The Worst Games of the Worst Year Ever


Elite Member
Dec 28, 2017
Normally i put my end of the year wrap up together with the good and the bad. But this year has been shit for everybody so I wanted to keep the negative stuff to a single thread and then do a positive thread later so that we could have a thread of just good shit to end our year off with.

Now let's give some games some hate! These are the shittiest games I played this year in no particular order. With an added bonus of my playtime for each game so you know how much of a "chance" I gave it.

Warcraft 3: Reforged - I should have known that the year was going to be bad when it started with one of the shittiest remakes/remasters in history. Blizzard entertainment should have knocked this out of the park. This is what Blizzard started with, RTS games used to be their bread and butter, and simply remaking one of the best RTS games ever should have been a slam dunk. Instead we got nothing we were promised. Not only did we not get the cool new cutscenes and story moments the trailer promised, they somehow managed to make the reforged versions even worse. The game was unbalanced (which I dunno how you fuck that up since all you had to do was copy and paste your numbers). All in all this was probably made by some shitty interns working at Blizzard for like $100 bucks. It's lazy, it's cheap, and will go down in history as one of the only remasters that is actively worse than the original game.

Total Playtime 3 hours.

Snowrunner - I've never played a game that was frustrating to play within the first 30 fucking seconds, but here we are. In Snowrunner you are driving a bunch of trucks through roads made of shit, it's a driving game where you get stuck in the mud every 15 feet. It's unrewarding, it's frustrating, it's stupid.

Total Playtime 39 minutes.

Minecraft Dungeons: I love me a good Diablo-like. And Minecraft has more money than god. So a Minecraft Diablo-like looked really promising. Instead it's baby's first Diablo game. Incredibly short, with loot that is not only bad it doesn't even have variety. Each item is mostly the same with higher numbers on it. There are no classes, no talents, no ways to build a character to do anything special. You just equip random shit with bigger numbers, that's it. Fucking useless.

Total Playtime 5 hours.

The Last of Us 2 - I don't think anyone is surprised to see this on my list. The Last of Us 2 takes what made the first game great and takes a steaming pile of shit on it. Beloved characters are given terrible treatment, or completely changed to match a terrible story. With seven years between games, this game lacks any innovation or new gameplay elements to change the formula up in any way so it doesn't even add anything new to the experience. The story is bad, the characters are bad, this game does everything in it's power to ruin the franchise for people who loved the first game. It is a very very good looking game though.

Total Playtime 34 hours (Platinum Trophy)

Fast and Furious Crossroads: Ever wanted to play a Fast and Furious movie as a video game!? Me neither. Luckily for us, this isn't that. It tries to be that, and it has "actors" in it, but what it actually is is garbage. The driving is floaty and hard to control, the mission objectives are nonsensical, the voice acting is awful, and it looks like a Xbox 360 game. This is a bad game is what this is.

Total Playtime 3 hours

Madden 21 - I might be a nerd but every few years I do like me a good sportsball game. And the only sportsball game I know enough of the rules of to actually enjoy watching and playing is Football. So this year i got me a Madden game. I only play a few seasons, and never touch the microtransactions or ultimate team because I don't care that much. And the last game I played in the series was Madden 19, and would you believe this......Madden 21 is the same! Like exactly the same. I mean the menus are new sure, but the animations are the same, the playbooks are the same. Hell the sidelines in the tutorials and some of the stadiums even say "Madden 19" on them! I don't understand how the fuck this is a billion dollar game every year. Sports fans are stupid.

Total Playtime 5 hours

Project Cars 3 - I love simulation racing games. I buy the Forza games every year because I just love driving realistic cars on real tracks. It relaxes me, and the games are great when you wanna drive and listen to podcasts or whatever. Project Cars 1 and 2 were pretty solid simulation games, with a lot more variety than even what Forza offers. So Project Cars 3 should be just as cool right? You know what pisses a simulation racing fan off more than anything? Turning a Sim into an arcade racer. Yeah there are real cars on real tracks here, but these cars don't drive like they should and instead you slide and spin your ass around the track with no punishments what so ever. Plus they added all these little acradey objectives each race like "drift for 15 seconds straight" and shit like that but a bunch of them flat out don't work. The objectives don't mark your progress during the race so you have no idea you've completed them until the race is over only to find out you didn't do it and have to load through a bunch of shit to try the objective again. And you NEED to do these objectives to unlock the next series of races, so they aren't even optional objectives! FUCK!

