US senate committee on National Security and Government Affairs Report: Hunter Biden, Burisma, and Corruption: The Impact on U.S. Government Policy an


Unrealistic but happy
May 13, 2009
I miss mommy Tulsi. They shouldn't have kicked her out so hard in the primaries.
Me too. Remember when the Democratic party was anti-war? That leaves Trump the most anti-war major politician out there.


Elite Member
Dec 9, 2010
Biden's lead is dropping as we speak.

This happen every election, lead always become closer as you get near the election day. The big difference with 2016 is that far more people have already voted at this point and there's a lot less undecided voter this time around. It's still possible for Trump to legitimately win, but if that happen the margin in popular vote will be even bigger than 2016, we could have something like 5mil+ people voting for Biden and Trump win.
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Making lemons combustible again
Escapist +
Feb 9, 2008
A Barrel In the Marketplace
This happen every election, lead always become closer as you get near the election day. The big difference with 2016 is that far more people have already voted at this point and there's a lot less undecided voter this time around. It's still possible for Trump to legitimately win, but if that happen the margin in popular vote will be even bigger than 2016, we could have something like 5mil+ people voting for Biden and Trump win.
I've found this page is much more useful honestly because it's tracking the EC and not the popular. Most interesting is the snake chart which shows where the tipping point states are

Interestingly, right now 538 has Biden at 90% chance to win based off those numbers, which is far better then Hillary's 70% chance. Silver has repeatedly said a 10% chance is not a zero chance and he said the same thing in 2016, but the polls would have to be off a very large margin for Trump to pull a rabbit out of his ass this time.

This is also interesting tool that allows you to play with the battleground states to see how the results change based on predicted probbablities.


Sep 6, 2013
Occupied Palestine
Me too. Remember when the Democratic party was anti-war? That leaves Trump the most anti-war major politician out there.
Yeah it's a joke how they flipped from anti-war when Bush was in-office to what they are right now after Obama bombed the shit out of several ME countries.
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Do everything and feel nothing
Mar 3, 2009
Me too. Remember when the Democratic party was anti-war? That leaves Trump the most anti-war major politician out there.
Substantially, the USA is fighting everywhere it was 2016, with overseas active service deployments basically unchanged (in fact slightly up) from Obama. Drone strikes have increased (with even less transparency on results so we can judge whether it is wise). He has threatened war with North Korea and Iran, torn up nuclear defence treaties. When Congress attempted to back out of US assistance in Yemen, let's remember, Trump vetoed them and shunted more support off to his bosom buddy Mohammed bin Salman. One important and notable point is increasing the military budget. Bearing in mind the term "military-industrial complex", what can any of us think military budget increases involve? Space Force, new planes, new tanks... it's the same old thing. Put simply, Trump's maintenance (and in some cases escalation) of military action and funding is completely inconsistent with a claim that he is "anti-war" in any sense.

So how "pro-war" is Trump?

His bombastic, macho militaristic rhetoric is only so much posturing hot air. But can you imagine Trump really passing up the opportunity to boast and look tough by bombing the crap out somewhere if it were cheap? Can you really see such an image-focused narcissist looking at polls with a 70% support for war and deciding to pass up the patriotic acclaim? There seems to be evidence that Trump enthusiastically cultivated military officers early on ("my generals", "my military"), but this seems to more image. Talk was Trump has paid particularly little interest to military matters: substantially, he just left "his" generals to go do as they please. His conflicts with John Bolton indicate he was less warlike than Bolton, but that's not saying much because who isn't less aggressive than Bolton?

To a large extent war is a matter of circumstance or opportunity as it tends to be a pragmatic decision: it's hard and unpopular to magic a war out of nowhere. What stands out from Trump's tenure is very little opportunity, as US interests around the globe have been relatively stable: no Arab Spring or disintegrating multiethnic states with valuable mineral reserves. So I would conclude that we don't really know because we've not had much opportunity to see, but I'd concur with an assessment that he doesn't seem particularly inclined to military adventures, if for no other reason than they don't interest him. I am considerably more concerned about him inadvertantly starting wars because his foreign policy is so aggressively destabilising.

Bottom line, if the USA wants a real "anti-war" choice, the next opportunity is going to be 2024.


Elite Member
Apr 21, 2008
The U.S. has been engaged in warfare for decades:

Both political parties employ a combination of neoconservatism and neoliberalism to protect the petrodollar and the interests of the U.S. rich, which control much of the economy and fund both parties, the government, businesses, the military, and households.


