beat'em Up without guns, only with swords, or generally close combat weapons and bare hands
4. Magic can be used, but not that much
5. 2 players could play at the same time, if alone there is a 2nd npc who helps you a little bit
6. Story is about a magic sword which has to be sealed, so the main character, male, does have it, but can't use it in the first 4 levels. After that the sword will be "stolen", and he has to regain it from the evil beings; from level 5 on the easy path he will have and use a normal sword.
7. The game has two paths:
7.a. The easy one with 10/11 levels
7.b. The hard one with 4+? - in level 4 you have to choose to give up the sword to a big bad boss, if yes, then it'll be the easy path and he will spare your life, if not, you have to fight him. Normally not possible because he is too powerful.
8. After each level you have about 10-15 points you can give 6-7 different attributes like strength, defense, magic, agility, ???; these points will be added in big strokes after the ability's name and can't be changed after the choice. Each ability has about 20-30 strokes and each character begins with 5-10, I think.
9. I think you can choose between up to 4 characters for the whole story and replay the game with better attributes after a walkthrough like "The Bouncer" on PS2.
10. The boss in level 4 which gives you the choice can fly around, so in that mode you can only hit him with magic. The main male protagonist will shoot two small energy balls to him, each time you use magic. You only have to use magic, and these balls will fly automatically to the enemy. These energy balls are similar to the fire, ice and electro energy balls from the last form of Dr. Wily in MegaMan 7 where he appears and disappears shooting three energy balls at MegaMan.
Description to the game on SNES:
1. Released in the middle of the SNES time, but before 1999; language is English
2. Only left-to-right side moving
3. Shoot'em Up with a space ship, but slow, comparable to the R-Type and Gradius series
4. You can choose at the beginning of the game between 5 planets
5. You will get different powerups, I think depending which spaceship you choose
6. Each planet equates to two levels with a boss at the end of the level, the 1st in the space, the 2nd on the planet
7. A boss of the space level of one of the planets was a giant golden Matryoshka doll which was rotating around his own axis.
8. There were two planet levels of two different planets which were jungles.
9. There was one planet level which had a striking orange sunset/sunrise over the whole level and was the easiest choice of the game at the beginning.
10. Two of the powerups were like mirrowed "C" and the better one after that like tall ")".
I already asked many people at game conventions several times if they could think of a game, but couldn't tell me for years. So I looked on the net and also bought two new Japanese compendiums of all SNES games released in Japan with pictures about a year ago, but didn't find it either. 3 months ago I discovered this forum with this topic.
I thank you very much for your help and am really looking forward to it