In fact, I've noticed that randomizing things, anything really, tends to result in this. If it's something you do willingly you see the same exact stuff over and over and over again in the hopes that you'll see something new, and since it's random one can never be sure if you've seen everything. For instance, when you talk to someone and the dialog is chosen at random you end up seeing the same dialog 20 times before you read anything new, which is especially annoying with games that have NPCs sometimes give you important information when you talk to them.It would be a lot more immersive than the way they do have it, where I feel like I'm having a Groundhog's Day event. Another one I remember is a wagon being pulled by some Marshalls, or bounty hunters maybe, I dunno, law enforcement guys. And they've got a guy in there saying he's innocent, "he aint never killed nobody!" and the driver "boy, you killed your way across half the country!" "that's a lie! I aint never left *wherever he said he lived*" I ran into that fucking event at least 20 times, EVERY time I travelled along this one trail, next to the river near our basecamp. And it was fucking annoying, because apparently the game REALLY wanted me to involve myself in the events, seeing as it had it on repeat every 10 goddamn minutes. But the only interaction you could have with it, was to kill the lawmen, and free that guy. And I know this, because I tried to engage with it in some kind of White Hat manner, to stop it fucking showing up, but in order to get close enough to talk to them, I'm too close for comfort, and they draw guns and tell me to fuck off. And if you don't do it fast enough, it's an instant Black Hat action, and now I'm shooting people. So apparently I have to either do bad shit (which I don't want to do game, assuming I actually do have CHOICE), or just endure this repetitive mission showing up every fucking time I travel a heavily trafficked trail, that is a main route to my base.
Yeah I just really don't like RDR2. Too many aspects of it's design annoy the shit out of me.
And if like you described it's something you just randomly come across it's far more annoying for the reasons you described.
And honestly? If I have to hear Butcher Pete ONE MORE TIME... The Fallout radios are extremely annoying for their tendency to loop the same dialog and loop the same songs over and over again.