No Man's Sky, Outward and 7 Days to Die to play with friends.
I thought NMS was pretty bad. This is my first time playing it and I just find it rather boring. Just feels like there's nothing really that meaningful to do or look forward to and the gameplay itself lacks a hook. People tell me it has improved a lot since its inception but that fact doesn't really do anything for me.
Outward was an interesting idea, but imo poorly executed mega jank. I had fun coop-ing with a friend but I'm unlikely to ever finish the game myself. We've kinda moved onto 7D2D so I don't know if my friend will want to continue and finish the game so its entirely on him.
I was always curious about 7D2D after watching some streams. I'm playing it with some friends and we got our own server. Unlike the usual survival games, the presence of the Blood Moon - basically a periodic zombie horde gives us some sorta direction and something to look forward to. Spend the week building defenses and fixing the place up and then enjoy the horde. We'll probably get bored eventually but we're still having fun for now.