Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War Maxes Out at 250GB Install


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
whose even playing CoD nowadays
Kids, teens, and adults that play that and almost nothing else aside from sports games or Fortnite. I am so glad I am not a cod fan anymore. And Jesus Christ Activision, compress your fucking files!

Also, check this out. Dude speaks the truth.



Elite Member
Aug 28, 2014
I mean, I'm pretty sure its intentional at this point. Which sucks, cuz I hear the new CoD formula isnt so bad. The gunplay doesn't look bad at all.


Simian Abomination
Escapist +
Apr 3, 2020
Welp. Assuming file sizes are similar on console, that's pretty much a a quarter to a third of your usable drive space eaten by a single game, probably more with the inevitable day 1 patch and subsequent updates/dlc added in.

The Rogue Wolf

Stealthy Carnivore
Nov 25, 2007
Stalking the Digital Tundra
In a comment on a video discussing the XBox Series S release, I joked that its 512GB SSD would barely have room for Call of Duty and Minecraft. Someone yelled at me that I didn't understand how file sizes work.

I think maybe it's Activision which doesn't understand that.
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The face I make when I see unguarded pie.
Jan 9, 2011
Wow that sure is a lot of content to take up that mu-AHAHAHAHAHA

No but seriously, I'm sure the grass will be rendered to perfection to justify all this space.


Follower of the Glorious Sun Butt.
Apr 1, 2009
Whatever, just wash your hands.
Fuck, well thats massive. The joy of uncompressed audio.


My flask is half full
Nov 18, 2010
I’m intrigued by a CoD game for the first time since like, the first Modern Warfare though. I also liked World at War and some BO2 playing online with friends, but the Cold War setting here could be really interesting. It’ll probably be Hollywood-inspired schlock but I’m kinda craving a new shooter, and Raven is doing the single player.

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Making lemons combustible again
Escapist +
Feb 9, 2008
A Barrel In the Marketplace
I’m intrigued by a CoD game for the first time since like, the first Modern Warfare though. I also liked World at War and some BO2 playing online with friends, but the Cold War setting here could be really interesting. It’ll probably be Hollywood-inspired schlock but I’m kinda craving a new shooter, and Raven is doing the single player.

I'm curious just how hard they're going to lean on the "Know your history" Conspiracy Theory in the campaign or if this is just the newest version of Brainwashing and numbers stations from the first BLOPS.


I'm not deleting my porn for this.
A person has to have their priorities in line.


Elite Member
Apr 24, 2020
United States
Solid-state drives better get less expensive or I have will go apeshit over this type of anti-consumeristic behavior. Part of me thinks they don't want people to play other games.


Elite Member
Dec 21, 2010
Kids, teens, and adults that play that and almost nothing else aside from sports games or Fortnite. I am so glad I am not a cod fan anymore. And Jesus Christ Activision, compress your fucking files!

Also, check this out. Dude speaks the truth.

COD stopped being fun with Modern Warfare 2, I was playing the multiplayer quite a lot and it dawned on that camping was the preferred tactic of almost everyone in that game. I'd spawn onto a map and instead of the sounds of gunfire, there was just silence and birds singing. Then from out of nowhere I would get my head blown off by some twat hiding in the grass. I'd respawn and then someone hiding in the grass else would blow my head off from the other side of the map. It seemed that every single match I got was just full of wankers with sniper rifles hiding in the grass. It was a revelation, I wasn't having any fun and I just stopped playing it and haven't bought another COD since.

Give me Overwatch over this any day of the week, at least with Overwatch the players have to actually fight each other and can't just sit in the grass with a sniper rifle.
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Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
COD stopped being fun with Modern Warfare 2, I was playing the multiplayer quite a lot and it dawned on that camping was the preferred tactic of almost everyone in that game. I'd spawn onto a map and instead of the sounds of gunfire, there was just silence and birds singing. Then from out of nowhere I would get my head blown off by some twat hiding in the grass. I'd respawn and then someone hiding in the grass else would blow my head off from the other side of the map. It seemed that every single match I got was just full of wankers with sniper rifles hiding in the grass. It was a revelation, I wasn't having any fun and I just stopped playing it and haven't bought another COD since.

