I think this videogame has enough "filters" to keep the ire to a passable level though. First off, it's a videogame based on a movie franchise, which already puts expectations low. Secondly, the Indiana Jones franchise I don't think has the fan enthusiasm it used to have, probably thanks to Crystal Skull sucking. I can't really sense much eagerness for a new Indy film either; other action movie franchises have pretty much filled that gap entirely. And lastly, I don't think Harrison Ford is much of a draw anymore, certainly not if it's young looking videogame version of him. It would just feel trite and weird.Oh I know what you said, I just doubt that anything will lessen their ire over people daring to rape their childhood and all that. Vitriolic hatred at remakes of old properties is a lucrative market. Nothing will quell their anger over these things that don't fit 100% how they think they should be. Which is basically everything.
So yeah, I think going for a clean break/fresh start will give raise to far less hate than if they tried to replicate the old Indy in videogame form.