Fans ruined Star Wars.But you ask a star wars fanatic? It's because green is the color of a jedi knight! Indicating they've graduated from rookie status to actual badass! ......yeah, suuuuure pal, let's just asspull more fanfic wank and make it canon, because of course the fans debated "yeah but why is it green?! WHAT DOES IT MEAAAAAN?!?" for decades. And then just, some EU writer made up something and Lucasarts was like "yeah sure, fuck it, whatever, we don't care."
I say that very literally, as someone who likes the original trilogy, because the original trilogy isn't complicated. It's a mashup of cliches from several different genres, which is probably why it's so successful, it's immediately and intuitively comprehensible in a way much of science fiction isn't. The line between story and theme is incredibly thin in Star Wars, to the point that the plot is actually pretty unimportant and inconsequential. It's a light silly film which packs surprising emotional depth into a dumb premise.
But then the fans come in, people who have been systematically taught by the media they consume to avoid even the most basic thematic analysis, and they do what nerds do and ignore all the obvious theme in favour of vacuous and pointless worldbuilding.
In the final battle, the emperor shoots lightning from his hands. How does he do that? Doesn't matter. The point is that he can do something noone else (so far) has done, and which completely changes the game. Luke can beat Darth Vader in a sword fight, but the Emperor is above sword fighting. The point of this moment is that sudden turnaround, and the realisation that Luke never stood a chance. Heck, because this movie literally spoon feeds you theme, the Emperor literally explains this while zapping him.
But because the fans hate themes, the message they took away from this is that the Emperor is a high level wizard who specced heavily into a shock-damage based DPS build. Force lightning became just another instance of the various superpowers which force users have, with no consideration of its role in the narrative. By the time the prequels come around, force lightning is kind of a joke. People throw it around and block it with lightsabers like it's nothing (which also unintentionally makes Luke seem like a total scrub).
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