Election results discussion thread (and sadly the inevitable aftermath)

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Elite Member
May 11, 2020
A pandemic happens and people end up secluded in their homes and get depressed and you think that's because of capitalism? And you think I'm the one with blind devotion to a certain economic system?
As someone has had suicidal ideation in the past, I can say with some authority that you have no idea what you're talking about and should listen instead of shooting your mouth off in an attempt to score some cheap internet points. You don't speak for me and you never will.


Mad Hatter Meme Machine.
Apr 4, 2020
As someone has had suicidal ideation in the past, I can say with some authority that you have no idea what you're talking about and should listen instead of shooting your mouth off in an attempt to score some cheap internet points. You don't speak for me and you never will.
What are you saying, that getting laid off, secluded and being trapped indoors can't cause depression or suicide?
Way to gatekeep


Elite Member
Apr 24, 2020
United States
Debunking Time


Basically, Trump stated that we are sending money to other countries in this Covid-19 bill, and various undeserving places in the US. This is not good optics at best, and horrible at worst given the Covid-19 pandemic in the US.

What's the problem is that he is being very misleading at best, and downright deceitful at worst.

1. The Covid-19 bill is being tied to a government spending/omnibus bill that must pass, and what's in the Covid-19 part of the bill, and the government funding bill are two different things.

2. Money to Central America after we send them criminals from the US, and regime changed their governments is the least we can do especially given that they are our allies, and Trump wanted to fix the governments there so that more people don't have to risk their lives crossing into Mexico where the Cartels prey on the vulnerable aka "illegal immigration"

3. Money to Egypt is part of foreign aid to them so that they remain an ally in fighting terrorism, and so the next ISIS doesn't form in North Africa.

4. Extreme Left-wing Agenda; that one I think is kind of right, Pelosi didn't want to send Americans money in time for the 2020 elections

5. FBI building, a building that is old, and in need of repair(for liberals, and progressives here they could be the people investigating bad cops so you would want them on your good side) also not part of the Covid-19 bill, it's the ominous spending bill

6. Kennedy, Smithsonian, Art spending; Who cares if they aren't open people still need to be paid to look after the priceless pieces of history there including the original constitution. Also not part of the Covid-19 bill

7. Asian Carp, and other fish; NOT PART OF THE COVID-19 BILL, and I don't want our international food supply to be destroyed, we don't have unlimited numbers of fish

8. Stimulus checks to so-called illegal immigrants, No it's up to 1800, not 1800 per person. Someone fact checks this for me.

9. Foreign countries, lobbyists, and special interest; not part of the Covid-19 bill

So Trump wants to kill US soft power, and US reputation and destroy most if not all foreign aid to screw over Biden,'s foreign policy in the future. From the Statue of Liberty to the Scrooge.

Yes, I know many of you here disagree with my perspective, and analysis, but the problem with staying at home is that you would stop doing good things internationally as well as bad things. You would stop environmental action, non-war military assistance(reducing people from hurricanes, and Typhoons), stop helping people in the global south after we were fucking them over in the Cold War, and for some beyond that. Foreign aid is a must that just to project soft power, but so that problems overseas don't come to America.

We can chew bubble gum, and walk at the same time, I literally wrote a paper saying countries in the Global South wouldn't tolerate proxy wars or regime change due to the increased awareness and learning from the past if we were to fight a Cold War with China. We can do good things internationally without doing bad things like proxy wars, regime changes, drone strikes, pretending to be aid vaccination based organizations to trick Bin Laden to reveal his locations, and so much more.


Elite Member
May 11, 2020
What are you saying, that getting laid off, secluded and being trapped indoors can't cause depression or suicide?
Way to gatekeep
You also do not get to speak for me. The only thing you give a shit about is what's convenient for you. If I died, it would mean nothing to you. Just another statistic you can use for a cheap piece of faux-emotional blackmail to try and bully better people than you into caving to your anti-human demands.

This is the last and only reply you're getting on this subject.


Mad Hatter Meme Machine.
Apr 4, 2020
You also do not get to speak for me.
Please relax, nobody is speaking for you.

You, however, appear to be speaking for everyone who is depressed or suicidal, and are acting as if you're the gatekeeper who decides what are or aren't valid reasons to be either.

The only thing you give a shit about is what's convenient for you. If I died, it would mean nothing to you. Just another statistic you can use for a cheap piece of faux-emotional blackmail to try and bully better people than you into caving to your anti-human demands.

This is the last and only reply you're getting on this subject.
Please take care of yourself during these stressful times.


Mad Hatter Meme Machine.
Apr 4, 2020

The following is indisputable:

  • On September 17, 2020, the PA Supreme Court unilaterally extended the deadline for mail-in ballots to be received to three days after the election.
  • The PA Supreme Court mandated that ballots received without a postmark would be presumed to be received on time.
  • The PA Supreme Court allowed for the use of drop boxes for the collection of votes.
  • On October 23, 2020, upon petition by the Secretary of the Commonwealth, the PA Supreme Court ruled that signatures need not be authenticated for mail-in ballots, thereby treating in-person and mail-in ballot votes dissimilarly and eliminating a critical safeguard against potentially fraudulent activity.
  • Numerous documented inconsistencies associated with mail-in ballot correction, pre-canvassing, and canvassing which could all seriously undermine the reliability of voting in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
  • Discrepancies exist between the SURE System, the official voter record in PA as established by statute, and the final certified vote for President. The vote in Pennsylvania should not have been certified prior to the reconciliation of this discrepancy.

