I just saw WW84.........I FUcKING LOVE IT! What were people and critics complaining about again? It may not be as ground breaking as the first WW, but still good. There are some pacing issues, and the film did not need to be 150 minutes, but it's high up there with Aqua Man and Man of Steel. The sequel definitely has better and more fleshed out villains. DC/WB nails with humanizing the villains. You get why they're doing the bad things they are doing, but you're not supposed to agree with them. This is a comic book film while lighter than the first film, but is not a bad thing. This is a comic book film that embraces the sillier or more fantastical elements of DC. The movie does get serious, but not in a try hard fashion. I admit the ending choked me up, and made me tear up.
This film has done wonders on HBO Max and I already know the home video sales are killing it now. Gal Gadot, you've done way more than earn it. You are legendary. Get some rest; you deserve it.
This film has done wonders on HBO Max and I already know the home video sales are killing it now. Gal Gadot, you've done way more than earn it. You are legendary. Get some rest; you deserve it.
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