And nobody can tell me why to vote for him.
According to reasons you have given as to why you should or should not vote for a candidate, you have been given numerous reasons to vote for Biden:
1)His expansion of the ACA, Medicare, and medicaid will save millions of lives.
2)His student loan debt forgiveness plan will help millions of people recover so they can stop sinking and start to get ahead again so they can at least have a chance at financially recovering at some point
3)His Infrastructure plan will help the US recover from Trump's set backs and help so many areas that desperately need improvement right now because this becomes disastrous due to additional stress of climate change on US's failing infrastructure..
4)He" touts a $1.7 trillion plan to set the United States on a course to achieve 100% clean energy and net-zero emissions by 2050.
The plan, dubbed the Clean Energy Revolution, calls for the installation of 500,000 electric vehicle charging stations nationwide by 2030, ending fossil fuel subsidies, and providing $400 billion for research and development in clean technology."
5)"he would not sell weapons to Saudi Arabia — marking a sharp contrast with the Obama administration — and stressing he would make the Saudis “pay the price” for their killing of Washington Post contributor Jamal Khashoggi.
“I would make it very clear we were not going to in fact sell more weapons to them,” Biden said. “We were going to in fact make them pay the price, and make them in fact the pariah that they are.” Biden also said there is “very little social redeeming value in the present government in Saudi Arabia,” and, in reference to Yemen, said he would end “end the sale of material to the Saudis where they’re going in and murdering children.”
6)He is backed by the scientific and community due to his position on using fact based science to make his decisions and his commitments made to research.
7)His plan significantly increases taxes on the wealthy in order to help the problems affecting the middle and lower class rather than increasing the burden on those already struggling to survive here.
8)He is pro worker and will aggressively pursue employers who violate labor laws, and intentionally misclassify workers as contract labor in order to skirt the law and avoid benefits and will strengthen unions.He plans to eliminate employer contract clauses that make it difficult for employees to find better jobs and benefits.
9) He plans to increase the minimum wage to $15 an hour and ensure workers are paid their overtime pay as well as improved health, safety and working conditions.
10) He is increasing access to affordable housing and "guarantee Section 8 Housing Choice Vouchers to every eligible household so these households will not have pay more than 30% of their incomes on their rents and utilities in addition to $5 billion in federal funding annually for a renter’s tax credit to support individuals and families who may earn too much to qualify for a Section 8 voucher but still struggle to pay their housing costs. The plan would invest $300 million in grants to incentivize local communities to eliminate exclusionary zoning policies, and it would implement the 2015 Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing Rule requiring communities receiving certain federal funds to proactively identify and address historic patterns of segregation and discrimination. "
11) He actually has a chance of winning to be able to implement these things and will not just be a throw away vote. Protest votes are only acceptable in non swing states where your vote wouldn't count regardless, otherwise you are still responsible for the actions of whoever winds up winning anyhow due to already understanding how the US "winner takes all" system works. All vote splitting for the better team does is help the worse of two candidates win. THIS is why we have so many factions in the democratic party, because it takes everyone who wants to do things different ways banding together and compromising in order to get ANYTHING done, or we will never have anything done, ever, due to everyone having their own ideas on how we should go about doing it and endlessly bickering about it while the GOP is allowed to grind the middle class into the dust
There are plenty of reasons WHY you should vote for him , though you know, it seems these things only matter to you if a democrat is not doing them, not when they actually put the funding in their plan and Republicans get a free ticket to make all of these things so much worse but that is some how " okay" because you are not getting everything you want.
Biden also made some blunders during Wednesday's Democratic debate, including saying we have to keep “punching at” domestic violence.
Does he agree with Bernie?
Joe Biden targets President Trump for a lack of progress on infrastructure, one of his key campaign promises in 2016.
Democratic White House hopefuls Joe Biden and Bernie Sanders believe climate change is an existential threat, that the United States should immediately rejoin global climate talks, and that fossil fuel workers need help adjusting to a cleaner energy economy.
"Joe Biden will respect, collaborate with, and listen to leaders in the scientific community..." they write.
After a strong showing on Super Tuesday cemented his position as one of the front-runners, former vice president Joe Biden took to the stage to pledge “billions of dollars” to find cures for cancer and other diseases.
Former Vice President Joe Biden's plan to raise taxes on corporations and wealthy households would increase federal revenue by $4 trillion over the next decade, according to a new analysis by the nonpartisan Tax Policy Center.
Strong unions built the American middle class. That's why Joe Biden has an extensive plan for strengthening organized labor and collective bargaining.
Former Vice President Joe Biden (D-DE) joined other Democratic presidential candidates in releasing plans to address the nation’s affordable housing crisis.