Something that might help is the little widgets you get from giving people stuff. I spent a lot of my early playthrough with the Tooth superglued to my forehead because I figured a second (or third) chance would always be the most valuable option, but there is actually a strategy in making your selections depending on your weapon. You can be getting % increases on your overall damage all through Tarterus if you're at the point where you rarely get hit, or you can take a look at what weapon you're using and optimize for Elysium. Right now I'm working on getting a few more wins with my bow and that means that enemies are rarely behind me, so the bracer is suddenly more useful than most other trinkets. Since you get the option to swap out every level, I'll usually boost my damage output, then boost my health, then boost my money, then take a defensive perk for the end - either the tooth or armour depending on what kind of weapon I'm working with.Still Hades. 40 deaths in. Made it to Hades twice. Cheating bugger, got him down to zero health and he refills it! But good lord those last chambers are hard! Some of the enemy attacks are almost unfairly hard, like the stupid snake statues that fill half the screen with laser beams constantly. I picked a skull door to see what would happen one time and died in 5 seconds to some Satyr miniboss at the end.
Only thing I don't like is that enemies always spawn in waves. Just makes rooms take longer than they otherwise would when there's always, always more spawning in.
Also, it kind of sucks that you need to replay the beginning stages every time when the difficulty ramps up to insane levels in comparison in the last ones. Just kind of a waste of time, because I'm pretty much not going to die before the minotaur anymore. Such is the way with roguelikes, though. But what I like about Nethack is that the game is mostly top loaded with difficulty. If you can make it past the early stages of Nethack, you can usually go all the way and win if you know what you are doing. Although, Hades is a much shorter game than Nethack.
The other thing that may help is getting all those weapons unlocked and getting some titan blood in there. You don't need to win the game to do this, you just need to grind up keys and cycle weapons to get more blood. Once you can get in there and rub some blood on some stuff you may find aspect unlocks that mesh well with your playstyle. In my case I rarely cast - I feel it takes way too long in hectic fights and focusing in on individual conflicts usually gets me stabbed in the ass by a spear trap. But, with mirror power you get a huge damage boost from sticking a crystal in somebody so you really should be doing that. How do I get around my own mental block? Well, certain weapons have aspects that mesh your cast with your regular attack, or make your cast easier to get off. So now I'm sidestepping my own failing and rendering a greater benefit than another aspect boost would give me arithmetically. 3% higher crit chance? Cool. Don't care, Artemis will give me that by Hel usually. Shoot a projectile that is both my regular attack and my cast, combining all the boon benefits of both into one shot? Easy call.