Rate the PlayStation Consoles by Library


Senior Member
Nov 22, 2013
United States
As we approach the PlayStation 5, I feel like we should take a look back at some of the past PlayStation consoles in terms of how they stand up in terms of game library. PlayStation systems are known for their vast, and varied game libraries, filled with both quality first and third party software. So here's my ranking for each PlayStation system in terms of variety, quality, and quantity.

1. PlayStation 2

What else is there to say about the PS2? It didn't sell over 157 million units by doing nothing. The undisputed king of the 6th Generation. The PS2 encapsulates early 2000s gaming far better than any competing console at the time, with a seemingly endless lineup of Platformers, Racers, Fighters, RPGs, Many of them originally exclusive to the platform, and many of which still hold up today. It also birthed some of Sony's biggest first party properties such as Ratchet & Clank, God of War, and Killzone. Sure it may not have had the power or ease of development as the Xbox or Nintendo GameCube, and its massive library meant that there was a ton of garbage to wade through. But its massive success meant that developers couldn't ignore it.

2. PlayStation 4

After a generation of Brown and Grey Shooters, and motion controlled music games that went on far longer than it should've, The PS4 couldn't have arrived at a better time in 2013. Eschewing the convoluted Cell Architecture of the PlayStation 3 in favor a cheaper, and far more reliable PC-based chipset, The PS4 was the easiest PlayStation to develop for, and much like the PS1 and PS2, was the leader of its generation, defining what gaming in the 2010s would be like thanks to its wide array of new social features, and unprecedented game library. If a game exists, chances are, there's a PS4 version, and chances are, it'd be the definitive version. Much like the PS2, the PS4 boasts a vast, and seemingly endless library of AAA, indie, First party titles, and everything in between. While it doesn't have nearly as many actual exclusives as the PS2 did, due to the realities of modern game development, the PS4 still boasts the largest catalog of software for those in the market for a new home gaming system.

3. PlayStation

The console that started it all. The PlayStation completely shook up the video game industry when it debuted. It made disc-based media a mandatory necessity, dethroned industry veterans Nintendo and Sega, and open the medium up to an audience of young adults that otherwise had no interest in video games. It's library is vast and just like the PS2 and PS4, spans nearly every genre. There's just one problem. A lot of its games simply don't hold up today. Either due to hardware limitations, or just the fact that this was the early era of 3D gaming. There's still a lot of great games in the PlayStation catalog, but many of them were also reborn in either superior remakes, or sequels on future hardware that did them better justice. So while it brought a lot of great franchises and games to the table, its overall library is only worth looking at for either nostalgia or retrospect.

4. PlayStation Portable

PlayStation's first foray into on-the-go gaming. The PSP gave you PS2 style graphics and gameplay in the palm of your hand, plus a variety of multi-media functions that in many ways, laid the ground work for the smartphones we carry with us now. It's actual library was also solid, consisting of a good variety of genres from both Sony and third party publishers. Though it faced a large amount of competition from the Nintendo DS and its even larger library, the PSP held its own thanks to its more powerful hardware, allowing for different types of games that what you'd find on Nintendo's platform. It's mainly held back by not having a ton of groundbreaking exclusives, with many of its games either being downscaled adaptations of console franchises, or solid B-tier titles like Loco Roco.

5. PlayStation 3

The most divisive console in the franchise. The PS3 was built on a then-ultra powerful, and highly complex Cell Broadband architecture that while impressive, made the console a pain in the ass to do work with. As a result, many of the console's early multiplatform games often looked and played worse than their Xbox 360 counterparts, despite technically being the more powerful machine. Plus, as games became more expensive to develop, the PS3 didn't have nearly as many games it could call its own, and thus, features a far smaller, less varied lineup than previous PlayStaion home consoles as a result. That's not to say it didn't have a lot of great games, because it did. Sony beefed up its first party support for the PS3 later on to compensate for the third party troubles, which birthed critically acclaimed darlings like the Uncharted Series, The Last of Us, and Journey. Towards the end, many multiplatform titles began actually being competent versions, many even offering PlayStation owners exclusive content. So while it's by no means a terrible console, the PS3 was a step down from its predecessors in terms of library

6. PlayStation Vita

Now we get to the black sheep of the PlayStation franchise. The PS Vita was Sony's final hat thrown into the uncertain handheld gaming arena, at a time when games on Smartphones were reaching their peak. Including consoles and handhelds, its the least successful PlayStation system in history, with less than 20 million units sold worldwide. Aside from some early crappy console ports, niche Japanese titles, and a solid selection of indie games, the Vita pretty much had no long-term third party support worth mentioning, which is unheard of for a PlayStation console. Even Sony itself didn't really know what they wanted to do with this damn thing, as they supported it mostly with watered down PS3-like titles, before giving up in 2014 to focus on the much more profitable PlayStation 4. Despite some cult hits like Terraway and Gravity Rush, the PS Vita is the weakest in terms of library, which is a shame given how much potential the device had early on.


