Election thread

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Unrealistic but happy
May 13, 2009
Source please.

He's not having packed massive rallies in the middle of a pandemic. Which is a sign he's taking it seriously and not trying to endanger peoples health for his own adoration.

Like a responsible person and not an egomanaic.

Ask 48.2% of voters how they felt in 2016 about Trumps chances. Imagination is irrevlent.

That article said votes were counted for a week, not votes were cast for a week. Accuracy in counting is a good thing.
Emergency "voting centers" were opened so that voting could continue after election day.


Making lemons combustible again
Escapist +
Feb 9, 2008
A Barrel In the Marketplace
Emergency "voting centers" were opened so that voting could continue after election day.
From what I'm reading from a variety of Arizonan sources, the Voting centers were opened 3 days before the election between the end of early voting and election day, not after. And this was legal.

So basically more voting days before the election...which apparently is fraud now?


Unrealistic but happy
May 13, 2009
From what I'm reading from a variety of Arizonan sources, the Voting centers were opened 3 days before the election between the end of early voting and election day, not after. And this was legal.

So basically more voting days before the election...which apparently is fraud now?
"By law, early voting is supposed to end on the Friday before Election Day, but the law also provides for the emergency voting centers that may be created after. Ambiguities over the "emergency voting" statute—including questions as to what constitutes an emergency and whether or not a voter should have to prove their emergency—are the points of conflict. "... " Saturday, November 3 and Monday, November 5, irrespective of whether such individuals have cited any articulable 'emergency,'" the letter said. "If true, this practice impermissibly circumvents the statutory deadline and constitutes a de facto extension of general early voting."

But you appear to have a point. At least in theory, while extended without explanation, voting for an extra few days, those day would still have been before the election.


Previously known as an alleged "Feather-Rustler"
Apr 3, 2020
Corner of No and Where
That won't happen. what will happen is that trump tries to fudge the numbers, and depending on the results, worst case, it gets decided by the supreme court, and by congress. There will probably be an increase on terroristic violence from the losing side, and possibly some revenge violence from the other. But it won't escalate to full blown civil war. Not right away, atleast. In the end, the situation will be decided by who takes the senate. The senate is more important then the presidential race, arguably.
Why is the senate going to be the deciding factor? There's what, 72 days between election and inauguration and we think the very people who do not want an election and do not believe the democrats can legally win to sit back and wait those 70+ days out patiently so that the new Congress can force Trump to accept the results of the election now 70 days in the past?
The worry isn't Democrats not taking Congress, the worry is Trump and the Republicans just over-throwing the Election and entire states being okay with it.

lil devils x

🐐More Lego Goats Please!🐐
May 1, 2020
Why is the senate going to be the deciding factor? There's what, 72 days between election and inauguration and we think the very people who do not want an election and do not believe the democrats can legally win to sit back and wait those 70+ days out patiently so that the new Congress can force Trump to accept the results of the election now 70 days in the past?
The worry isn't Democrats not taking Congress, the worry is Trump and the Republicans just over-throwing the Election and entire states being okay with it.
Well it is the designation of the Sergeant at arms of the US Senate is who is tasked to arrest the president...
You can only direct them to do so if the majority of the Senate votes to do so, which only happens if democrats hold the Senate. Also, Without winning the Senate, we have Zero Hope of doing anything to repair some of the mess they made here at all or making anything better for the foreseeable future.

People focus too much on president when it is congress who creates the laws.


Previously known as an alleged "Feather-Rustler"
Apr 3, 2020
Corner of No and Where
Well it is the designation of the Sergeant at arms of the US Senate is who is tasked to arrest the president...
You can only direct them to do so if the majority of the Senate votes to do so, which only happens if democrats hold the Senate. Also, Without winning the Senate, we have Zero Hope of doing anything to repair some of the mess they made here at all or making anything better for the foreseeable future.

