In an event worthy of Eve Online itself, mem day traders has successfully squeezed short selling professionals by boosting GameStop's stock price, earning themselves some fat stacks of cash.
Basically, "stock pros" saw that GameStop hasn't been doing too well lately and shorted stock: selling stock when its high on credit while banking on the stock's price falling so that they buy the stock at lower than what they already sold it for.
A Reddit group caught onto the scheme and started buying GameStop stock, causing its price to rise...then the people who shorted stock had to buy to cover their sells (at a loss, because the price to buy was higher than they sold it for), causing the price to go up even higher.
GameStop’s Stock Price Soars To New Records Because Capitalism Is A Shell Game
Struggling retailer GameStop’s stock curiously hit an all time high today. But it’s not because Sony, Microsoft, and Nintendo suddenly decided to stop selling their games digitally. And it’s not because a new set of Funko Pops has taken the internet’s imagination by storm.
Basically, "stock pros" saw that GameStop hasn't been doing too well lately and shorted stock: selling stock when its high on credit while banking on the stock's price falling so that they buy the stock at lower than what they already sold it for.
A Reddit group caught onto the scheme and started buying GameStop stock, causing its price to rise...then the people who shorted stock had to buy to cover their sells (at a loss, because the price to buy was higher than they sold it for), causing the price to go up even higher.