Best: The Last of Us part 2, Nioh 2, FF7 Remake, Demon's Souls Remake, AC Valhalla, 13 Sentinels, P5 Royal, Dragon Quest 11 S, Below, Morbid: The Seven Acolytes.
AC Valhalla is truly a graphical showcase on PS5. I think it wowed me more than DeS. AC is really hit and miss for me but I really enjoyed Origins as well and apperently Valhalla is by the same team. I lost interest in Oddysey pretty quickly.
Nioh 2 is probably the best action-RPG I've ever played. Nioh 1 was already sheer perfection in the combat department and Nioh 2 dialed it up to 11 with more weapons, more enemies, more varied locales etc. Team Ninja really elevated their craft to an artform with this game.
DeS Remake was a phenomenal make-over of a beloved cult classic that gave rise to an entire (sub)genre but it stays a little too close to the source where it shouldn't(particularly A.I. routines and enemy behavior that remain fully intact) and don't leave designs alone where it should(particularly some enemy types like Fat Official, Idol, NPCs like the Maiden and some boss rooms like Flamelurker). It plays buttery smooth and is otherwise a faithful remake but I can't say I was blown away by it because the succeeding games after DeS simply improved on the formula so much. I would say I still prefer the original for the simple fact that the graphics and production values match the structure and gameplay of the game much better.
FF7 Remake. I really loved this game. It brought back much of the magic and fondness I have for the original but with modern production values. A lot of the time I felt like super attractive cosplayers parading around on a set but the characterization and chemistry between the cast was just so endearing that it pulled me right back in. I'm probably the only one but I really liked the 'twist' as some sort of meta-commentary on remakes and the passing of time in general.
13 Sentinels. I never imagined I would like a visual novel type game this much but the story and the way it's presented and puzzled back together is mad genius. Really impressive.
The Last of Us part 2. You either love or hate it but I really loved it. For once a game with Hollywood potential dared to do something different than the dime a dozen Hollywood crap and it really paid off. I never expected such a flagship game to have these kind of bold creative choices. Just an impeccable marriage of character driven drama, original storytelling, environmental detail, fun(if somewhat standard) gameplay and crazy good production values.
P5 Royal and DQ 11 S are two of the best games of the previous gen with some extras so what else is there to say.
I really enjoyed the atmosphere and presentation of Below and Morbid, probably my fave indie titles of the previous year.
Worst: Definitely Cyberpunk. I loved the game's opening and presentation but the entire magic just fizzled out soon after. Story is sub-par compared to Witcher 3 and the game just plainly sucks as an open world title. The best I can say is that it's a somewhat OK Borderlands style looter shooter. But no one really plays Cyberpunk for that. The game is just so behind of the times in pretty much every aspect. Then there is ofcourse the completely unplayable launch state of the game on previous consoles. I've never seen a company burn so quickly through all of it's tremendous goodwill.
Disappointment: RE3 Remake. I really enjoyed the title but it just pales in comparison to RE2 Remake. I love the design of Nemesis and premise of him chasing you around but they just did very little with it. I can somewhat understand why his encounters are scripted, as they didn't want Nemesis to be a reskinned Mr X, but going for cinematic 'oomph' takes away from the dread of being chased around. Apparently Nemesis does have sophisticated AI routines that they didn't really do anything with. The game is also super short and not really a faithful remake compared to RE2 which overlapped for atleast 80-90%. Still it's an enjoyable romp and the story and presentation is way better than the original but it just didn't bring back the magic that RE2 R did. It's also super short and by the time Nemesis turns into his second form(that looks like a Bloodborne reject) the game's quality drops to that of RE Revelation. Would have been much better as 'Nemesis DLC' for RE2 R. Though perhaps that is somehow fitting as I always considered the original RE3 to be RE2's third disc.
Anyways 2020 had some great games. The current games I'm looking forward to the most are RE Village, FF16 and *gasp* Elden Ring. I hope atleast one of them makes it to 2021.