Total Playtime 8 hours.

Anthem.....errrr Marvel's Avengers: This game ruins super hero games. Spider-Man games are retroactively shit just because this game exists. Combat is floaty and unresponsive, the enemies are sponges, the loot is just numbers on your character and don't even have the decency to provide you with any sort of cosmetic benefit. Just getting through the campaign is a horrid grind, even if the story itself and the characters are actually pretty good. This game was built from the ground up to be a Destiny, Anthem, Fallout 76 - like live service piece of shit. And it falls to even be close to anything worth playing. But hey Spider-Man will be on the Playstation version in March, so look forward to that.

Total Playtime 4 hours.

Torchlight 3 - Of all the games on this list, this one breaks my heart the most. Torchlight 1 and 2 were fantastic Diablo-like Action RPG's from some of the original Diablo creators. They knew what made a good looter action RPG, so this game should have been an easy slamdunk. I should have known better. I didn't even know Torchlight 3 was even being made until I saw it was in early access on Twitter. I bought it immediately of course and played it as soon as I could. The flaws were apparently immediately, when the combat was clunky, and the loot was really generic. Lots of +% of X-damage type, but nothing that really built your character. But hey it was early access, they'll add more in full release right? Nope. What i played in early access ended up being what the full game was gonna be and it was not great. Torchlight 3 is an okay game. I mean it all works, but as a Torchlight game it doesn't live up to what the series should be.

Total Playtime 15 hours.

So those are my worse games of the year. What do you think? Agree or not? What are your worse games of the year? Why? Let me know.


Simian Abomination
Escapist +
Apr 3, 2020
Haven't played any of those, which I suppose I should count as a blessing.

Other than that I've played only four games that were released this year. Technically more like ten, but I don't think rereleases count as new. Anyway, those four are Doom Eternal, Ghostrunner, Shinseiki: Into the Depths and Trials of Mana remake. First two I liked well enough. Not goty, but a good time nonetheless. The other two I wouldn't call bad either. Just kind of mediocre. But I suppose I could go a little more indepth, starting fittingly with:

Shinseiki: Into the Depth: in case you've never heard of it, it's a metroidvania on Switch that takes place underwater after some calamity froze over the surface and which is now slowly freezing the ocean. You're one of the last living humans who is forcibly evicted from his seabound home by encroaching ice forcibly and now you need to decend into the depths in search of a solution. It has some novel bits, like being a diver means you need to regularly top off your air supply lest you obviously die from suffocation, but which also doubles ass your health points and as fuel for the waterjets that enhance your speed and maneuverability. You also have a maximum diving depth. Both of which can be upgraded of course, but do provide some fairly interesting choices. Do I go further not knowing whether I'll be able to replenish my air supply in time? What if I run into a boss, will I be able to last the fight with what air I have? Do I risk going too deep and grab that upgrade now, or do I wait till its safe? But other than that, it's got nothing really special. Environments and level design are serviceable but dull. Weapons and upgrades are serviceable but dull. You notice a trend yet? Also, abrupt and rather unsatisfying ending. And it also doesn't run very well despite not looking like it'd put a Switch through its paces. Fun premise, but overall just kind of middle of the road.

Trials of Mana remake: also played on Switch. I like that you get to assemble your own party and that each of the six playable characters has its own fully fleshed out storyline, even if they're dumb and fraught with cliches. The music is nice and catchy. Voice acting is atrocious tho, like something from the early '00s. Combat is sort of fun, but about as deep as a puddle. Environments are colorful but not very inspired in theme or art design. Graphics are ok for Switch, but it looks and performs worse than Dragon Quest XI, despite both being UE4 (I'm pretty sure Trials reuses a fair amount of assets too). It's a mixed bag in general that leads to it overall being a pretty mediocre action rpg. Tho it should be noted this came out around the same time as FFVIIR. I have a feeling that diverted a lot of Squeenix money and talent.

So yeah, not bad per see. Just kind of meh.


Elite Member
Nov 15, 2012
WWE 2K Battlegrounds:

After WWE 2020's giant flop as a bug filled mess (more then their usual standard, and not in nearly as entertaining ways), this was an attempt to kind of step aside from that simulation engine to do something a bit different.

Kind of way too far in the opposite direction though. The kind of novelty approach is interesting, but the lack of depth really hampers it. Theres like 4 movesets, and each of those has maybe 12 moves total. There's some hilarity in the stage mechanics like throwinng your opponent into a crocodile, but it doesn't really sustain itself.