Give me Overwatch over this any day of the week, at least with Overwatch the players have to actually fight each other and can't just sit in the grass with a sniper rifle.
Even back then, I was not that in to COD. I played 1, 2, 3 & 4. Then when MW2 hit the scene, I stopped. The game became a full blown James Bond over-the-top (the bad kind) and the series got boring for me. I'm talking about the single-player as I never even touched the multiplayer. The fact that the series or people defending it were trying to claim "realism" (two weapon limit, regenerating health by ducking behind cover) did not help. The fact that a lot of developers/publishers were trying to ape COD or Gears in game play or tone is why I could not stand the series anymore. I am not an Overwatch fan either, but I would play it over COD. I am not picking that up either, because fuck Acti-Blizz. You pieces of shit! With the rebirth of old-school or genre throwback style shooters, I know longer have to just see military shooters or hero shooters gobbling up the market.


Elite Member
Dec 28, 2017
Call of Duty is the McDonald's of video games. It's not good for you, but it's brainless and fun and you can guarantee that you get mostly the same experience every time.

They are at least pushing the bar on trying to make each one graphically better and better. For the size of it, the Modern Warfare of last year was one of the best looking games i've ever seen.

That cost comes in the form of size though. And at least they have the decency to let you only install the MP side of the game for a drastically smaller install size.

Worse case scenario, you install the SP play through it in 4-5 hours, and then uninstall.


Elite Member
May 29, 2007
United States
Will someone here actually look at the Call of Duty 2019 or 2018 (I've no idea what titles they went by.) install files and explain why they are so big? Or Red Dead 2s?

A few games let you download high quality textures. That should be more common. For uncompressed audio too.

I can't tell the difference between FLAC music and the same songs compressed to 320 kbps, although I still download in FLAC when possible just in case I can't tell that I can tell the difference. I also can't tell the difference between uncompressed Blu-ray audio like TrueHD and DTS-HD MA and the same audio at 1500 kbps (5.1) or like 500 kbps for 2.0, but I still archive my movies and TV shows with uncompressed audio just in case.


My flask is half full
Nov 18, 2010
Will someone here actually look at the Call of Duty 2019 or 2018 (I've no idea what titles they went by.) install files and explain why they are so big? Or Red Dead 2s?

A few games let you download high quality textures. That should be more common. For uncompressed audio too.

I can't tell the difference between FLAC music and the same songs compressed to 320 kbps, although I still download in FLAC when possible just in case I can't tell that I can tell the difference. I also can't tell the difference between uncompressed Blu-ray audio like TrueHD and DTS-HD MA and the same audio at 1500 kbps (5.1) or like 500 kbps for 2.0, but I still archive my movies and TV shows with uncompressed audio just in case.

In RDR2’s case it’s just a massive game in general.
Red Dead Redemption 2's recording sessions began in 2013 and lasted a total of 2,200 days, led primarily by motion capture director Rod Edge. The game features 1,200 actors, 700 of whom share the game's 500,000 lines of dialogue.[1] In addition to using motion capture to record the performances, Rockstar Games also used cameras to record their facial reactions for later animation;[2] a total of around 60 or 70 cameras were used.[3] The motion capture sets were typically accurate to the dimensions of the in-game setting, which could be demonstrated in a previsualization format.[3] The secretive nature of Rockstar's development meant that Edge and the actors were unsure about the future of the characters during production;[4] the writers continued to work on the script while the actors shot their scenes in segments.[3]

Nearly all of the side quests are also available playing as second character, so there are dozens of them with multiple cutscenes that all had to be recorded twice. That’s just dialog, let alone all the textures, music, etc.

I’ve always gotten the impression DTS-MA was higher quality than True HD. It seemed usually I had to turn the volume up a couple notches higher with the latter, and judging purely by bit rate it always fell short.

As for Flac, I’ve read its main benefit is for archiving, as it is basically considered a “master” audio copy in that it’s still technically lossless while also touting the benefit of smaller file sizes.
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