Recent content by cicaba

  1. cicaba

    Weirdest/Most Horrible Ways You've Been Woken Up.

    Went to bed with my friend's cat lying next to me in a blanket at a sleepover, awww. Woke up with it throwing up on my blanket on me. It looked a bit displeased with it's sleeping place in it's current state and walked off. Also, waking up to hearing people throwing up after a night of...
  2. cicaba

    Trailers: RAGE - Uprising Trailer

    How does this video relate to Starcraft? *bwahahaha*
  3. cicaba

    Vegetarians - why?

    Intelligent observation sir. People want to seem powerful and be at the top of the food chain and cover their insecurites is my guess.
  4. cicaba

    What would you do if you won the lottery?

    I'd go to Uni again, knowing I can do very poorly and still be alright. I'd study something like Philosophy where I'd be interested enough in my course to not get kicked off if I put in SOME work. It would be great to meet lots of people again. Yes, I quite like bacon. Just a pity a lot of it...
  5. cicaba

    Poll: Rubber innertube? I hardly know her

    Haha, well done, good link :D And why? Well I heard it out of context somewhere and it just made my day a bit happier. I just thought I might aswell do the same here kinda. <3
  6. cicaba

    Poll: Rubber innertube? I hardly know her

  7. cicaba

    Poll: Consoles are the new coin-op inspired poll on streaming delay in games!

    Well, I think the advantage of streaming is that the graphics can be rendered somewhere else on some amazing supercooled server thing, so I think the graphics capability of streaming should be better than our own consoles or PCs. It just occurred to me you probably mean resolution and framerate...
  8. cicaba

    Poll: Consoles are the new coin-op inspired poll on streaming delay in games!

    Hiya I'm just wondering how many people it would actually annoy to have a delay in their input if they were streaming their game rather than having it rendered on their console or PC. I thought at first this would annoy me greatly, but then realised that it might not annoy me in RPG type...
  9. cicaba

    What would you have done in my situation?

    Wasn't petty. You've no reason to support this guy more than any other charity. You don't owe him anything now that he's developed cancer. Giving him/his charity money to make yourself look like a good guy to other people or to appease your own guilt, so you can pat yourself on the back...
  10. cicaba

    Let us talk, you and I, about Blizzard

    The sole purpose of a company is to make profits and appease their share holders. This does not alter if they are a gaming company. Blizzard are not different to other companies in regards to this philosophy, only in that they are more successful. Saying "Blizzard, as with all other gaming...
  11. cicaba

    "Feeding Kids Meat is Child Abuse"

    The amount of anti vegetarian bullshit on this thread like warps my mind. I've now learned that not only do vegetarians get on their high horse and pull random easily disproved statements about how not eating meat is really good, meat eaters do the exact same thing with the benefits of eating...
  12. cicaba

    Favourite game quote(s)?

    "We just lost a ... a third of the platoon?!" (3 points) "What?! You're not just going to leave 'em?" (1 point) "... then from the darkness, came the mana..." (10 points) :)
  13. cicaba

    I need your help!

    Male 22 1. Hanging out with friends 2. Video Games 3. Music
  14. cicaba

    Political correctness

    "If a Black person wants to be called African American or an Indian wants to be called a Native then whats the big deal? Do you feel like you should have the authority to call them something they don't wish to just because you don't feel like it?" Yes I think political correctness is awful...