Add on that character creation is basically an afterthought (ironically, cause WWE games have typically been leaders in customatization options for ages), many of the characters are locked in a grindable wall (with microtrnsactions to skip, but if you do that individual characters can cost ridiuclous amounts). A story mode revolving around throwaway create a characters (ask Marvel Nemsis why thats a bad idea), and there's not really enough to hold this together, even for the budget title price it was released as.

The tl;dr summary
- It fails as the arcadey brawler its meant to be, because it only barely stretches above a mobile game for depth. Even the old SNES wrestling games managed to have 8 or more.
- People playing WWE games generally want to play as the wrestlers. The campaign is structured around boring fanfic-esque "rookies" created for the game, and even in free-play, 98% of the roster is locked behind a grind wall obviously pushing for MTs.
- Oddly, most wrestling games in the last 15 years or so have heavily leaned on customization, both allowing for actual online RP leagues, adding in missing roster members or other unofficial "Dream match" ideals. Create-mode exists in this, but its massively hampered down. It doesn't even do this to flog microtransaction packs, its just that empty=.
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~ just another dread messenger ~
Apr 29, 2020
Star wars squadrons. Would't let me play it or even get to the start screen cause EA locked my psn account to an old, now broken email which they don't seem able to change. It does not function because corporations be corporations. Therefore its failures represent everything I've grown to hate within each and every sordid corner of life. It is philosophically the yin to my yang. It must be sacrificed in this petty moment that'll be forgotten after a week. For the greater good.
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Elite Member
Jan 15, 2013
United Kingdom
I haven't played any 2020 games that I haven't enjoyed, really. But Marvel's Avengers got my excitement when it was first announced, and then rapidly fell lower and lower in my estimation as more details about it came out, reaching the point where I probably won't even bother to play it when it's on offer or free on PSPlus. So I guess that would get my vote.
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Made you look...
Aug 13, 2011
Plano, TX
United States
Marvel's Avengers got my excitement when it was first announced, and then rapidly fell lower and lower in my estimation as more details about it came out, reaching the point where I probably won't even bother to play it when it's on offer or free on PSPlus. So I guess that would get my vote.
Pretty much this for the past 5 years for me. Halo 5 was the harbinger of the [de]volving state of the industry for me. There was a time when a "new Halo" announcement brought out the kid in me; after Halo 5, I really couldn't be arsed about much, and it hasn't gotten any better. If Playdead's next game has microtransactions in any form, I might hang up my controller for good.


Elite Member
Oct 14, 2020
United States
Finally someone who isn't in love with Minecraft: Dungeons just because it has the Minecraft tag on it. Seriously, what a shallow cash grab.
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Elite Member
Nov 15, 2012
Finally someone who isn't in love with Minecraft: Dungeons just because it has the Minecraft tag on it. Seriously, what a shallow cash grab.

I haven't actually played it to comment. But my initial impression was basically cemented once they said it didn't have building mechanics. Thats taking literally the main factor of Minecraft to throw out the window and makes the intent obvious. Even the Telltale ones managed to include some.


Elite Member
Dec 28, 2017
I haven't actually played it to comment. But my initial impression was basically cemented once they said it didn't have building mechanics. Thats taking literally the main factor of Minecraft to throw out the window and makes the intent obvious. Even the Telltale ones managed to include some.
They could have had a decent base building mechanic to the game. It is. Huge waste of potential and it is a same considering they couldnt have been hurting for budget


Elite Member
Jul 16, 2013
Hmm..I'm still playing PCars 3. I think this is probably the best racing game I've ever played with a controller. My fave racing game is still Driveclub but this comes close to being a second favorite. Obviously PCars 3 did not have Driveclub's budget(the game was developed to sell the PS4 afterall) but other than that the stellar controller input just makes the racing so, so good.


Elite Member
Nov 15, 2012
OH right, Honorable Mention.

Destiny 2 : Beyond Light

Can't even claim to have played this one, because any goodwill I had for Destiny's potential and genuinely decent core gameplay was burned away by the train of nonsensical decisions and progression systems soemtime ago.

Beyond Light prettymuch takes all standards of WTF and surpasses them though. A 60 dollar expansion pack that removes 25% more content (large portions of which were themselves paid 20-40 dollar DLCs) then it actually adds. And half that content is just a remaster of the Cosmodrome from Destiny 1, so a batch of missions 5 years out of any context.

