Recent content by Berndawg69

  1. B

    Most unfunny comedy?

    anything with Dane Cook
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    Middle names.

    by the way mine's joe
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    Middle names.

    maybe it's "Posh" to you because you're thinking of victoria Beckham? AKA POSH SPICE!!!
  4. B

    Are YOU a psycho?

    if you think you are crazy you are fine, the real crazy people believe they are seeing everything clearly, like i do
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    Big Boss and Raiden Appear On Kojima Teaser Site

    well, the PSP game is going to have that big boss looking character, and the PS3 game is going to have raiden, kojima said he's putting solid to rest, so it makes sense that raiden would get another game as main character
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    Big Boss and Raiden Appear On Kojima Teaser Site

    more likely "MGS4 subsistanance", you see where i'm going with this
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    Big Boss and Raiden Appear On Kojima Teaser Site

    i think you nailed it, that's totally kojima's style, and you notice in the pictures that the have opposite eyes covered, Raiden put big boss's good eye and he's got it bandaged
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    Half-Man, Half-Animal, All Awesome.

    yea seriously, cmon that's 5th grade science
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    Poll: Are you an Early Bird or a Night Owl?

    of course the majority on this site are night owls, because everyone has to do something while their porn downloads on their dial up internet
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    Masturbate? Drink Illegally? Have unprotected sex with a disease infested tramp in your Parents Marital Bed, That'll pull you right out of depression, probably.
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    Poll: Can England be invaded

    America's Marine Branch alone could invade England But seriously, who wants England? I'd take Japan
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    To Americans: How much do you know about Canada? Vice Versa?

    Who cares about canada, matter of fact who cares about any other country than America! Fuck Yea, Comin' again to save the motherfuckin day YEA! AMERICA! FUCK YEA!
  13. B

    Favorite Movie

    Pulp Fiction, can never get tired of this movie
  14. B

    Dark Knight Fanboys: "Joker Should Be Retired"

    a "Character" should never be retired for an "Actor"... as a fellow actor, i know Heath wouldn't want that, and it just keep's poeple dwelling on the past. in a couple years, someone else might come along and then everyone will love that Joker performance. we should just be happy to see our...