You know when Kotaku says something like ’basic’ like this, they actually mean stop it with all the identity politics right?So, in a unique-but-not-surprising turn of events, Kotaku and other places are calling out the BG3 players for creating overly "basic" (pronounced "white and male") characters, and even the devs join in the condemnation.
Stop being white and male guys, it's toxic and just basic and boring. (incidentally, what sort of races does the game even offer, are there dragonfolk?)
Like, I played the Red Prince in D:OS2, so it's not like I even think this applies to me, since yeah I always found the nonhuman races more interesting, but to call other people's chars "basic" is so ridiculous when you're having an RPG experience.
Anyway, I was about to say that there isn't any white males characters to select in D:OS2. I had to look it up and found out that there was one.... That was incredibly boring and basic. No wonder you picked Red Prince. I did Sebille, with Red, Beast (who turned out to be a bit bland too) and Fane. Mostly great fun. I almost picked Lohse because she seemed cool (her skills seemed crap) but Ifran... Legit couldn't remember anything about him. I'm was thinking about doing another go through but Ifran still doesn't interest me and I'm the type of person who tries most things once
So, I see a character like Ifran as being as well written as Ghostbuster2016. More about identity politics and not much substance