People focus too much on president when it is congress who creates the laws.
No no, I get that. I fully 100% understand controlling the Senate is key to stop Trump, passing new laws, etc. What I'm worried about is the current Senate, under McConnell going along with Trump when he declares the election void. As in Trump declares the Presidential election void, and he's staying. McConnell then declares the congressional election void, and the Republicans are staying. And the supreme court, now 6-3 with a fully 3rd in Trump's pocket going along with that too.

So even if Democrats have a landslide blue wave and take every single Senate seat in the country and Joe Biden wins 5000 points to 2, the current and still in power President, Senate and Supreme Court simply say no, it doesn't count, they're staying.
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Do everything and feel nothing
Mar 3, 2009
Well it is the designation of the Sergeant at arms of the US Senate is who is tasked to arrest the president...
You can only direct them to do so if the majority of the Senate votes to do so, which only happens if democrats hold the Senate.
It is very questionable a majority Republican Senate would decline to evict the president after he lost the election.

Nor, I suspect, will the cabinet, advisors, and even Trump's own family support him. These people have potential futures: surely few if any will put those futures at risk throwing the USA into a full-blown crisis, because the repercussions are likely to be harsh. And bear in mind that Trump, like many bullies, is deep down a coward. He'll scream and whine and rage, but he'll walk.
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lil devils x

🐐More Lego Goats Please!🐐
May 1, 2020
No no, I get that. I fully 100% understand controlling the Senate is key to stop Trump, passing new laws, etc. What I'm worried about is the current Senate, under McConnell going along with Trump when he declares the election void. As in Trump declares the Presidential election void, and he's staying. McConnell then declares the congressional election void, and the Republicans are staying. And the supreme court, now 6-3 with a fully 3rd in Trump's pocket going along with that too.

So even if Democrats have a landslide blue wave and take every single Senate seat in the country and Joe Biden wins 5000 points to 2, the current and still in power President, Senate and Supreme Court simply say no, it doesn't count, they're staying.
Yea, I am also concerned that even though Democrats also have a current majority on the House, they do not have a majority of state delegations in the even of a Contingent election:

Due to the way votes are cast in a contingent election, Trump could steal the election via the House of representatives if neither Biden or Trump win enough electoral college votes. Tbh all we can do is vote at this point and hope that Biden wins enough to prevent any of that from happening. The current congress is not in any way on our favor at present.

lil devils x

🐐More Lego Goats Please!🐐
May 1, 2020
It is very questionable a majority Republican Senate would decline to evict the president after he lost the election.

Nor, I suspect, will the cabinet, advisors, and even Trump's own family support him. These people have potential futures: surely few if any will put those futures at risk throwing the USA into a full-blown crisis, because the repercussions are likely to be harsh. And bear in mind that Trump, like many bullies, is deep down a coward. He'll scream and whine and rage, but he'll walk.
Hopefully, he will fly away to Scotland like his original plan if he lost. Walking is not fast nor far enough away. XD
He has to actually lose though for this to happen, and I will also believe that when I see it actually happen here. I have little confidence in the people that they will be smart enough to to boot him this time around. When you see people spouting off things like " Trump is trying take down the military industrial complex" making me spew my water out my nose in disbelief anyone still believes that after him spending more than anyone to expand it, I have difficulty getting my hopes up at all that we will ever be rid of this repugnant sleazeball fraud that is causing widespread suffering and death.
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Previously known as an alleged "Feather-Rustler"
Apr 3, 2020
Corner of No and Where
It is very questionable a majority Republican Senate would decline to evict the president after he lost the election.

Nor, I suspect, will the cabinet, advisors, and even Trump's own family support him. These people have potential futures: surely few if any will put those futures at risk throwing the USA into a full-blown crisis, because the repercussions are likely to be harsh. And bear in mind that Trump, like many bullies, is deep down a coward. He'll scream and whine and rage, but he'll walk.
See I disagree. His cabinet, appointees, family and supporters know the jig is up if he loses and leaves office. In office he has the power to pardon, and Barr has the power to shut down investigations, bury or destroy evidence.
Once Trump leaves its all up for grabs. Barr investigated for obstruction of justice, McConnell investigated for campaign finance fraud, same with Graham, that little weasel Stephen Miller investigated for what's going on at the border, Betsy Devos investigated for ties to for-profit schools, the entire Trump family investigated for tax fraud, blackmail, racial discrimination, etc...and without Trump in power they can't stop it.
They have nothing to gain from playing by the rule of law, and everything it lose. They're a political mob and we expect them not to pull a Scarface and go down shooting, politically or actually?

