Assuming you’re talking about Van Helsing’s incarnation of Dracula, here’s something to consider: the actor who played him - Richard Roxburgh - also plays this guy.
Now I’d pay good dosh to have him play Dracula again but exactly the same way he plays Cleaver
I was referring to all incarnations of Dracula, not just Van Helsing's. Which, I actually LOVE his take, as it's just SO over the top, that it was almost a parody. My favorite part in that film, is when his 3 brides are weeping over the loss of their babies, and he's just like "pssh, whatevs, we'll make more" and they actually "Have you no heart." and, this man, this glorious man, just loses it and chews EVERY square inch of scenery. and says this
I honestly love a LOT about Van Helsing, and consider it a very underappreciated film, but that man's Dracula, was just divine.
But I mean, Gary Oldman's Dracula was just as hammy and over the top, and most other variations as well. I mean, Dracula, as portrayed in modern pop culture, is almost like, I dunno, drag queen levels of over the top drama and reactions.
It's just a trope of the genre, to have this sultry, sexual (at least in theory) dude be Dracula, because that's what people assume adds up to Dracula. And it bleeds over, no pun intended, into like ALL iterations of vampires, from Buffy to Interview/Vampire Lestat/Queen of the Damned. And countless other variations that we all know about, but that I can't be arsed to try and actually look up. But I mean, it's a cliche for a reason.
Now, if they are going for like, insane, theater performance, Van Helsing level's of hamminess, but, IN SPPAAAAAACEE!....well, frankly I would be totally on board for that shit. It would be like a Mel Brooks film or something. And if going in I know the whole idea is to have fun with it, I'm SO down. But I doubt that's the angle. She's probably going to try and be at least somewhat serious with the material. And with a kernel of an idea like "space western with vampires." I mean, I have no clue if it will work? But, I will admit I am curious about what that will end up looking like. If it's something semi serious but also over the top like The Warrior's Way (another underappreciated film) or Into the Badlands. Like crazy wuxia wire shit and high drama, but trying to be serious on some level, while also embracing the silliness of the premise, I will probably enjoy it. But if she tries to do something like Bram Stoker's Dracula, but just IN SPAAACE! I will probably be disappointed.
But again, at this point, with that incredibly minimal tidbit, I am interested. It perked up my ears, and I took notice. So I'm cautiously...well I won't say optimistic, but, cautiously curious.