Election thread

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lil devils x

🐐More Lego Goats Please!🐐
May 1, 2020
How worried about the election are you?
I am terrified tbh. The results of this election are literally a matter of life and death for me and many of my family members, friends, and neighbors. If the ACA is overturned by Trump's newly stacked court, and I lose the Obamacare Subsidies that are making my medical treatment affordable, I will no longer be able to afford the medication I need to stay alive. Without that medication, I can die within a few hours to a couple of days depending on how quickly I deteriorate. The medication I require enables my lungs to distribute oxygen to my cells. Without my medication, no matter how deeply I breath or how much oxygen is put into my lungs, I still cannot take that oxygen and distribute it to my cells. It only takes a matter of minutes to die without oxygen so it won't take long when it happens. I require more than just the medication to be affordable, I have to have regular checkups under law in order to be on my medication at all, so without access to my primary care physician, I lose access to my medical treatment. Trump is quite literally trying to kill me with his polices and plans. Not just me, but millions of other Americans lives are at risk in this election.

If Trump loses, and Democrats gain the senate, we still have to figure out a way to survive the next few months. If trump wins, we likely will not survive the next four years. Too many will die during that time, it is a lot easier to last months beg, borrowing, bribing and pleading than years. People are already exhausting their savings now, it will not last four more years. It will be devastating.
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Elite Member
Apr 29, 2020
United States
I am terrified tbh. The results of this election are literally a matter of life and death for me and many of my family members, friends, and neighbors. If the ACA is overturned by Trump's newly stacked court, and I lose the Obamacare Subsidies that are making my medical treatment affordable, I will no longer be able to afford the medication I need to stay alive. Without that medication, I can die within a few hours to a couple of days depending on how quickly I deteriorate. The medication I require enables my lungs to distribute oxygen to my cells. Without my medication, no matter how deeply I breath or how much oxygen is put into my lungs, I still cannot take that oxygen and distribute it to my cells. It only takes a matter of minutes to die without oxygen so it won't take long when it happens. I require more than just the medication to be affordable, I have to have regular checkups under law in order to be on my medication at all, so without access to my primary care physician, I lose access to my medical treatment. Trump is quite literally trying to kill me with his polices and plans. Not just me, but millions of other Americans lives are at risk in this election.

If Trump loses, and Democrats gain the senate, we still have to figure out a way to survive the next few months. If trump wins, we likely will not survive the next four years. Too many will die during that time, it is a lot easier to last months beg, borrowing, bribing and pleading than years. People are already exhausting their savings now, it will not last four more years. It will be devastating.
Does anyone have the balls, or at least is willing to display their inhumanity enough to argue your fellow forum member's plight due to capitalistic endeavors which we find ourselves in that have left us in such dire straits?

Someone you know, an actual human being's life that you interact with might be damaged beyond repair. But you get more money in taxes. Is that really an even trade in anyone's eyes? Does anyone here believe in this Bullshit that we call a system of representation so much that they will own up to it and say it is a good trade that people will die because of a petty man's vengeance, a few extra dollars in your pocket, and 'Government needs to be smaller'?


Apr 24, 2020
United States
Trans Woman
I am terrified tbh. The results of this election are literally a matter of life and death for me and many of my family members, friends, and neighbors. If the ACA is overturned by Trump's newly stacked court, and I lose the Obamacare Subsidies that are making my medical treatment affordable, I will no longer be able to afford the medication I need to stay alive. Without that medication, I can die within a few hours to a couple of days depending on how quickly I deteriorate. The medication I require enables my lungs to distribute oxygen to my cells. Without my medication, no matter how deeply I breath or how much oxygen is put into my lungs, I still cannot take that oxygen and distribute it to my cells. It only takes a matter of minutes to die without oxygen so it won't take long when it happens. I require more than just the medication to be affordable, I have to have regular checkups under law in order to be on my medication at all, so without access to my primary care physician, I lose access to my medical treatment. Trump is quite literally trying to kill me with his polices and plans. Not just me, but millions of other Americans lives are at risk in this election.