Elite Member
Apr 5, 2020
PS1 library was best. the rest is mediocre in comparison.


Elite Member
Dec 28, 2017
Honestly this is a hard question because every generation had a great library. Except the Vita, we can throw Vita in the trash.

I guess I would rank them thusly.

Playstation 4 - Games have been bigger and better than they ever have before. To rank any system higher than this one is mostly nostalgia frankly, because games have never been better than they are right now. With few exceptions, but there aren't enough exceptions to rank the overall library higher than this one.

Playstation 1 - While many PS1 games have aged poorly, and going back is hard for a lot of them. This system has the most innovative games and creative use of tech and limitations over any other console generation thanks to the move to full 3d.

Playstation 2 - Great games. But few stand outs in my mind.......at least ones that haven't been remastered to modern systems.

Playstation 3 - While the end of this console was great, it had too much of a slow start thanks to an overly complicated programming structure. As a result this system didn't shine until the end, and most of the great titles got released on PS4 anyway.
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Casual Shinji

Should've gone before we left.
Jul 18, 2009
I don't know, a lot of - at the time - personal biases are too intermingled to give a proper response.

A lot of games that I liked at the time I don't really like anymore, and certain gaming tastes I developed in the last 10 years means that there are probably PS1 and 2 games that I would like now but ignored back in the day, and that have now aged too much for me to get invested in.


My flask is half full
Nov 18, 2010
I think PS2 had the best lineup overall for its time. PS1 had FF, Gran Turismo, MGS, RE, Silent Hill, THPS, etc. but PS2 also had sequels, and all improved upon their origins. Plus Devil May Cry, God of War, GTA3, Ico and Shadow of the Colossus, just to name a few.

PS3 had a resurgence of great exclusives in its latter half, but really only Naughty Dog’s stood out as being outstanding new IPs imo. Oh and inFamous. The Killzone games on PS3 though really stood out to me as well, along with the God of Wars as why the PS3 outpaced the 360 in terms of capabilities. The sound in Killzone 2 & 3 is still better than any shooter on PS4. Lastly, the PS3 had Demon’s Souls, which is credited with launching one of the most successful and influential series of all time. For if not the Demons, there would have been no Dark. Geez, maybe PS3 is best.

PS4’s standout is still Bloodborne by far in terms of new IP, and even that could be stretched back to Demon’s Souls. This has also been the generation where Sony expanded on their other popular IPs.
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Elite Member
May 1, 2020
male, pronouns: your majesty/my lord/daddy
Realistically it'd be ps3>ps2>ps4>ps1 cause ps3 has full backwards compatability. If we ignore BC it'd be something like ps2>ps4>ps3>ps1.


The Muse of Fate
Apr 3, 2020
w/ M'Kraan Crystal
PS1 - I kinda skipped over this whole generation (I went from SNES to PS2 basically). The transition to 3D was a learning process for many devs and very few games hold up from this generation. Syphon Filter is pretty shitty for example. I rented a few PS1 games in the early days of having my PS2 and I knew then that these games are going to be massively improved on.

PS2 - Easily the best library of games for the PS platform. There's still so many games on PS2 that are great right now like RE4, ICO/SotC, and the MGS games. PS2 still has the best GOW game, that being the 1st one. Mercenaries is one of the best sandbox games to this day. Midnight Club 2 is still my favorite racing game of all-time. Even the PS2 version of NFS: Hot Pursuit 2 was literally better than the PC version.

PS3 - This gen started the suckage and homogeneity of AAA games. This gen did see the greatest online shooters. Nothing to this day comes close to beating MGO2 for greatest online shooter, Ghost Recon Future Soldier's cover system is amazing (the Ghost Recon's this gen are complete and utter garbage), MoH Warfighter is better than any online FPS in the current-gen. PS3 had Bayo and Vanquish in the same fucking year. I feel like Sony's indie games were much better. There's just some fantastic AAA experiences like Uncharted 2 (the only good one) and Batman Arkham City.