lil devils x

🐐More Lego Goats Please!🐐
May 1, 2020
See I disagree. His cabinet, appointees, family and supporters know the jig is up if he loses and leaves office. In office he has the power to pardon, and Barr has the power to shut down investigations, bury or destroy evidence.
Once Trump leaves its all up for grabs. Barr investigated for obstruction of justice, McConnell investigated for campaign finance fraud, same with Graham, that little weasel Stephen Miller investigated for what's going on at the border, Betsy Devos investigated for ties to for-profit schools, the entire Trump family investigated for tax fraud, blackmail, racial discrimination, etc...and without Trump in power they can't stop it.
They have nothing to gain from playing by the rule of law, and everything it lose. They're a political mob and we expect them not to pull a Scarface and go down shooting, politically or actually?
Part of the problem is Trump actively ran off senators who opposed him and ran attack ads against them and has been replacing people with loyalists even in the Senate and house, not just in his administration. That also means there will be less opposition to him regardless of what crazy shit he decides to do. That said, I still think that there are still a good number of those who are in office still that would likely not go along with anything that insane though, for the sake of them wanting to be reelected and having to face the people when they return home. I can understand your being worried about this though, given Missouri politics and all, but even among GOP states, not all of them are as far out there as Missouri.

I agree with Agema though that Ultimately Trump is a coward. I think he is likely to flee the country, likely leaving a huge mess and expect everyone else to clean it up for him like he has done with everything else in his life. He may even put up a fight initially, but then he is also just as likely to bail when it looks like things aren't going his way.
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Apr 24, 2020
United States
Trans Woman
Part of the problem is Trump actively ran off senators who opposed him and ran attack ads against them and has been replacing people with loyalists even in the Senate and house, not just in his administration. That also means there will be less opposition to him regardless of what crazy shit he decides to do. That said, I still think that there are still a good number of those who are in office still that would likely not go along with anything that insane though, for the sake of them wanting to be reelected and having to face the people when they return home. I can understand your being worried about this though, given Missouri politics and all, but even among GOP states, not all of them are as far out there as Missouri.

I agree with Agema though that Ultimately Trump is a coward. I think he is likely to flee the country, likely leaving a huge mess and expect everyone else to clean it up for him like he ahs done with everything else in his life. He may even put up a fight initially, but then he is also just as likely to bail when it looks like things aren't going his way.
I honestly don't know how things will be this time next week. I suspect that most GOP leaders will cut bait if it's an overwhelming loss because you don't last 20+ years in politics by engaging in behavior that is politically suicidal if you lose. He'll get some backing from a few, and definitely more than he had before 2019, but once the results are in, asking anyone to effectively nullify a clear election result has always been a big ask, far more than most electoral shenanigans.

My worry remains an unclear result or a Trump lead at 10p PST on Nov. 3 that turns into a loss a day or two later. Trump's been willing to seize on anything that gives him a modicum of ledge to stand on (and even when it wasn't there when he straight up made up "Obamagate" but couldn't even say what it was when asked directly). Right now, Fox News is almost certainly figuring out where they're going to stand in the event of a clear loss and how to manage it internally as they still technically have a news division that is not on board with outright lies, even if Carlson and Hannity are their real money makers.

I'm also skeptical the Supreme Court will side with Trump in the event of a clear loss or even a narrow one. Roberts ultimate nightmare is another Bush v. Gore, as that would be the final nail in the coffin for his preferred representation of the court as a neutral arbiter (the accuracy of that claim aside). Barrett will be encouraged to recuse given the nature of her confirmation proceedings while Gorsich, Roberts, Kagen, Sotomayor, and Breyer side with a majority if Biden benefits, or the five conservative justices side with the majority if Trump benefits.
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