Recent content by ayahtzeefan

  1. ayahtzeefan

    when the hell is half life episode 3 coming out?

    gordon freeman learned how to talk and they've been spending all this time making him unlearn it
  2. ayahtzeefan

    Slipknot's Bassist Found Dead

    there must be no god, first dio dies now paul gray dies yet brett michaels survives a near fatal brain anneurism.
  3. ayahtzeefan

    Best warcry ever?

  4. ayahtzeefan

    What is Evil?

    republicans, 'nuff said.
  5. ayahtzeefan

    Best show on Adult Swim

  6. ayahtzeefan

    Recommend Me Some Bad Ass Movies

    taken, liam neeson is a fucking badass dispenser
  7. ayahtzeefan

    Oh no! Radiation have warped your quantum singularity structure inducing rapid metamorphosis!

    alex mercer, not only would i be able to kill whoever made me angry i would also be able to quickly and easily consume their body and escape the crime scene leaving no witnesses.
  8. ayahtzeefan

    The British Army, Be The Best.

    yes but you forget: america had carlos hathcock
  9. ayahtzeefan

    What Exactly Is Wrong With World Of Warcraft?

    its just so fucking boring and too repetitive
  10. ayahtzeefan

    What does your username say about you?

    mine means i like yahtzee...... also i suck at making up usernames
  11. ayahtzeefan

    What would you like to see in half life ep3

    i would like to see a portal gun in it
  12. ayahtzeefan

    Do You Have Constant Reload Syndrome?

    i do in every game except for americas army 3
  13. ayahtzeefan

    Describe your role in a team.

    im the team leader when i play airsoft, and i always sneak around and shoot people before they notice me (A.K.A. an ambush)
  14. ayahtzeefan

    You see someone wearing one of these T-Shirts

    ugh its seems that japan is the main source all nerdiness, creepiness, and perversion. also C, i just wear a hoodie and band shirt (just saying that because everyone else seems to be posting their favorite clothing