If Trump loses, and Democrats gain the senate, we still have to figure out a way to survive the next few months. If trump wins, we likely will not survive the next four years. Too many will die during that time, it is a lot easier to last months beg, borrowing, bribing and pleading than years. People are already exhausting their savings now, it will not last four more years. It will be devastating.
My family is in the process of starting to plan contingencies in the event we have to leave the country due to safety reasons. Both me and my husband are trans, so if things get violent in the local area, we're likely going to see if we can get work across the border or elsewhere, assuming we have the luxury of being able to take our time. If it really descends into something like a civil war or a secession crisis on the west coast, which I'm skeptical of but not skeptical enough to rule out entirely, then I don't know what my plan is as I'd prefer to stay and help build a new country based on the ideals of the old, but I suspect it may be best to leave until things stabilize.


Bad Hombre
Aug 20, 2020
On top of your sister
Republic of Texas
My family is in the process of starting to plan contingencies in the event we have to leave the country due to safety reasons. Both me and my husband are trans, so if things get violent in the local area, we're likely going to see if we can get work across the border or elsewhere, assuming we have the luxury of being able to take our time. If it really descends into something like a civil war or a secession crisis on the west coast, which I'm skeptical of but not skeptical enough to rule out entirely, then I don't know what my plan is as I'd prefer to stay and help build a new country based on the ideals of the old, but I suspect it may be best to leave until things stabilize.
Just go to Canada since it seems like it has all the ideals that Murica believes it has.


Elite Member
Apr 29, 2020
United States
My family is in the process of starting to plan contingencies in the event we have to leave the country due to safety reasons. Both me and my husband are trans, so if things get violent in the local area, we're likely going to see if we can get work across the border or elsewhere, assuming we have the luxury of being able to take our time. If it really descends into something like a civil war or a secession crisis on the west coast, which I'm skeptical of but not skeptical enough to rule out entirely, then I don't know what my plan is as I'd prefer to stay and help build a new country based on the ideals of the old, but I suspect it may be best to leave until things stabilize.
I've made my plans to leave this country a long time ago. I think enough people have heard me talk about it. If it wasn't for my family member needing me here in Florida, I would have maybe been accepted this year (My number was called in March).

I wanted to leave for a while now. I think since Trayvon Martin, if I'm honest. I never felt fear when I studied in Montreal. I saw a cop, I didn't think about them.

Here, we have people fighting to believe that blacks are not only inherently criminal, but deserving of death for any infraction. Too big of a segment to be ok with it. Some forum members here won't ever look past their bias.

Every day I wake up in this country, I feel like I'm going deeper in a past that would make a picnic to hang someone like me. Make it a family event.

This country has become dangerous for many people. My Trans-siblings like your family, Immigrants who literally build up this country, anyone "unlucky" enough to be born with two X chromosomes, Blacks... were never safe here...

I don't want to give these regressives a win by letting them have this country. But on the same token, I'm tired of trying to blow out all the matches they strike to burn it to the ground. I said this a million times, but they seem so ready to burn this Country to the Ground as long as they can proudly say they are the Monarchs of the Ashes.

("Monarchs of the Ashes" is my new Band name)


Mad Hatter Meme Machine.
Apr 4, 2020
Does anyone have the balls, or at least is willing to display their inhumanity enough to argue your fellow forum member's plight due to capitalistic endeavors which we find ourselves in that have left us in such dire straits?

Someone you know, an actual human being's life that you interact with might be damaged beyond repair.
"might" is the key word. Lil probably won't die if Trump is re-elected. The worst case scenario will probably not come to pass.


Trash Goblin
Apr 1, 2016
United States
"might" is the key word. Lil probably won't die if Trump is re-elected. The worst case scenario will probably not come to pass.
So where exactly is the dividing line for you? At what point does the chance for someone else's death outweigh your "need" to have a couple dozen extra dollars a month? 30%? 15%? 5%?

What if we flipped this around? What chance of death would you be willing to have so that someone else can earn those dollars? Would you trust to a 1/6 chance of your death for me to earn $200 more annually? What about 1/10? 1/100?

It's so brave of you to ask others to possibly sacrifice their lives and/or wellbeing for you to get a little bit of extra economic comfort.

And this is ignoring the fact that if you're not already making over $500,000+, you're barely, if at all, actually coming out ahead after these tax cuts especially when lower-income tax credits, public services, and programs like medicare/medicaid are being slashed to pay for it.
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Mad Hatter Meme Machine.
Apr 4, 2020
So where exactly is the dividing line for you? At what point does the chance for someone else's death outweigh your "need" to have a couple dozen extra dollars a month? 30%? 15%? 5%?