PS4 - I barely even play anything on PS4 anymore, there's really not much to play outside of PC ports because of the x86 architecture. The last games I've bought are the Bayo/Vanquish remaster and Hong Kong Massacre (because it was cheaper on PSN than Steam) and neither hardly need the hardware power of the PS4. AAA games are the worst they've probably ever been. So many AAA games are nothing but fronts to sell you microtransactions. I wouldn't even really care that much if the gameplay of these games were actually better but they just aren't. The concept of battle royale I couldn't care less about and looter shooters are just boring and repetitive (I literally uninstalled the betas of Destiny, The Divsion, and Ghost Recon Wildlands after an hour of playtime, I didn't even want to play those when they were fucking free). There's some great games like Horizon and Monster Hunter World but they are few and far between and most of the games worth playing are PC ports of indie/AA games.

Playstation 4 - Games have been bigger and better than they ever have before. To rank any system higher than this one is mostly nostalgia frankly, because games have never been better than they are right now. With few exceptions, but there aren't enough exceptions to rank the overall library higher than this one.
Like half the good games on PS4 are PC ports that don't even need anything close to the power of the PS4 to play. Just remove all the games like the Divinitys, Shadow Tactics, Cities Skylines, Outer Wilds, Invisible Inc., and tons more and the PS4 library looks pretty bad. Being bigger =/= better (Arkham City >>>>> Arkham Knight). And games don't play any better than they did last-gen. Shooters definitely play worse. Fucking Mass Effect 3 multiplayer is better than Destiny or The Division. Probably the best looter shooter, Warframe, is technically a last-gen game. Half the top 10 games currently being played on Steam are games that didn't come out this gen.


Simian Abomination
Escapist +
Apr 3, 2020
Pretty sure I mentioned it before, but I don't like ranking stuff. I think it's boring and I usually like things for very different reasons that don't readily compare, so like, whatever. I'll give my 5 cents tho, so in no particular order.

Playstation 1
I was gaming on pc all throughout the PS1-2 era, so I didn't really experience much of it until got my fully backwards compatible Phat PS3 and used that as an opportunity to scrounge up a bunch of PS1 and PS2 games I had missed out. And so I got a bunch of PS1 classics, at least the one I could afford. And honestly, playing a lot of them 10+ years after release didn't do them much good. Some hold up, really well even and some of them are a few of my favorite games in their respective genre. Others tho, just dear gods no. I understand and acknowledge that these games are important to gaming history, but they don't hold up. That kind of sums up my thoughts. The PS1 is a swell system I enjoyed (albeit vicariously through the PS3 BC) and was revolutionary ... for its time IMO. Maybe it's one of those "you need to have been there" things. And I wasn't.

Playstation 2
Like the PS1, I didn't really sit down with any PS2 games til the PS3 era and, well, I spent most of the first year and a half of the PS3's lifetime playing more PS2 games on it than actual PS3 games. In a way it's almost cheating, since by that time all the PS2 greats had been released (except Persona 4) and the internet was a thing, so I could cherrypick to my hearts content. I have a collection of 35 and pretty much all of them are a classic or a hidden gem I thoroughly enjoyed playing, and there are still quite a few I'd like to pick up some time. But yeh, the PS2 is a swell system I enjoyed very much, and still do through the magic of emulation.

Playstation 3

This is actually the first Playstation I owned and the first gaming system I paid for out of my own pocket. This gives it a special spot in my heart. Yeah, the first few years were rough, but as I already mentioned, that backwards compatibility helped tide me over. I was a dumb college kid enraptured by consumerism and also having enough spending money to engage in it, so I made quite a few questionable purchases. Still, My PS3 collection is the largest of any console I own, tho that's really more of an indicator of how much I was spending on games at the time than whether its the best/worst system. But yeh, the PS3 is a swell system I enjoyed very much and I'm looking forward to advances in emulation to maybe revisit a few games except with better performance once it gets at a level where that's possible, tho that's still a few years out.

Playstation Portable

I like handhelds and something that's more or less a portable PS2 is alright by me. When I got it, I was in college and doing a daily commute, 45 mins by train to and from., 5 days a week So yeah, this and the DS got a lot use. I've little more to say about it. I don't think its library is as strong as any of the consoles and a fair number still suffered from the limitations of being on a handheld, but at the time, it was the closest I had to getting the console experience on the go, which counts for something. But yeh, the PSP is a swell system I enjoyed very much, and still do through the magic of emulation.