Nascent Orca
Jun 21, 2012
Yeah. Can you believe that? If true, this means that Fox News - a major and supposedly professional journalistic outlet - is admitting it's too incompetent to ensure that it can safely handle important information. Nobody thought to make copies, or scan them and send a .pdf? Just sent these dynamite claims pretty much through basic mail? Really?

UPS had admitted that it lost the package: so something indeed got lost. However, news reports also show that UPS promptly searched, found the missing contents, and sent them on to Fox - I can find an article saying so timestamped 17:00 GMT Thursday (which would be what, ~07:00 LA time?). Carlson presents on weekdays, so his team surely got the package in time for the Friday if not the Thursday show. Anything?

In fact, Carlson announced it's time leave Hunter Biden alone. So we might conclude that package had nothing - or at least, nothing that wasn't already public domain.
Who would've guessed that taking away sorting machines and generally screwing with the Post Office to own the libs would bite them in the ass


Nascent Orca
Jun 21, 2012
When someone declares they are anti-war, that doesn't mean they are anti-coup, anti-bombing, anti-raiding etc. It just means they won't turn up enmass. But a few operatives or bombs in key places....
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Sep 6, 2013
Occupied Palestine
Yep. At this rate, on election day, his lead will be "only" eight points. Devastating, I'm sure.

Yeah. Can you believe that? If true, this means that Fox News - a major and supposedly professional journalistic outlet - is admitting it's too incompetent to ensure that it can safely handle important information. Nobody thought to make copies, or scan them and send a .pdf? Just sent these dynamite claims pretty much through basic mail? Really?

UPS had admitted that it lost the package: so something indeed got lost. However, news reports also show that UPS promptly searched, found the missing contents, and sent them on to Fox - I can find an article saying so timestamped 17:00 GMT Thursday (which would be what, ~07:00 LA time?). Carlson presents on weekdays, so his team surely got the package in time for the Friday if not the Thursday show. Anything?

In fact, Carlson announced it's time leave Hunter Biden alone. So we might conclude that package had nothing - or at least, nothing that wasn't already public domain.
It was the only way for MSM to cover the existence of these documents, if it were wrapped in a blanket of Fox incompetence. A small portion of the listeners will be intrigued and look those documents up themselves.


Elite Member
Sep 16, 2014
United States
Who would've guessed that taking away sorting machines and generally screwing with the Post Office to own the libs would bite them in the ass
Wait, was is delivered UPS or USPS?

Because UPS is one of those private corporations people pretend is automatically better than a government agency.

(not that UPS is bad, but they're probably the worst of the big 3 at document deliveries)


Do everything and feel nothing
Mar 3, 2009
It was the only way for MSM to cover the existence of these documents, if it were wrapped in a blanket of Fox incompetence. A small portion of the listeners will be intrigued and look those documents up themselves.
I think someone potentially has "dirt" on Hunter Biden. But there's not necessarily much electoral traction beating on Hunter. Indeed, it might backfire as the public might consider it pretty despicable dragging Hunter through the mud just to embarrass his dad, when there's no evidence Joe is involved.

Some of the "dirt" around Hunter Biden is bad and yet not bad. They're superficially bad, because there's money coming and going from everywhere, including countries not popular in the USA currently. But the other side of the equation is that... that is global finance. Money is flying around the world from all sorts of locations (many not much liked in the USA currently), and the USA is a very popular investment location. Hunter is part owner of some investment company, and it seems evident when stories say that "Hunter Biden" is getting money from sources, frequently what they actually mean is that the company he is part-owner of is receiving people's money.

There seems little advantage here given the president himself has bank accounts in China paying more tax to China than he is paying in the USA, business operations in Russia, Saudi Arabia; his daughter claimed copyrights in China, and so on. "Joe's son has foreign business dealings just like us" doesn't really make a compelling game changer at the best of times.

The advantage of the way Fox handled it is that it's potentially more useful to whip up fears and conspiracy amongst Republicans being constantly primed to expect cheating and corruption than it is to run a nothingburger. However, I fear that's still just preaching to the converted, and not going to win over the "middle ground" who have decisively departed from Trump support.
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Do everything and feel nothing
Mar 3, 2009
Who would've guessed that taking away sorting machines and generally screwing with the Post Office to own the libs would bite them in the ass
UPS (United Parcel Service), not USPS - private company, rival to FedEx, etc. "One step up" from the basic postal service, you might say.


Sep 6, 2013
Occupied Palestine
I think someone potentially has "dirt" on Hunter Biden. But there's not necessarily much electoral traction beating on Hunter. Indeed, it might backfire as the public might consider it pretty despicable dragging Hunter through the mud just to embarrass his dad, when there's no evidence Joe is involved.