What if we flipped this around? What chance of death would you be willing to have so that someone else can earn those dollars? Would you trust to a 1/6 chance of your death for me to earn $200 more annually? What about 1/10? 1/100?

It's so brave of you to ask others to possibly sacrifice their lives and/or wellbeing for you to get a little bit of extra economic comfort.

And this is ignoring the fact that if you're not already making over $500,000+, you're barely, if at all, actually coming out ahead after these tax cuts especially when lower-income tax credits, public services, and programs like medicare/medicaid are being slashed to pay for it.
I don't think it's accurate or fair to chalk it up to a percentage change as if it were just that simple.
What's the percentage chance that ACA will be repealed? What's the percentage chance that it won't be replaced with something else that makes healthcare affordable? What's the chance that, if Biden wins, it'll spark a war that'll end with her death instead? See, I can just theorize, guess, and make up possibilities too.
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Elite Member
Apr 24, 2020
United States
Just to give you an idea of how serious this election is:

Walmart Inc. has temporarily pulled ammunition and guns off its shelves ahead of any possible looting or civil unrest that could take place following next week’s election.

“We have seen some isolated civil unrest and as we have done on several occasions over the last few years, we have moved our firearms and ammunition off the sales floor as a precaution for the safety of our associates and customers,” Walmart said in an e-mailed statement. “These items do remain available for purchase by customers.”

The retail giant made a similar decision this summer during unrest following the death of George Floyd by police, a move intended to dissuade any potential theft if stores were broken into during protests.


Previously known as an alleged "Feather-Rustler"
Apr 3, 2020
Corner of No and Where
How worried about the election are you?
Terrified. I think Republicans and their supporters will do anything to prevent Biden from winning, up to including canceling the election, over-throwing the Democracy, arresting voters, killing candidates and turning the US into a totalitarians state.
I have no faith whatsoever the GOP cares for democracy, the will of the people, or even the people's live; they're in this for power, and power alone and power begets power.
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Elite Member
Apr 29, 2020
United States
So, the fact that a great deal of Republicans as well as Democrats can conceive of a possibility of Civil War if a man wasn't voted for... when do you Conservatives start taking pause and looking at your side?

Talk about Antifa, The Riots, and the like. The Conservatives are plotting to kidnap Governors, Mayors, limiting voting rights, caught harassing citizens who dare not vote for their Orange King, and will do anything (including threatening civil war, which if it's just even a threat is voter intimidation) to erode the actual course of duly elected officials because it makes them upset that they didn't win.

People often ask why didn't those who saw Hitler rise to Power stand up and say this is wrong. Why aren't you standing up now?


Previously known as an alleged "Feather-Rustler"
Apr 3, 2020
Corner of No and Where
So, the fact that a great deal of Republicans as well as Democrats can conceive of a possibility of Civil War if a man wasn't voted for... when do you Conservatives start taking pause and looking at your side?

Talk about Antifa, The Riots, and the like. The Conservatives are plotting to kidnap Governors, Mayors, limiting voting rights, caught harassing citizens who dare not vote for their Orange King, and will do anything (including threatening civil war, which if it's just even a threat is voter intimidation) to erode the actual course of duly elected officials because it makes them upset that they didn't win.

People often ask why didn't those who saw Hitler rise to Power stand up and say this is wrong. Why aren't you standing up now?
Well because Hitler was very popular, and so were the Nazis. Hitler didn't rise to power by being a super unpopular guy who everyone hated, and everyone hated his "kill the Jews" idea. He was super popular, and people loved his ideas.
Same with Trump and his supporters. They see Latino kids in cages? GREAT! National Parks will be mined for coal? GREAT! The EPA can't even say climate change or greenhouse gases? GREAT! Loyalists to the GOP are appointed to the supreme court? GREAT! Blacks are being killed by police and having their voting rights taken away? GREAT! Journalists should be prosecuted for being critical of Republicans? GREAT! Democrats should be tried as traitors for daring to run against the President? GREAT!

There is a very clear and obvious reason why Trump is popular, and it sure as shit isn't his haircut.


Making lemons combustible again
Escapist +
Feb 9, 2008
A Barrel In the Marketplace
Not very. If Trump wins then a civil war will erupt, if Trump loses then we continue our decent to reenacting The Gulag Archipelago. Whatever. Damned if you do, damned if you don't.
I love how you equate Biden winning with Stalinism.

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