Do you live in a conservative majority district? You get what the majority votes for in your district unless you can either convince the conservatives living there to stop drinking the Bernie is a Nazi socialist koolaid or you move enough progressives into the district to change it. You either want to get something done at all or lose everything you have already and get nothing done in the end.Then back to the eternal question.
If they're useless, they don't get votes. Ez-pz. If they won't vote on progressive policies, then they aren't useful to have. Period. You have said absolutely nothing to change my mind on this, you've only agreed with me entirely up to the point where I don't want to empower them anymore and you do. I have no idea why you would do this.
We gave the Dems all the power that was possible in 2008, they squandered it, they showed why they shouldn't be given power unconditionally. They have to work for their power now. If they won't legislate usefully, they won't legislate at all.
Giving " dems" the power does not mean you give ONLY progressives the power, it just means you give the only progressives in existence in congress the ONLY chance they have to be able to influence any change at all. The alternative though is giving the republicans what they need to take everything the progressives have gained away and making sure progressives can never enact anything again for their lieftime by the GOP court stacking. You act like we have all these choices here, when that is not how this works .. at all. Not giving the democrats the majority just means you prevent progressives from being able to do anything without a constitutional amendment.
Isn't it funny that the republicans don't have to work for anything to get what they want, but democrats have to earn every inch right? The GOP being unified around removing our existing medicare, medicaid and welfare makes it pretty easy for them to do when the progressives have Zero hope of having a majority in congress and yet we have people telling us that it is somehow worth us losing our existing medicare, medicaid and welfare because they couldn't get medicare for all passed exactly how they wanted it.
It should work like this for most reasonable people instead of " my way or the highway" however:
Medicare for all fixed and passed( progressive platform) > ACA , medicare and Medicaid fixed and expanded( Middle platform) > No cuts or expansions( conservative democrat platform) > cuts medicare, medicaid and ACA( Never Trumpers) > Have courts rule medicare, medicaid unconstitutional reducing or eliminating them all together.( The current GOP platform)
THAT is our current reality here. Having both conservatives and progressives agree to the middle platform does not look that bad at the moment considering what we have to choose from in terms of votes required to pass each. One of these things is going to happen regardless of the whose elected, it is just a matter of determining which one you are willing to accept responsibility for making it happen. Our actions are what determine this outcome when we understand the probability of each.