Some of the "dirt" around Hunter Biden is bad and yet not bad. They're superficially bad, because there's money coming and going from everywhere, including countries not popular in the USA currently. But the other side of the equation is that... that is global finance. Money is flying around the world from all sorts of locations (many not much liked in the USA currently), and the USA is a very popular investment location. Hunter is part owner of some investment company, and it seems evident when stories say that "Hunter Biden" is getting money from sources, frequently what they actually mean is that the company he is part-owner of is receiving people's money.

There seems little advantage here given the president himself has bank accounts in China paying more tax to China than he is paying in the USA, business operations in Russia, Saudi Arabia; his daughter claimed copyrights in China, and so on. "Joe's son has foreign business dealings just like us" doesn't really make a compelling game changer at the best of times.

The advantage of the way Fox handled it is that it's potentially more useful to whip up fears and conspiracy amongst Republicans being constantly primed to expect cheating and corruption than it is to run a nothingburger. However, I fear that's still just preaching to the converted, and not going to win over the "middle ground" who have decisively departed from Trump support.
Mate you're free to read the actual report linked here. It further states that all of the Biden family has financial ties to these people (including Joe and his brother).
You don't realize but the garbage they are raising against Trump is to try and mirror what the anti-CCP operatives are releasing to the public. It's an engineered "whataboutism".
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Unrealistic but happy
May 13, 2009
Substantially, the USA is fighting everywhere it was 2016, with overseas active service deployments basically unchanged (in fact slightly up) from Obama. Drone strikes have increased (with even less transparency on results so we can judge whether it is wise). He has threatened war with North Korea and Iran, torn up nuclear defence treaties. When Congress attempted to back out of US assistance in Yemen, let's remember, Trump vetoed them and shunted more support off to his bosom buddy Mohammed bin Salman. One important and notable point is increasing the military budget. Bearing in mind the term "military-industrial complex", what can any of us think military budget increases involve? Space Force, new planes, new tanks... it's the same old thing. Put simply, Trump's maintenance (and in some cases escalation) of military action and funding is completely inconsistent with a claim that he is "anti-war" in any sense.

So how "pro-war" is Trump?

His bombastic, macho militaristic rhetoric is only so much posturing hot air. But can you imagine Trump really passing up the opportunity to boast and look tough by bombing the crap out somewhere if it were cheap? Can you really see such an image-focused narcissist looking at polls with a 70% support for war and deciding to pass up the patriotic acclaim? There seems to be evidence that Trump enthusiastically cultivated military officers early on ("my generals", "my military"), but this seems to more image. Talk was Trump has paid particularly little interest to military matters: substantially, he just left "his" generals to go do as they please. His conflicts with John Bolton indicate he was less warlike than Bolton, but that's not saying much because who isn't less aggressive than Bolton?

To a large extent war is a matter of circumstance or opportunity as it tends to be a pragmatic decision: it's hard and unpopular to magic a war out of nowhere. What stands out from Trump's tenure is very little opportunity, as US interests around the globe have been relatively stable: no Arab Spring or disintegrating multiethnic states with valuable mineral reserves. So I would conclude that we don't really know because we've not had much opportunity to see, but I'd concur with an assessment that he doesn't seem particularly inclined to military adventures, if for no other reason than they don't interest him. I am considerably more concerned about him inadvertantly starting wars because his foreign policy is so aggressively destabilising.

Bottom line, if the USA wants a real "anti-war" choice, the next opportunity is going to be 2024.
This is Jimmy Dore. He is a far left comedian. Here, he cannot help but play a Tucker Carlson clip that has him flabergasted. We had bipartisan support for an expanded war in Syria. The media lied to us. Trump resisted. A President Biden would not have done so.
When was that?

Not appreciably more than anyone else.
See the video above. And remember those chomping on the bit to either start selling weapons to Iran, or go to war with them. Trump has resisted doing either.


Sep 6, 2013
Occupied Palestine
This is Jimmy Dore. He is a far left comedian. Here, he cannot help but play a Tucker Carlson clip that has him flabergasted. We had bipartisan support for an expanded war in Syria. The media lied to us. Trump resisted. A President Biden would not have done so.

