Doesn't that make the point then? Even with such a fluctuating income you yourself admit you will pay full price for a game if it excites you enough. Which is my whole feeling of the ten buck price raise doesn't really make or break anyone's illusions of never buying a full priced game. Because ultimately there is always a game that you'll eventually make an exception for.
The fact that I'm occasionally irresponsible with my money, and give into my own desires, doesn't make the argument that "$70 is a reasonable price for a game" valid. Do people spend money they shouldn't on stuff they don't need, that they could simply wait for and get cheaper? Yes. And? Saying yes to that doesn't make charging the ridiculous price for the thing ok. It just means that yes, people buy shit and spend more than they should.
The other side of it, is even at $60 you say you are almost always waiting until a fairly deep sale or price cut on a game, so again the $10 price hike is virtually meaningless to you one way or the other.
No it's not virtually meaningless to me, because I'm still having to eat that increase, even on a sale. A 50% discount on a $70 game, is still higher than a $60 game. So if I stop buying things at $25 bucks or higher, then there will be less games that I might decide to check out, if the base price is raised across the board. Because some publishers just do NOT put their games on sale, or lower the price years later. I've seen games from years ago, that at best, might get a 10% discount, if anything. And the full price is still like $59.99. So yeah, that's a game I probably will never buy on the off chance I might enjoy it.
Which again, means nothing on the topic of "is it right for them to raise the prices under the excuse of 'we need to charge you more because costs'" They can raise the prices all they want, it's their product, and if they think it's worth $200, fine. But they don't get to do all the other shit they do to milk me for every penny they can, and then try and claim the price hike is justified because "video games is expensive to make! we are barely scratching by in these tough times!!" Which is demonstrably bullshit.
If they just came out and said "Yeah we just feel like getting more of your money, because we want us to have it, not you, and we know you'll buy whatever we hype at you" I'd at least give them credit for being honest. But they don't get to claim a pauper's plight while rolling around in billions of dollars of profit, sometimes in a single QUARTER, not year, QUARTER, and try and justify it as a necessary evil of the business.
And I feel I should add, that not everyone has my level of restraint when it comes to impulse buying, and I'm not even that good at it. I give in more often than I'd like, but that part of my brain that says "You WANT thissss.....have's what if your credit card payment is a bit late because you now have to wait till next paycheck for the free income? It's fiiiiine!" and sometimes I am not disciplined enough to say no. I like to think I'm more restrained than the average gamer, but I know that many people are NOT, and give in more than I do, and spend money irresponsibly more than they should. And it's that kind of thing that makes this bullshit excuse to milk more money from the masses bad. On top of the fact that their justification is complete bullshit.