Normally i put my end of the year wrap up together with the good and the bad. But this year has been shit for everybody so I wanted to keep the negative stuff to a single thread and then do a positive thread later so that we could have a thread of just good shit to end our year off with.
Now let's give some games some hate! These are the shittiest games I played this year in no particular order. With an added bonus of my playtime for each game so you know how much of a "chance" I gave it.
Warcraft 3: Reforged - I should have known that the year was going to be bad when it started with one of the shittiest remakes/remasters in history. Blizzard entertainment should have knocked this out of the park. This is what Blizzard started with, RTS games used to be their bread and butter, and simply remaking one of the best RTS games ever should have been a slam dunk. Instead we got nothing we were promised. Not only did we not get the cool new cutscenes and story moments the trailer promised, they somehow managed to make the reforged versions even worse. The game was unbalanced (which I dunno how you fuck that up since all you had to do was copy and paste your numbers). All in all this was probably made by some shitty interns working at Blizzard for like $100 bucks. It's lazy, it's cheap, and will go down in history as one of the only remasters that is actively worse than the original game.
Total Playtime 3 hours.
Snowrunner - I've never played a game that was frustrating to play within the first 30 fucking seconds, but here we are. In Snowrunner you are driving a bunch of trucks through roads made of shit, it's a driving game where you get stuck in the mud every 15 feet. It's unrewarding, it's frustrating, it's stupid.
Total Playtime 39 minutes.
Minecraft Dungeons: I love me a good Diablo-like. And Minecraft has more money than god. So a Minecraft Diablo-like looked really promising. Instead it's baby's first Diablo game. Incredibly short, with loot that is not only bad it doesn't even have variety. Each item is mostly the same with higher numbers on it. There are no classes, no talents, no ways to build a character to do anything special. You just equip random shit with bigger numbers, that's it. Fucking useless.
Total Playtime 5 hours.
The Last of Us 2 - I don't think anyone is surprised to see this on my list. The Last of Us 2 takes what made the first game great and takes a steaming pile of shit on it. Beloved characters are given terrible treatment, or completely changed to match a terrible story. With seven years between games, this game lacks any innovation or new gameplay elements to change the formula up in any way so it doesn't even add anything new to the experience. The story is bad, the characters are bad, this game does everything in it's power to ruin the franchise for people who loved the first game. It is a very very good looking game though.
Total Playtime 34 hours (Platinum Trophy)
Fast and Furious Crossroads: Ever wanted to play a Fast and Furious movie as a video game!? Me neither. Luckily for us, this isn't that. It tries to be that, and it has "actors" in it, but what it actually is is garbage. The driving is floaty and hard to control, the mission objectives are nonsensical, the voice acting is awful, and it looks like a Xbox 360 game. This is a bad game is what this is.
Total Playtime 3 hours
Madden 21 - I might be a nerd but every few years I do like me a good sportsball game. And the only sportsball game I know enough of the rules of to actually enjoy watching and playing is Football. So this year i got me a Madden game. I only play a few seasons, and never touch the microtransactions or ultimate team because I don't care that much. And the last game I played in the series was Madden 19, and would you believe this......Madden 21 is the same! Like exactly the same. I mean the menus are new sure, but the animations are the same, the playbooks are the same. Hell the sidelines in the tutorials and some of the stadiums even say "Madden 19" on them! I don't understand how the fuck this is a billion dollar game every year. Sports fans are stupid.
Total Playtime 5 hours
Project Cars 3 - I love simulation racing games. I buy the Forza games every year because I just love driving realistic cars on real tracks. It relaxes me, and the games are great when you wanna drive and listen to podcasts or whatever. Project Cars 1 and 2 were pretty solid simulation games, with a lot more variety than even what Forza offers. So Project Cars 3 should be just as cool right? You know what pisses a simulation racing fan off more than anything? Turning a Sim into an arcade racer. Yeah there are real cars on real tracks here, but these cars don't drive like they should and instead you slide and spin your ass around the track with no punishments what so ever. Plus they added all these little acradey objectives each race like "drift for 15 seconds straight" and shit like that but a bunch of them flat out don't work. The objectives don't mark your progress during the race so you have no idea you've completed them until the race is over only to find out you didn't do it and have to load through a bunch of shit to try the objective again. And you NEED to do these objectives to unlock the next series of races, so they aren't even optional objectives! FUCK!
Total Playtime 8 hours.
Anthem.....errrr Marvel's Avengers: This game ruins super hero games. Spider-Man games are retroactively shit just because this game exists. Combat is floaty and unresponsive, the enemies are sponges, the loot is just numbers on your character and don't even have the decency to provide you with any sort of cosmetic benefit. Just getting through the campaign is a horrid grind, even if the story itself and the characters are actually pretty good. This game was built from the ground up to be a Destiny, Anthem, Fallout 76 - like live service piece of shit. And it falls to even be close to anything worth playing. But hey Spider-Man will be on the Playstation version in March, so look forward to that.
Total Playtime 4 hours.
Torchlight 3 - Of all the games on this list, this one breaks my heart the most. Torchlight 1 and 2 were fantastic Diablo-like Action RPG's from some of the original Diablo creators. They knew what made a good looter action RPG, so this game should have been an easy slamdunk. I should have known better. I didn't even know Torchlight 3 was even being made until I saw it was in early access on Twitter. I bought it immediately of course and played it as soon as I could. The flaws were apparently immediately, when the combat was clunky, and the loot was really generic. Lots of +% of X-damage type, but nothing that really built your character. But hey it was early access, they'll add more in full release right? Nope. What i played in early access ended up being what the full game was gonna be and it was not great. Torchlight 3 is an okay game. I mean it all works, but as a Torchlight game it doesn't live up to what the series should be.
Total Playtime 15 hours.