Got nothing to say about the PS4 and Vita because I don't own either, let alone ranking them. I suppose in way I kind of did just from the fact I could never justify the purchase to myself even though I was interested at various times.


Elite Member
Dec 28, 2017
Half the top 10 games currently being played on Steam are games that didn't come out this gen.
That just means those games have longevity. Hard to play a game like The Witcher 3 for 10 years straight.

Like half the good games on PS4 are PC ports that don't even need anything close to the power of the PS4 to play.
Lol what?

God of War
Horizon Zero Dawn
Assassin's Creed Origins/odyssey
Witcher 3
Mario Odyssey
Zelda Breath of the wild.

The point wasn't whether the games were justified or required to be on current console hardware. The point was games, in general, are bigger and better than they've ever been period.


Unrealistic but happy
May 13, 2009
Honestly this is a hard question because every generation had a great library. Except the Vita, we can throw Vita in the trash.

I guess I would rank them thusly.

Playstation 4 - Games have been bigger and better than they ever have before. To rank any system higher than this one is mostly nostalgia frankly, because games have never been better than they are right now. With few exceptions, but there aren't enough exceptions to rank the overall library higher than this one.

Playstation 1 - While many PS1 games have aged poorly, and going back is hard for a lot of them. This system has the most innovative games and creative use of tech and limitations over any other console generation thanks to the move to full 3d.

Playstation 2 - Great games. But few stand outs in my mind.......at least ones that haven't been remastered to modern systems.

Playstation 3 - While the end of this console was great, it had too much of a slow start thanks to an overly complicated programming structure. As a result this system didn't shine until the end, and most of the great titles got released on PS4 anyway.
Aieeeee, don't throw the Vita in the trash!! It didn't die. It was murdered.

I judge them by how much I play them and which had my favorite games. Also, how do they withstand the test of time?

PS3: I can still play this. I still watch blurays on it. New funky controllers can be bought for it to this day. It's graphics at their best are very acceptable. The controller is very good. Uncharted 2 and Fallout 3 GOTY took up a colossal amount of my time.
PS4: I put an 8 TB external on my Pro. The touch pad doesn't mean much to me but the controller is not bad. G-d of War 4, Spiderman, really fantastic looking exclusives. This month, PS+ has COD WWII.
PSVita: Still got this for portable gaming. More games on a 64 Gig card than I will ever get around to finishing. To this day, when my wife drags this great indoors man to the great unwashed land of no internet (a lake cabin in the woods), I bring this to get in some gaming. Sad: it had an extra port they never came up for a purpose for: it should have attached to a TV to be the Switch years before that console came out.
PS2: FFX. A controller that had the basics we need in modern gaming. Lot of great platformers like Sly Cooper. I admit, with the 3 and 4 in my home, I don't get back on this one very often.
PS Portable: Traded up to the Vita. Only one analogue stick: really impaired gameplay for me. I played some Harry Potter Lego and a lot of movies on it. Not much more.
I didn't have a PSone.

Johnny Novgorod

Bebop Man
Feb 9, 2012
My favorite console will always be PS2. It's the first one I bought on my own pocket, right after leaving home and going to college. So it's tied to all these memories of making it on my own and rediscovering my love for videogames. Most of my favorite ones were on the PS2 too. The PS3 is still plugged in and I play on it frequently, I think it's got a good catalogue and plenty of fun couch co-op. Also a lot of my favorite franchises started on it. The PS4 didn't feel much of a leap compared to the PS3, but I'd say it has the best batting average. There's lots shovelware on the PS2 (although that meant more experimental titles too).

I had a used PS1 before that but I never used it much. Basically it was the Crash/Spyro machine.


The Muse of Fate
Apr 3, 2020
w/ M'Kraan Crystal
That just means those games have longevity. Hard to play a game like The Witcher 3 for 10 years straight.

Lol what?

God of War
Horizon Zero Dawn
Assassin's Creed Origins/odyssey
Witcher 3
Mario Odyssey
Zelda Breath of the wild.

