There have been a lot of games where the difficulty was almost perfect if only I could tweak this one thing. And in TLoU2 on Survivor it was 'enemies honing their aim on me just a tad too fast', and holy shit, I can actually fiddle with that, putting everything on Survivor but enemies on Hard. Boom done, perfect difficulty.
If you're referring to invisible walls, like 'I should totally be able to vault over this structure, but the game just won't let me', that's kind of a general issue with games overall, right? Even games that do have a jump will arbitrarily NOT allow you to jump over things that aren't on the path the game wants you to take. RE2 Remake has that one bookcase puzzle that would only require Leon/Claire to take a slightly longer step than usual to overcome, but instead you have to go to a basement, fight a Boss monster, get a key, open a door, and get a lever. It's an issue with level design that games still haven't solved, and likely never will.
At best I'd say a jump in the new GoW would get rid of those very short (about 18-feet high) climbing walls. But honestly I just hope they allow you to climb with your axe and blades in the sequel, and maybe have the option to aim your weapon and snap yourself to wherever you're looking, like the hookshot in Zelda.