So those are my worse games of the year. What do you think? Agree or not? What are your worse games of the year? Why? Let me know.
Now let's give some games some hate! These are the shittiest games I played this year in no particular order. With an added bonus of my playtime for each game so you know how much of a "chance" I gave it.
Warcraft 3: Reforged - I should have known that the year was going to be bad when it started with one of the shittiest remakes/remasters in history. Blizzard entertainment should have knocked this out of the park. This is what Blizzard started with, RTS games used to be their bread and butter, and simply remaking one of the best RTS games ever should have been a slam dunk. Instead we got nothing we were promised. Not only did we not get the cool new cutscenes and story moments the trailer promised, they somehow managed to make the reforged versions even worse. The game was unbalanced (which I dunno how you fuck that up since all you had to do was copy and paste your numbers). All in all this was probably made by some shitty interns working at Blizzard for like $100 bucks. It's lazy, it's cheap, and will go down in history as one of the only remasters that is actively worse than the original game.
Total Playtime 3 hours.
Snowrunner - I've never played a game that was frustrating to play within the first 30 fucking seconds, but here we are. In Snowrunner you are driving a bunch of trucks through roads made of shit, it's a driving game where you get stuck in the mud every 15 feet. It's unrewarding, it's frustrating, it's stupid.
Total Playtime 39 minutes.
Minecraft Dungeons: I love me a good Diablo-like. And Minecraft has more money than god. So a Minecraft Diablo-like looked really promising. Instead it's baby's first Diablo game. Incredibly short, with loot that is not only bad it doesn't even have variety. Each item is mostly the same with higher numbers on it. There are no classes, no talents, no ways to build a character to do anything special. You just equip random shit with bigger numbers, that's it. Fucking useless.
Total Playtime 5 hours.
The Last of Us 2 - I don't think anyone is surprised to see this on my list. The Last of Us 2 takes what made the first game great and takes a steaming pile of shit on it. Beloved characters are given terrible treatment, or completely changed to match a terrible story. With seven years between games, this game lacks any innovation or new gameplay elements to change the formula up in any way so it doesn't even add anything new to the experience. The story is bad, the characters are bad, this game does everything in it's power to ruin the franchise for people who loved the first game. It is a very very good looking game though.
Total Playtime 34 hours (Platinum Trophy)
Fast and Furious Crossroads: Ever wanted to play a Fast and Furious movie as a video game!? Me neither. Luckily for us, this isn't that. It tries to be that, and it has "actors" in it, but what it actually is is garbage. The driving is floaty and hard to control, the mission objectives are nonsensical, the voice acting is awful, and it looks like a Xbox 360 game. This is a bad game is what this is.
Total Playtime 3 hours
Madden 21 - I might be a nerd but every few years I do like me a good sportsball game. And the only sportsball game I know enough of the rules of to actually enjoy watching and playing is Football. So this year i got me a Madden game. I only play a few seasons, and never touch the microtransactions or ultimate team because I don't care that much. And the last game I played in the series was Madden 19, and would you believe this......Madden 21 is the same! Like exactly the same. I mean the menus are new sure, but the animations are the same, the playbooks are the same. Hell the sidelines in the tutorials and some of the stadiums even say "Madden 19" on them! I don't understand how the fuck this is a billion dollar game every year. Sports fans are stupid.
Total Playtime 5 hours
Project Cars 3 - I love simulation racing games. I buy the Forza games every year because I just love driving realistic cars on real tracks. It relaxes me, and the games are great when you wanna drive and listen to podcasts or whatever. Project Cars 1 and 2 were pretty solid simulation games, with a lot more variety than even what Forza offers. So Project Cars 3 should be just as cool right? You know what pisses a simulation racing fan off more than anything? Turning a Sim into an arcade racer. Yeah there are real cars on real tracks here, but these cars don't drive like they should and instead you slide and spin your ass around the track with no punishments what so ever. Plus they added all these little acradey objectives each race like "drift for 15 seconds straight" and shit like that but a bunch of them flat out don't work. The objectives don't mark your progress during the race so you have no idea you've completed them until the race is over only to find out you didn't do it and have to load through a bunch of shit to try the objective again. And you NEED to do these objectives to unlock the next series of races, so they aren't even optional objectives! FUCK!
Total Playtime 8 hours.
Anthem.....errrr Marvel's Avengers: This game ruins super hero games. Spider-Man games are retroactively shit just because this game exists. Combat is floaty and unresponsive, the enemies are sponges, the loot is just numbers on your character and don't even have the decency to provide you with any sort of cosmetic benefit. Just getting through the campaign is a horrid grind, even if the story itself and the characters are actually pretty good. This game was built from the ground up to be a Destiny, Anthem, Fallout 76 - like live service piece of shit. And it falls to even be close to anything worth playing. But hey Spider-Man will be on the Playstation version in March, so look forward to that.
Total Playtime 4 hours.
Torchlight 3 - Of all the games on this list, this one breaks my heart the most. Torchlight 1 and 2 were fantastic Diablo-like Action RPG's from some of the original Diablo creators. They knew what made a good looter action RPG, so this game should have been an easy slamdunk. I should have known better. I didn't even know Torchlight 3 was even being made until I saw it was in early access on Twitter. I bought it immediately of course and played it as soon as I could. The flaws were apparently immediately, when the combat was clunky, and the loot was really generic. Lots of +% of X-damage type, but nothing that really built your character. But hey it was early access, they'll add more in full release right? Nope. What i played in early access ended up being what the full game was gonna be and it was not great. Torchlight 3 is an okay game. I mean it all works, but as a Torchlight game it doesn't live up to what the series should be.
Total Playtime 15 hours.
So those are my worse games of the year. What do you think? Agree or not? What are your worse games of the year? Why? Let me know.