See the video above. And remember those chomping on the bit to either start selling weapons to Iran, or go to war with them. Trump has resisted doing either.
Glenn Greenwald censored in his own outlet. He bailed out because he wouldn't censor himself on his criticism over Biden. It's not even MSM, everyone is bought and paid for.

edit: operation mockingbird isn't alleged anymore. This is transparent. You need to shut down your alphabet agencies and clean house. ICE is the least of your problems if the big boys are running color revolution ops inside the US because Trump ordered milkshakes.
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Do everything and feel nothing
Mar 3, 2009
Mate you're free to read the actual report linked here. It further states that all of the Biden family has financial ties to these people (including Joe and his brother).
You don't realize but the garbage they are raising against Trump is to try and mirror what the anti-CCP operatives are releasing to the public. It's an engineered "whataboutism".
You mean the Senate report drawn up specifically to tar Joe Biden? Honestly, I flicked through it, and there's basically nothing there. It's a masterpiece of selective reporting, allusions, manufactured implications to make an absence of any compelling evidence into the most scurrillous gossip possible.

Glenn Greenwald censored in his own outlet. He bailed out because he wouldn't censor himself on his criticism over Biden. It's not even MSM, everyone is bought and paid for.
Greenwald's denied draft effectively re-encapsulates the central fact above that there is, thus far, nothing incriminating. As I said all the way back in #18, by all means carry on investigating, and see if something real turns up. Until then, this is junk.

This is Jimmy Dore. He is a far left comedian. Here, he cannot help but play a Tucker Carlson clip that has him flabergasted. We had bipartisan support for an expanded war in Syria. The media lied to us. Trump resisted. A President Biden would not have done so.
What did Trump resist? Where and what exactly was this supposed bipartisan pressure from Congress to flood Syria with US troops (because Howard Dean alone doesn't cut it as pressure)?

That video is a straw man. Some Democrat and Republican senators condemned the illegal use of WMDs and said the president should act to punish Assad for their use. And indeed Trump did respond in conjunction with the UK and France, with several strikes, which everyone said was fine and proportionate. That is all the there was and need be told.


Elite Member
Sep 16, 2014
United States
See the video above. And remember those chomping on the bit to either start selling weapons to Iran, or go to war with them. Trump has resisted doing either.
Aside from using a drone to assassinate an Iranian general on Iraqi soil, he used an emergency declaration to override congress and sell 8 billion dollars worth of weapons to Saudi Arabia and several other countries. And he ramped up drone strikes while being even less transparent about who we're killing with them and how many times it's just some random civilians.


Unrealistic but happy
May 13, 2009
Aside from using a drone to assassinate an Iranian general on Iraqi soil, he used an emergency declaration to override congress and sell 8 billion dollars worth of weapons to Saudi Arabia and several other countries. And he ramped up drone strikes while being even less transparent about who we're killing with them and how many times it's just some random civilians.
Link about the increase in drone strikes? I thought Obama did more. I could be wrong. EDIT Lot of links saying Trump has radically increased drone strikes. I'm not hearing about it in our legacy media.
What did Trump resist? Where and what exactly was this supposed bipartisan pressure from Congress to flood Syria with US troops (because Howard Dean alone doesn't cut it as pressure)?

That video is a straw man. Some Democrat and Republican senators condemned the illegal use of WMDs and said the president should act to punish Assad for their use. And indeed Trump did respond in conjunction with the UK and France, with several strikes, which everyone said was fine and proportionate. That is all the there was and need be told.
If the legacy media, which I think obedient to the Democratic party, is pounding war drums, as shown in that video, and there is more, you can believe others in the deep state want to expand the war.
I do need to look up: who initially called for regime change in Syria? Trump or before him. Because Trump ended that. I'll have to review.
EDIT: 2015 ... reviewing. I concede this is disappointing: In March 2018, Trump revoked an Obama executive order requiring an annual disclosure of civilian deaths resulting from drone strikes
Another problem I have with Trump: over the decades he has been critical of US involvement in these wars. But like John Kerry, he sometimes complains about the wealthy oil rich leaders in the Mid East are not footing the bill. While that is bad, it is not the biggest issue. That the US is in these wars that have little to nothing to do with us, nor any kind of end game and is costing not only treasure but blood, the blood thing? Bigger issue.
I expect a Biden administration to be much bloodier. EDIT: But from the reported trajectory, I concede another Trump administration may out do round one too.

Glenn Greenwald censored in his own outlet. He bailed out because he wouldn't censor himself on his criticism over Biden. It's not even MSM, everyone is bought and paid for.

edit: operation mockingbird isn't alleged anymore. This is transparent. You need to shut down your alphabet agencies and clean house. ICE is the least of your problems if the big boys are running color revolution ops inside the US because Trump ordered milkshakes.
If Trump has done one invaluable thing, he has shown us that the legacy corporate media isn't just biased. They're obedient to the corporations that own them. As will be a Joe Biden administration.
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