I have a sort of love/hate relationship with the show. It's.."cool" I guess. I actually did read all the comics and was mildly cynical about them doing an adaptation. I think in general I'm just sort of sick of hollywood adaptations because they say they love the material and then most of the time they just write whatever they want and throw in references to the source material. I wish everything wasn't so monetarily connected that they can't just call it inspired by or a reimagining. *looking at you Monster Hunter*
While theres some similar storylines and characters, but it's not thematically anything like the comics. So it leads me to question, why even adapt it? Just do your own thing...but money is the answer.
This is not to say this show isn't good, its fine. I say fine and not "great" because it felt..familiar. Like everything about the pacing and writing makes me feel like I've seen all the edginess and drama somewhere else. Its a little like pop music. its said that pop at one point was identifiable by a consistent time and length verse-chorus structure. Thats what The Boys feels like. Like I can tell based on which episode it is when the big twist or reveal is going to happen and where they're going to jam in some scene lifted from the comics so the simspons comicbook shop nerd can feel satisfied like whenever someone turns on a light saber in starwars. Everybody goes " THEY DID THE THING" and lets go the fact that Butchers accent is hilariously bad and that Frenchie isn't french.
I will say..I didnt like the comics. They are very infantile and every page is gore porn. Thats one thing the show, an oddity, did right. Most of the time we complain about adaptations removing "all the good stuff" or toning down comic violence. In this one case, however gross you think the show is? Its practically Rated G compared to the comics. Thats oddly the biggest improvement for me.