I am a huge fan of RPG's and especially JRPG's as most of you either know or can probably guess based off my avatar. From Final Fantasy games to Dragon Quest to now the Yakuza games. Some of my favorite games of all time are out and out RPG's.
One thing that seems to swirl around the RPG genre as a whole is the huge divide between people who absolutely love or absolutely hate random battles. You'll be walking around and exploring only to get a screen flash before you are transported into a random fight no seemingly no reason. It's a mechanic that has been a staple of RPG's since day 1 and technically kind of started with tabletop RPG's. Sure your DM has full control over when a fight happens but to the players the encounters can feel pretty random. This is done to either add tension to a dungeon, forcing players to be careful with not only the way they explore but also to control their resource usage. In a video game, random encounters are there to make sure the player has every chance to get the exp they need to defeat the boss fights along their way.
But some games lately have started to move away from that model. The upcoming Bravely Default 2 is one key example. Bravely Default 1 and Bravely Second on the 3DS both had random encounters, however there were options in the menus that let you turn them off completely. Dragon Quest 11 litters the world with random monsters that the player can fight or avoid if they so choose. Final Fantasy 15 had monsters randomly in the world that were easy to avoid if the player didn't want to bother with it. And Infamously Chrono Trigger had monsters you could see on the map to mostly avoid.
However this ability to see the random encounters does not mean the random encounters are gone. It just means you can see them and that's not a difference. In fact in a lot of cases with these visable encounters, you still have to fight at least some of them or risk being underleveled for bosses that will stomp your face in. Additionally there are even some random fights that are unavoidable either because they surprise you during exploration or are simply in a narrow path in which you cannot avoid them.
So to me, both systems are basically the same. I happen to love random fights because I like the freedom of overleveling the story content if i want to. I like to grind in RPG's because I like showing up to boss fights like Goku and slapping them down like a bunch of punks, but that's just me.
I just don't get why people have such a hate for them, it's part of the genre. You know that normal fights are part of the style of game, hell they are a part of every game in a way. Very few games let you go from boss to boss without forcing you to fight some guff inbetween. So I don't know what about that system in RPG's is so upsetting. At least with RPG's fighting random battles gives you some noticable gain like money and levels and such. What do you gain by fighting wave 5 of random enemy ambush in an Uncharted game? Nothing. Those fights are there to make the game longer and seem more exciting and that's it. If they were gone, it wouldn't change the odds of your success during the next boss fight. Whereas in an RPG you might have gotten a couple of extra levels during your trip through the dungeon so that by the time you got to the boss you are noticably more powerful and are more capable of fighting it.
What do you guys think? Random Boss yay or nay? Why?
One thing that seems to swirl around the RPG genre as a whole is the huge divide between people who absolutely love or absolutely hate random battles. You'll be walking around and exploring only to get a screen flash before you are transported into a random fight no seemingly no reason. It's a mechanic that has been a staple of RPG's since day 1 and technically kind of started with tabletop RPG's. Sure your DM has full control over when a fight happens but to the players the encounters can feel pretty random. This is done to either add tension to a dungeon, forcing players to be careful with not only the way they explore but also to control their resource usage. In a video game, random encounters are there to make sure the player has every chance to get the exp they need to defeat the boss fights along their way.
But some games lately have started to move away from that model. The upcoming Bravely Default 2 is one key example. Bravely Default 1 and Bravely Second on the 3DS both had random encounters, however there were options in the menus that let you turn them off completely. Dragon Quest 11 litters the world with random monsters that the player can fight or avoid if they so choose. Final Fantasy 15 had monsters randomly in the world that were easy to avoid if the player didn't want to bother with it. And Infamously Chrono Trigger had monsters you could see on the map to mostly avoid.
However this ability to see the random encounters does not mean the random encounters are gone. It just means you can see them and that's not a difference. In fact in a lot of cases with these visable encounters, you still have to fight at least some of them or risk being underleveled for bosses that will stomp your face in. Additionally there are even some random fights that are unavoidable either because they surprise you during exploration or are simply in a narrow path in which you cannot avoid them.
So to me, both systems are basically the same. I happen to love random fights because I like the freedom of overleveling the story content if i want to. I like to grind in RPG's because I like showing up to boss fights like Goku and slapping them down like a bunch of punks, but that's just me.
I just don't get why people have such a hate for them, it's part of the genre. You know that normal fights are part of the style of game, hell they are a part of every game in a way. Very few games let you go from boss to boss without forcing you to fight some guff inbetween. So I don't know what about that system in RPG's is so upsetting. At least with RPG's fighting random battles gives you some noticable gain like money and levels and such. What do you gain by fighting wave 5 of random enemy ambush in an Uncharted game? Nothing. Those fights are there to make the game longer and seem more exciting and that's it. If they were gone, it wouldn't change the odds of your success during the next boss fight. Whereas in an RPG you might have gotten a couple of extra levels during your trip through the dungeon so that by the time you got to the boss you are noticably more powerful and are more capable of fighting it.
What do you guys think? Random Boss yay or nay? Why?