Here is the list of everything that got announced. I am only listing new game announcements or gameplay details. So things like dlc, port to other console, are excluded from the list.
Nier: Replicant Ver. 1.22474487139
I never played the original, but I loved Nier: Automata. This one looks bigger than automata, and looks super fun
Perfect Dark Reboot
As much as I'm interested in this, I was surprised by how many people unfamiliar with the franchise
It's a Left 4 Dead successor that looks..... good? We'll have to see if this is another zombie shooter game
Another battle royale. A strong pass....
It's like Payday set in a fictional medieval setting. I have to wonder if this is multiplayer-only, or is there any story elements?
The Callisto Protocol
A new horror game by the guy who did dead space. The aesthetics are very familiar. I will keep my eyes on this game.
Warhammer 40000: Darktide
Idk, it looks alright. Another co-op shooter. It might do well on the Warhammer name alone
Open Roads
Looks like an interactive-story game. Doesn't look too interesting
Dragon Age: Dread Wolf
Finally, some new info. Something about darkspawns returning? Still no gameplay
Century: Age of Ashes
You know, this might make up for my disappointment after scalebound cancellation
Crimson Desert
Looks beautiful. And there are a lot of exploring. I just hope the game doesn't get too big for it's own good (I'm looking at you, Assassin's Creed!)
I don't know what to make of this game, other than say it looks fucking gorgeous
Ark 2
Was that Vin Diddel? That already for me is a selling point. Also Ark animated series with some strong casts? Holy.....
FIST: forgotten in shadow fist
Not that I don't like a fictional world with anthropomorphic animals, but what purpose does it serve? The game looks super fun, though
Ghosts n' Goblins: Resurrection
Well, can't wait ti see all the streamers raging to this game. If you thought the likes of Dark souls, Getting Over it, and Jump King was hard..... this game might break your sanity
Star Wars: Tales from galaxy's edge
Looks like a fun VR game, but I can't understand why every single SW games need to have jedi, sith, and force.
Monster Hunter: Rise
As long as it doesn't have an annoying handler. Or a handler that acts like an decent human being
Evil Dead The Game
Time to get my boomstick out!
I mean it looks alright, but I've seen tons of games in the genre; Not really impressed
Evil West
A demon-slaying game set in wild west. Kinda reminds me of the tabletop rpg Deadlands
Just Cause Mobile
A hard pass
The game looks fun, but I can't help but to feel the girl in the trailer was chosen to push some sort of sjw porpaganda.
New Mass Effect
Hopefully this makes up the terrible andromeda. Actually, I don't have high hopes after the recent depatures in bioware
Overall.... meh
IDK, almost every teasers and gameplays looked alright or boring. Nothing mind blowing. Plus, No Elden Ring. Fffffuuuu-
Nier: Replicant Ver. 1.22474487139
I never played the original, but I loved Nier: Automata. This one looks bigger than automata, and looks super fun
Perfect Dark Reboot
As much as I'm interested in this, I was surprised by how many people unfamiliar with the franchise
It's a Left 4 Dead successor that looks..... good? We'll have to see if this is another zombie shooter game
Another battle royale. A strong pass....
It's like Payday set in a fictional medieval setting. I have to wonder if this is multiplayer-only, or is there any story elements?
The Callisto Protocol
A new horror game by the guy who did dead space. The aesthetics are very familiar. I will keep my eyes on this game.
Warhammer 40000: Darktide
Idk, it looks alright. Another co-op shooter. It might do well on the Warhammer name alone
Open Roads
Looks like an interactive-story game. Doesn't look too interesting
Dragon Age: Dread Wolf
Finally, some new info. Something about darkspawns returning? Still no gameplay
Century: Age of Ashes
You know, this might make up for my disappointment after scalebound cancellation
Crimson Desert
Looks beautiful. And there are a lot of exploring. I just hope the game doesn't get too big for it's own good (I'm looking at you, Assassin's Creed!)
I don't know what to make of this game, other than say it looks fucking gorgeous
Ark 2
Was that Vin Diddel? That already for me is a selling point. Also Ark animated series with some strong casts? Holy.....
FIST: forgotten in shadow fist
Not that I don't like a fictional world with anthropomorphic animals, but what purpose does it serve? The game looks super fun, though
Ghosts n' Goblins: Resurrection
Well, can't wait ti see all the streamers raging to this game. If you thought the likes of Dark souls, Getting Over it, and Jump King was hard..... this game might break your sanity
Star Wars: Tales from galaxy's edge
Looks like a fun VR game, but I can't understand why every single SW games need to have jedi, sith, and force.
Monster Hunter: Rise
As long as it doesn't have an annoying handler. Or a handler that acts like an decent human being
Evil Dead The Game
Time to get my boomstick out!
I mean it looks alright, but I've seen tons of games in the genre; Not really impressed
Evil West
A demon-slaying game set in wild west. Kinda reminds me of the tabletop rpg Deadlands
Just Cause Mobile
A hard pass
The game looks fun, but I can't help but to feel the girl in the trailer was chosen to push some sort of sjw porpaganda.
New Mass Effect
Hopefully this makes up the terrible andromeda. Actually, I don't have high hopes after the recent depatures in bioware
Overall.... meh
IDK, almost every teasers and gameplays looked alright or boring. Nothing mind blowing. Plus, No Elden Ring. Fffffuuuu-