About halfway done with Ace Combat 5. Made it up to the mission where Nagase needs to be rescued and yeah, finding her isn't that bad but trying to keep the helo alive is driving me nuts. I swear the mission spawns a bunch of planes the moment the location is found(I tried clearing the map before triggering the 2nd part last time and....yeah). Damnit, Edge.
Beyond that, it has been pretty fun(the Demons of Razgriz mission was really nice) but at the same time, It's hard to shake the feeling Team Aces really likes reusing their setpieces a lot. It's almost uncanny how often I go "Man, this reminds me of a mission in another game that uses almost exactly same idea". Maybe it's a good thing I played AC7 first because otherwise I'd probably feel it felt like AC7 felt like a greatest hits mixtape(actually, that would explain so much, come to think of it). Especially the "10 million relief plan" DLC from 7, which owes not a little bit from the Submarine missions in this game(The Alicorn is stated to be a successor class to the Scinfaxi, but all of them are kinda dumb from a Naval Engineering standpoint and goddamnit Team Aces, BALLISTIC MISSILES DO NOT WORK THAT WAY!).
I'm just counting down to THE TWIST I know is coming. Because I slightly cheated and checked how many missions are in the game(27) and I'm at 15 now, with the war going fairly smoothly, so I know something is gonna happen probably once the Yuke capital is taken or thereabouts. My current guesses are Belka, some kind of inside job(there's some special unit, 8492, that DOESN'T OFFICIALLY EXIST apparently) or both. Also, the whole mission where You're framed for killing civilians makes me think there's some kind of setup in the offing. Also the fact both of the known enemy superweapons have been sunk already means there's probably a backup somewhere, because who doesn't keep a couple massive, expensive, extremely specialized and ridiculously hard to replace superweapons on standby?