Recent content by ChaoticJ

  1. ChaoticJ

    Best quote from a game?

    Oh God, I'm not sure... ah... here! Prinny Squad: We challenge you to a game of baseball, dood!! ... Hey, in context I die laughing every time.
  2. ChaoticJ

    Check Out Sega's Urinal Console In Action

    I'm frankly not sure what perturbs me more about this, that someone would even think a concept like this is tasteful in any way or that someone would consider investing money into buying the product.
  3. ChaoticJ

    In a perfect world...

    In a perfect world things would get boring really, really fast. ... Hey, may get frustrating, but I quite frankly enjoy the occasional offsetting curve ball, retrospectively anyways. Keeps things spicy.
  4. ChaoticJ

    I am a male, but always make a female player-character.

    I often always go with the female character... why? Plethora of reasons I suppose, but I guess the big one is that they're more appealing to the eye to look at, and... well, Hell, maybe this plays into some stuff I create too, but there's more than enough male leads out there, I guess I like to...