Recent content by ajemas

  1. ajemas

    Games you hate that everybody else likes

    Did you play it through to the end? If not I highly recommend it.
  2. ajemas

    What is your cutie mark?

    Probably a test tube and a petri dish, given my biochemistry major and career path.
  3. ajemas

    Escapist Testing Initiative (Portal 2 Custom Map Archive & Challenge Circuit)

    Is it possible to have a separate thread to slow for our maps to be playtesred by others? It's difficult to get an assessment of difficulty without input from someone who hasn't seen that particular puzzle before.
  4. ajemas

    Tips on singing?

    I've been a singer since before I could talk, so I'm well aware of the pre-audition jitters. I've also been in a prestigious chamber choir for quite a while, so I must be doing something correctly, right? Anyway, this is something you can do right at your desk. Stand up and just take a breath...
  5. ajemas

    Best comedy/parody band ever

    Oops, my bad.
  6. ajemas

    Best comedy/parody band ever

    How has nobody mentioned Flight of the Concords yet? They are an absolutely incredibly funny duo, and they even have their own show! Edit: never mind, the OP mentioned it. They're still my favorite parody band though!
  7. ajemas

    The Avengers Gets First Rotten Review

    That's an interesting theory. Perhaps lowered expectations will allow for everybody to enjoy the film more? I think I can get along with that. It's the first really fleshed out Avengers movie, with heavy involvement by Joss Whedon, so I think that most nerds will treat it the same way...
  8. ajemas

    Does a long list of DLC turn you off from the game?

    It depends on what kind of DLC it is. Portal 2 and Team Fortress 2, for example, have tons of downloadable hats and weapons, but the hats are completely cosmetic and the weapons can be acquired normally. Cosmetic or corner-cutting stuff like that doesn't really bother me. Other things like...
  9. ajemas

    Why is PS3 Last?

    It's important to remember that the 360 came out about a year earlier than the PS3. This helped it get a grasp on the market a great deal earlier. With an absence of many truly outstanding exclusives, there was little incentive for many customers to purchase a PS3 when they already had a 360...
  10. ajemas

    Largest Megastructures in Sci-Fi

    It clearly isn't that many meters at all. It is an entire galaxy in the size of a marble, so the galaxy is the size of the that marble. I suppose that maybe the aliens playing with our galaxy at the end of the movie might count for something. Maybe the bag that they put it in?
  11. ajemas

    Excellent Game + Low Scores = WHY?

    If you ask me, one of the core aspects of any game are the mechanics. I have seen many games with absolutely wonderful ideas that simply were not able to pull it off successfully in terms of the controls and gameplay. Many Wii and Kinect games, for example, are ultimately hindered by their...
  12. ajemas

    Cop goes to wrong house, shoots owners dog.

    It really is a shame. Unfortunately, he probably won't receive more than a slap on the wrist due to how much immunity being part of the police force gives you.
  13. ajemas

    Favourite Developers of Yesteryear

    Valve. Don't get me wrong, I still love them with all of my heart, but their recent trends towards updates for TF2 and constant hat creation, as well as their continued lack of communication about the Half Life series, have gotten very grating. I'm thrilled that they released Portal 2, but think...
  14. ajemas

    Have you ever played through a game and completely missed a game play feature?

    You can apparently aim down ironsights in Bioshock, something which would have come handy during some of the earlier parts of the game.
  15. ajemas

    Need book reccomendations, especially for SF

    Anything by Kurt Vonnegut is a great choice. I also recommend Red Mars, Ender's Game, and the novelization of 2001: A Space Oddysey (it actually explains what happens at the end). Also, and I can't recommend this enough, you simply MUST check out Snow Crash. It was so far ahead of its time that...