Sweet Space Buddha, I was gone for only a couple of days. Literally don't know where to begin.
I'll start with a thought that's been going around my head for a couple of days. This current situation is like being forced into a room with a few others, and being surrouned by Exposed Nuclear Waste. Yet someone managed to find a door that opens to a burning dumpster fire with a little ventilation, but not enough to get rid of all the smell and smoke. When some of you cheer, others go "Wait, burning trash? I hate that smell. And that can't be good for your lungs. I'll stay here, thanks".
Now to more salient points.
Biden on Vetoing
I love the idea of medicare for all. Universal Health Care is something I want to happen in my lifetime. Or certainly in my children's lifetime. In these words, Biden doesn't nix the idea of Medicare For All as people Portend. He just wants to know where the money will come from, will people get the adequate care, and other questions that should be asked.
Do I like that my medicare for all dreams are not being met at this time? No. Not really. But for someone who is trying to lead an entire nation, not just those who like him, he has to think about the cost of measures he puts out. And he said something seemingly unpopular, but it really isn't. He said he would question where they got the money if it passed.
And? Is that bad?
If he looks over where they got the money and it checks out, did he say he would continue to veto it out of spite? How about the part of the scenario where they found the money and it came from a source that doesn't harm the American people, doesn't hurt our security, and is tenable in the bill's current form? Can someone show me where he says it will still be trashed out of spite?
Moving on to the policy that people accuse Democrats saying people should vote for them because they are democrat and that means they aren't republican... Like... literally Republicans do the same thing all the time. Every political party does. They say their views, they say how they are different than the others, and they call on the moralistic pride of being a part of the political party and having the same values. It's not something to be singular tired of the Democrats for when it's just part and parcel with politics. It's like Tstorm's getting tired of Worgen because of his height, yet he isn't tired of me. And Worgen and I are both 6'2 (I don't know if Worgen is also 6'2. If he is, that would be weird).
I mean, if that's all the Democrats do, why are the ideas of Universal Healthcare, Raising the minimum wage, better education and supporting our teachers, championing diversity in culture and the workplace, voting rights, immigration reform, How the left are all environmentalists, and/or the advancement of science and technology continually tied to them?
Biden wasn't my choice. I think it's well known that I am with Sanders. But I voted for Hillary. Because when you compare the politics, by a wide margin, Hillary was more in-line with what I believe in. Biden is admittedly less in-line than Hillary is. Yet his policies are definitely more in-line even just on the surface than Trump's.
As a Bernie supporter since 2016, I had to fight of accusation after accusation that people like me (and possibly me) lead to Trump getting in office because we supposedly didn't go for Hillary. And we had 4 years of this nonsense. Now, 2020 is coming along and it's shaping up to be another conscientious objector movement.. yet now it's ok even if we get four more years of Trump? I don't even care about receiving the static. I just want to know where the flip came from.