Even if the usual expansion offerings were up to snuff (And by all accounts its a pretty barebones 3 hours of story, single raid, yet another reskin of the Fallen faction), the concept of putting more faith in a dev that apparently made such a woeful technical mess of a game that it can no longer be updated without removing existing content is baffling. Bungie's actual lies about "sunsetting" (where they would cap power levels of existing gear so they could retire it and shift the meta away from a few keystones to newer more interesting guns without power creep) are just the cherry on the cake. As they've failed to really add any new gear to replace the sunset items, and in fact simply re-released uncapped versions of many of them so you'd have to go regrind the exact same guns and armour you'd spent time modding up already.


Nascent Orca
Jun 21, 2012
Can we do worst game and worst remake separately please? I don’t want a bad game missing out on the award because a remake was worse. Not when we can call them both bad
Star wars squadrons. Would't let me play it or even get to the start screen cause EA locked my psn account to an old, now broken email which they don't seem able to change. It does not function because corporations be corporations. Therefore its failures represent everything I've grown to hate within each and every sordid corner of life. It is philosophically the yin to my yang. It must be sacrificed in this petty moment that'll be forgotten after a week. For the greater good.
Not really the games‘ fault


Is on the Gin
May 26, 2020
Are we talking ever or just the past year?

I'll do both to be sure

Past year or so

Save Koch = I wish I could like this game, it sounds stupid but I do. The world building is great the characters are fun and then you try and play it and it's a sort of detective game but it's really build round you failing again and again just to learn various patterns of events. The big problem being you don't know and likely won't know for many playthroughs what events to expect. The issue is you have to figure out who in your organisation is the mole helping the villain and who the villain after you is. You have 4 operatives you can sent to investigate stuff but you also have to keep city wide morale up or the populous will riot against the government but also stop rivals moving in on your turf and protect your daughter. Some missions will kill an operative off with no way to know beforehand, E.G. go to talk to a Coffee shop employee who says he has information and turns out to be a government agent and assassin who killed your operative because he didn't like the tone they took with him. Oh and then you have to replace the operative with a less effective squad of goon instead. There's too many things to investigate so you have to learn by failing again and again and learning to spot the pattern of things out of place.

Make America Great Again: The Trump Presidency = I played due to losing a bet in 2016 that Trump wouldn't win. It's a tedious poorly designed trading game with just barely functional side scrolling shooter sections which won't do anything for either side of the political isle really.

Cuberpunk 2089 = Game that just about reaches functionality. Wastes a fairly interesting premise, has multiple bugs including the fact you can actually end up in a situation it's impossible to win the game due to buying the wrong things. This isn't even mentioning how you can sort of break the limits of one of the mini games. The story behind it could have worked but it's never expanded upon really either.

West Sweety = Do you want a poorly translated game with Western anime Waifu that have almost no personality? Do you want a game which has a whole 2 kinds of minigames that it just repeats by making longer and those games are high dice (not liars dice just high dice) and a variation of rock paper scissor? Well have I got the game for you with what really is a bland game made from what should be a decent premise of combining anime dating games with a western theme but fails every step of the way.

Mastema out of Hell = A game that feels like it could have been a cool homage to sort of Ghouls and Ghosts games but ends up extremely annoying a if you die you lose your weapon and can only get a new one if you find one in the level. The problem being the games becomes 10 times harder without a weapon and you often end up having to execute a near perfect serious of jumps over enemies that you can't kill without a weapon and even if you do you might have to beat 2 levels or more to find another with a weapon on it. If you run out of lives back to the start of the area, not the level the area. Each area is 3-4 levels long with a boss at the end.

RedShirt = A totally not Star Trek themed game of social manipulation about trying to escape potential impending doom which sounds goo but quickly turns into a real slog with repetitive tasks and dialogue

All time

Tomorrow Children = You remember that game Sony showed off at E3 that one time with the weird Russian stuff going on and the near identical little girls fighting off Kaiju monsters using turrets and tanks and stuff? Yeh turns out it was a really boring game mostly where the Kaiju stuff was repetitive at best with most of your time being spend having to mine resources or carry them 4 at a time back to a train stop then from a train stop to sorting areas to afford to have basic tools to be able to keep mining. It was so very boring with the tasks so very tedious.