The point wasn't whether the games were justified or required to be on current console hardware. The point was games, in general, are bigger and better than they've ever been period.
My point is that those games are still be played in such high volume 5+ years after release. If there was something better to have come out, they would be have been replaced with better games. Where's the longevity games from this gen that will still be played at such high volumes 5+ years from now when they're currently outplayed by older games already?

My point with such a large chunk of games that make the PS4 a worthwhile system are PC ports that if we were in any other generation, they wouldn't be on the PS platform. Past PS platforms have had much better libraries without PC games and now we have mostly all the PC games and the PS4 still has a worse library than past gens. Games may be bigger but they aren't better, not by a long shot. Disco Elysium curb-stomps every AAA RPG out there and it's quite a small game. Who says the best Fallout game is FO4? Who says the best FarCry is from this gen? Who says the best Mass Effect is Andromeda? Who says the best Battlefield is from this gen? Who says new Star Wars Battlefront is better? Who says the best Dragon Age is Inquisition? Who says the best COD is from this gen? Who says the best Ghost Recon is from this gen? Who says the best Kingdom Hearts is KH3? Who says the best Metal Gear is MGS5? Who says the best Uncharted is UC4? Uncharted 4 being bigger if fact makes it less of an Uncharted game.


Elite Member
Nov 15, 2012
Can't say much about the PS1, never had one proper.

PS2 > Not that it was PS exclusive, but yeah I just remember jank piled upon jank. And I was well done with dealing with jank by the time I got there. And old enough not to have any embedded nostalgia for it despite.

PS3 > Generally kind of weak. I really only recall a lot of the biggest and blandest of AAA being on it all told. PSN wasn't up to snuff at being a storefront for mid/indie titles yet (nor was infrastructure to actually download stuff great, or the disk space on the thing, but thats getting off on a tangent).

Ps4 > Essentially the PS3 but with the expanded library offered by digital distribution. Which ends up including most of your becnhmark PS1/PS2 titles too in the end.


Regular Member
Jul 12, 2007

PS1 and 2 are pretty close, and PSP would be tied with PS3 probably. I really don't understand the PS4 love.


Elite Member
Dec 28, 2017
My point is that those games are still be played in such high volume 5+ years after release. If there was something better to have come out, they would be have been replaced with better games. Where's the longevity games from this gen that will still be played at such high volumes 5+ years from now when they're currently outplayed by older games already?

Bloodborne has a huge community still after 5 years since release.
Overwatch has basically replaced Team Fortress 2
The Witcher 3 still have over a thousand people watching it on twitch right now.

I don't really understand your point. Good games maintain an audience. That's just how it is. Fortnite has been popular for how long now, and will continue to be popular until a better next gen game comes out.

MGSV was the best Metal gear for a lot of people. Uncharted 4 was the best Uncharted for a lot of people, I know people that played the other games BECAUSE of 4. Odyssey was the best Mario for a lot of people, Breath of the Wild best Zelda, Assassin's Creed Odyssey best. So your point falls flat because there are plenty of other examples of games people DO think are the best to counter-balance the stumbles in other games.

Why are you dismissing Indies outright? Disco Elysum might be "small" but it's bigger than any game Indies could have been in generations past. Small developers have gone from having no platform to being some of the most popular games of the year. Undertale, Superhot, Shovel Knight, on and on, those games didn't exist in previous generations in the way they do now. They've gone from being tiny flash game on Newgrounds, to having Steam pages and even major boxes releases sold front shelf at Gamestops and Best Buys.


~ just another dread messenger ~
Apr 29, 2020
Only ever had 4, so all the rest are terrible according to hastily validating imagination, especially 3 because it's giving me the judgy side-eye still with MGS4.


Elite Member
Mar 4, 2014
Overwatch has basically replaced Team Fortress 2
Not sure about that. Overwatch probably has more of a presence in the gamer zeitgeist right now, but it has the advantage of being a more recent release. But TF2 is still widely played on Steam - looking at today's stats, it's the 8th most played game.

MGSV was the best Metal gear for a lot of people.
Um, really?

I thought MGS5 was pretty controversial, given its lighter story and cut content. When people rank the Metal Gear games even now, Snake Eater tends to come out on top in my experience.


Elite Member
Jul 16, 2013
PS4 for sure. Incredible line-up of action-RPG's(my favorite genre) of any system ever. That includes 2D souls-like and Zelda-like top down indies. I can't even express with words how much I enjoy the From Software line-up. Games also seems to have stopped aging due to how good they look. Bloodborne is 5 years old now but I can see it's artistic quality becoming timeless similarly like Super Mario World or A Link to the Past. Remakes of RE2, 3 and FF7 who could have imagined? There is also no denying it has the best exclusives.

