Recent content by clem

  1. clem

    China Bans Gold Farming

    I'm interested in finding out how the state plans to enforce this. I just don't see this having a huge impact anytime soon, because it seems very easy to duck if you're a gold seller. I think it's still up to the game manufacturers to provide the most effective means of preventing spam...
  2. clem

    Medieval Themed Movies You Ought to See...

    Jabberwocky, also by Monty Python, just to reinforce the historic reality that Medieval life occurred in an environment of persistent squalor and filth. And because it's funny.
  3. clem

    escapist won the webby

    And it creates notice among all of the Webby Gamespot voters, and the notice from the Webby we won that there is this other site called "Escapist Magazine" that they may want to check out. I wonder how many Webby voters (like me) came for March Madness and stayed around for the feature...
  4. clem

    Happy birthday, Spinwhiz!

    Happy happy B-Day! (*sideward glance, finger swipe at cake*)
  5. clem

    Editor's Note: Good Griefing

    Enjoy Griefing more than playing the game? You may be able to join the Sociopath Gamers Society! Here are a few relevant characteristics of people who may have antisocial personality disorder (APSD): (from ) -Apparent lack of...
  6. clem

    Poll: Should every policeman be armed

    Well, my claim is at least half false. Violent crime rates in the US are LOWER that other major European countries, though murder rates are higher (primarily due to abnormally high murder rates in impoverished urban communities), and incarceration rates are the highest in the west...
  7. clem

    Poll: Should every policeman be armed

    I live in the US too, and compared with the UK, yes, gun crime and violent crime rates here are much higher than in the UK. I also lived in the UK for 3 years, and must say I "respected" the unarmed police there as much as I do the armed police here, but I wasn't doing any thuggery and had I...
  8. clem

    My friend recently admitted......

    Annoy you by being alive? Or by forcing you to acknowledge their existence on random occasions? If you're serious then this would truly be best discussed with a counselor. edit: Meant to quote post further above. Maybe user error, but this has happened several times.
  9. clem

    My friend recently admitted......

    The American Psychiatric Association removed the term "homosexuality" from the list of mental and emotional disorders in 1973. (As reflected in DSM III.) The Chinese Society of Psychiatry declassified homosexuality from the Chinese Classification of Mental Disorders (CCMD-III) in 2000...
  10. clem

    So it's Earth Day... what have you done?

    My last post was supposed to be a quote--sorry.
  11. clem

    So it's Earth Day... what have you done?

    Nice reply, thanks! There is a lot of good information about environmental issues here: Click on the "Environment" link top left, and then select from the list of specific topics top right, "Acid Rain, Air Pollution, Deforestation, Causes of Global Warming"...
  12. clem

    So it's Earth Day... what have you done?

    Wow, what an impressive body of reactions this community has! Isn't cynicism cool! Except that the overwhelming majority of science contradicts the statement that humans can't "negatively effect(sic) this planet". You have to avoid many years and literally tons of research to believe...
  13. clem

    Poll: Are you married?

  14. clem

    Is the MMO the pinnacle of gaming?

    I'd expect that most of us are reading and posting in other threads, or maybe still playing genre wars. I've not heard many claims that MMO "apples" are better than the "oranges" of other game types, but each own strengths and weaknesses, blah, blah. I play differnt types of games for...
  15. clem

    Baby names?

    Clementine is the female version of Clement, an Old Testament name. For boys, Colton ('hill-town' in old Norse, and the name of at least two British towns), and Auden, as in the poet's last name, just because I really like it. For girls, I have an Arwen. It's Welsh, and before we used...