Accordingly, I believe that a call for a Special Session on Elections is more than appropriate.



Wild at Heart and weird on top
Jan 30, 2011
Why is it so hard to believe that Trump lost the election? He won in 2016 with a minority of votes because that's just how it works in America. How is it surprising that in 2020, after going out of his way to anatagonize the majority of people who didn't support him rather than trying to win them over, after embarassing America and it's people internationally, after making no attempt to hide government corruption, after an extremely poorly handled pandemic, he simply didn't have enough support to be reelected again?


Elite Member
Jan 16, 2010
Why is it so hard to believe that Trump lost the election? He won in 2016 with a minority of votes because that's just how it works in America. How is it surprising that in 2020, after going out of his way to anatagonize the majority of people who didn't support him rather than trying to win them over, after embarassing America and it's people internationally, after making no attempt to hide government corruption, after an extremely poorly handled pandemic, he simply didn't have enough support to be reelected again?
This isn't that new, the GOP has been pretending that the Democrats massively cheat in every election for a while now, they can hardly push for Voter ID laws to disenfranchise legitimate voters without the lie of lots of illegitimate ones.

I expect that part of it is the sheer disbelief that anyone could disagree with their Chosen One, the naysayers are just a small minority that are dominating the country somehow or something.

And, Trump said there was cheating, and anyone who still supports Trump has had many years to realise he's always lying, they aren't going to change their mind now. Having said that, almost (but not quite) none of them drank bleach when he suggested it, so I'm guessing hypocracy is at play there.


Elite Member
Apr 21, 2008
It's based on the President's budget:

which means Trump and his political opponents are two sides of the same coin.

Also, he's not the only one who questioned the use of mail-in ballots. Carter and Obama did as well, and together with the NY Times, issued warnings about their use across several years.


Do everything and feel nothing
Mar 3, 2009
Because of the evidence.
Do you know what the best, most reliable, most checked and validated evidence is?

83 million votes for Biden against 76 million votes for Trump. Suck it up.


Elite Member
Aug 4, 2011
The pandemic was an avoidable natural disaster.
This is pure arrogance.
This is a direct result of an unregulated company being allowed to do whatever the fuck it wants. No centrally-planned response to the pandemic, no coherence or consistency in how companies respond. And the management, of course, are purely motivated by money, and will sacrifice employee wellbeing and safety for it.
And what of all the places that didn't do this? All the places that did what you think was correct? Is that not equally a result of doing what they want? Are you suffering under the delusion that any centrally planned response is automatically going to be better than individual responses, because there's a hell of a lot of evidence of people and organizations going far above the response that was legally required.
No, you don't just get to arbitrarily delete any number you feel like from official estimates and have it hold credibility.
Of course I do. If you have X total excess deaths, but many of them aren't from contracting the virus, then the total excess deaths represents a larger number than the excess deaths caused by the virus. Algebra.
Oh yeah, the rise in suicide isn't because people are laid off and getting evicted or such things that are often associated with suicide; they're just lonely.

Get real.
I didn't remotely say that. If being laid off and having no income are the causes you're worried about, perhaps you want to reconsider economic shutdowns (like health experts have been telling people for months).
Here is a governor doing the exact opposite of that and it going very, very poorly.
There's more than one way to be wrong. The person doing nothing isn't somehow made right just because the person who had medical procedures postponed before the pandemic arrived is wrong.
And if nothing else, the USA is probably the only first world country which right now is facing the potential for a hunger epidemic in a sixth of its population, because those people have lost their jobs, have no safety nets and are getting their food from private charities. Private charities who are running out of money, because the people staffing them and donating to them are facing similar hardships.
Why do you believe any of this? The US has the biggest safety nets in the world, and has run them at full force this whole time. All told, the US is near the top of the chart in per capita social spending, and that's without many of the universal spending programs other countries have, which should indicate how much goes into safety nets for the needy. And the US is high on the list for economic relief programs for Covid-19, both as a percent of GDP and per capita, despite the fact that such comparisons always fail to even consider programs at the state level and choose to compare federal policy to other nations. If you google charities running out of money, all the top results are about the UK.

Like, seriously, where is your information about the US coming from?
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Elite Member
Jan 15, 2013
United Kingdom
And what of all the places that didn't do this? All the places that did what you think was correct? Is that not equally a result of doing what they want? Are you suffering under the delusion that any centrally planned response is automatically going to be better than individual responses, because there's a hell of a lot of evidence of people and organizations going far above the response that was legally required.
Yep, lots of places acted very well. That's deregulation for you: some are good, some are bad, you have to rely on pure goodwill from your employer, and if you have the poor luck to be employed by a scumbag then you're screwed. Sounds perfect: a public health response based on pure luck & blind trust.

I wonder why the two great bastions of deregulation, the US and UK, are doing so abysmally poorly?
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