Close second would be PS1 with it's now legendary Squaresoft line-up. This feels like the grunge days with it's non-commitance to design tropes and mainstream appeal. PS1 was still in that sweet spot where gaming had moved beyond geek hobby but was not yet so popular or cost-intensive that every risk was avoided. It's like what movies were in the '80s. It's no surprise those IPs are still so popular. Very few generations matched the PS1 in terms of extravagance, innovation and uniqueness. A period where games were still more the product of a singular vision rather than designed by committee. Ofcourse not totally by choice as small teams, much smaller budgets and technical limitations played a huge part but sometimes needing to overcome limitations is what sparks the most creative solutions. And PS1 was nothing but creative. Graphics might look at it's most rudimentary 3D now but I think the Squaresoft titles in particular are still worth revisiting. It's also the system I have the most nostalgia for.

PS2 was pretty good with new IPs like Devil May Cry, Onimusha or the avant-garde Silent Hill 2 which were all released very early in the system's cycle. It's also the system where I think Kojima released it's best games with MGS2 and ZOE2. It was good but I was personally more enamored by the Gamecube for the sole reason that Resident Evil found it's new (then exclusive) home there with the unbelievable atmospheric and timeless RE Remake and RE4(arguably still the best game ever made).

PS3 again pretty good but it was mostly the era of multiplatform where the system just often lagged behind Xbox due to it's arcane memory distribution and low ram. I feel most developers never really figured out the insane prowess of the cell processor which could provide physics based gameplay that is still unmatched to this day(ie GTA4 and Far Cry 2). It's also the system of Kojima's magnum opus MGS4(nanomachines!) and Demon's Souls that would inspire my most favorite games of all time. But also too many god darn brown military shooters. Had enough of those for a lifetime. xD
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Casual Shinji

Should've gone before we left.
Jul 18, 2009
My point is that those games are still be played in such high volume 5+ years after release. If there was something better to have come out, they would be have been replaced with better games. Where's the longevity games from this gen that will still be played at such high volumes 5+ years from now when they're currently outplayed by older games already?
Not every game can be Tetris or Super Mario Brothers 3. Most good games from the PS1, 2, and 3 era didn't have much longevity, in as much as that they're still being played 5 or 10+ years after release. And try not to forget the amount of games released as well as media in general being a lot higher now than 10 years ago. The more media we're surrounded with the quicker things age and disappear from the public conscious. Think of all the critically acclaimed TV shows that come and go due to the high rate at which new ones are produced.

My point with such a large chunk of games that make the PS4 a worthwhile system are PC ports that if we were in any other generation, they wouldn't be on the PS platform. Past PS platforms have had much better libraries without PC games and now we have mostly all the PC games and the PS4 still has a worse library than past gens. Games may be bigger but they aren't better, not by a long shot. Disco Elysium curb-stomps every AAA RPG out there and it's quite a small game. Who says the best Fallout game is FO4? Who says the best FarCry is from this gen? Who says the best Mass Effect is Andromeda? Who says the best Battlefield is from this gen? Who says new Star Wars Battlefront is better? Who says the best Dragon Age is Inquisition? Who says the best COD is from this gen? Who says the best Ghost Recon is from this gen? Who says the best Kingdom Hearts is KH3? Who says the best Metal Gear is MGS5? Who says the best Uncharted is UC4? Uncharted 4 being bigger if fact makes it less of an Uncharted game.
Not that there haven't been a lot of fuck-ups this gen, but those are very convenient examples of games that were obvious downgrades, and criticized as such. God of War '18 was by many considered the best in the series. So was Spider-Man, and Breath of the Wild, and RE2 Remake, and Mario Odyssey, and Monster Hunter, and FF7 Remake, and The Witcher 3, and Wolfenstein: The New Order, and Doom '16, and Devil May Cry 5, and yes, Uncharted 4 was actually considered the best, or at the very least one of the best, in the series. Regardless of your or my opinion on them.

And what PC ports do you mean? The Witcher 3? Because that's honestly the only type of game I would see being PC exclussive in any other generation. And previous generations had a lot more third-party exclussivity, so yeah, by that definition the PS4 is lacking in its library. But that's not any sort of fumble on anyone's part.
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