Xenominer = What is Minecraft but less fun and the game also will let you use up all your resources without stopping you but not give you the benefit. E.G. you can use all your ice and snow up to refill your oxygen tank but once it's full any more you use will be wasted entirely so you have to be very precise not dump all your resources into being converted at once.

Star Trek the Video game Xbox 360 = I technically played it even if it was only at a show. The red flag should have been when I asked about pictures or footage I was told no. The game was 2 weeks from release and at the same show Nintendo reps had allowed me to film footage of some games they were showing off there and wouldn't be out for a few months yet. It was bad. Really bad. A just unfun cover shooter.

Survival Tycoon = When I say the only positive point and entertainment I found was you could put on a giant frog head and make it look like you were masturbating, that should tell you how bad the game is.

Dinner Date = Pretentiousness the game which is so up it's own arse the game comes with it's own wine recommendation........ no really.

Zombies Zombies everywhere = the first title you could really call a work in progress / live service title. A Zombie horde survival game where the aiming crosshair bore no relation to where your shots would actually really go as the crosshair assumed you were shooting head on while actually you shot at angles from the middle of the screen meaning even lining up a headshot you could miss because the Zombie was too close and your shot went back behind their head. You in a V essentially. Then they updated with and somehow made with worse with a 2nd weapon that was somehow even less effective at killing Zombies and other issues too.

Space Explorers = What is adult game with a plot in space? Sound good? Well the plot wasn't finished and never will be despite it promising more was coming soon, the developer tried to then sell the game again as a new version with more of the plot but still not completed while not updating the first one. Even then the female characters looked like melting wax works or something that belongs in SCP.

Banana Bananza = An indle clicker with no real goal that tried to sell itself with sexy art work and nothing else. It wasn't a good idle clicker either. Then the developer updated the game and made it broken and unplayable. To date it's the only titled Microsoft themselves have removed from one of their stores that wasn't due to a request from the games developers or publisher or DMCA. They removed it themselves because it was literally broken and unplayable and seemingly the developer hadn't bothered fixing their mistake in over a week after the patch that broke it.


~ just another dread messenger ~
Apr 29, 2020
Can we do worst game and worst remake separately please? I don’t want a bad game missing out on the award because a remake was worse. Not when we can call them both bad

Not really the games‘ fault
Was being mostly tongue-in-cheek as can't remember any real bad examples, if is any consolation. That's generally like 90% of my insignificant waffle these days to try and keep sane, though might have to be more obvious about it to avoid further confusion. Anyway, even then, single-player in EA games usually work fine, which apparently Squadrons has, so not being allowed even to the start screen does kinda feel like the game's fault still. Unless it's multiplayer only. At least Fallen Order works fine. Well, just about. The performance mode really should be called something else when the actual performance feels like it's only just holding everything together before the next unavoidable crash. Perhaps "Wonky Big Boi framerate mode"?
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At age 6 I was born without a face
Jul 1, 2020
Of the like 3 releases of this year that I've played, The Last of Us 2 ended up being ultimately very disappointing. The gameplay is totally fine... when you actually get to play the game. Cut out the walking segments, the cutscenes, the flashbacks and the aggressively long intro (basically everything before Seattle Day 1), and the game drops to like 1/3 of the length it takes to complete it. And speaking of length, you could easily cut at least 3 hours from this game and lose nothing, so a better version of this game would be even shorter. Furthermore, the story isn't nearly as smart or profound as it thinks it is, is structured in a way that does more harm than good, is tonally very one-note (misery, misery and misery ad nauseam) and changes one of the most beloved female characters in gaming into a bloodthirsty, hypocritical psychopath. Played it twice, and probably never again.
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Elite Muppet
Feb 15, 2009
I protest your inclusion of Snowrunner. It's a niche game that does what it's aiming for phenomenally well. You just didn't enjoy that niche, that doesn't make it bad.
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Elite Member
May 29, 2007
United States
I don't think I've played any game released this year.
I only played Streets of Rage 4 (very good) and the beginning of Desperados 3. I could do a worst games of the generation, since it's over. Not Nintendo. They're off doing their own thing.


Elite Member
Dec 28, 2017
I protest your inclusion of Snowrunner. It's a niche game that does what it's aiming for phenomenally well. You just didn't enjoy that niche, that doesn't make it bad.
Subjective list is subjective. I thought the game was unrewarding and unfun, thus one of the worst games I played this year.

People can like it and disagree that's cool.
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