Recent content by Crimsane

  1. C

    BioWare Did Right By Us

    The best ending is still alt f4ing at the end of the conversation with Anderson. Most everything beyond that point is still terribad, 'cept Zaeed being boss as always.
  2. C

    Mass Effect 3's Ending Was Intended To Polarize

    You could call them A, green A and red A too.
  3. C

    BioWare Defends Mass Effect 3 Launch-Day DLC

    Maybe it's launch day dlc because BW has realized after people see the endings to the game they're not going to be selling many copies post-release, so they might as well milk the fans while they still have fans to milk. lulz.
  4. C

    BioWare Defends Mass Effect 3 Launch-Day DLC

    I'm mostly just not okay with the change in philosophy. In ME2, they gave me incentive to buy their game new, with a free character and a fair amount of content for free afterward - so I bought their game. Nicely done there. ME3 they decided, instead of rewarding our fans who buy our game at...
  5. C

    Mass Effect 3 DLC Appears on Xbox Live

    Ten bucks? Bone that.
  6. C

    I Am Alive Producer Dismisses "Bitching" PC Gamers

    I forgot this game existed, tbh. This guy being a douche is helping me forget it exists once more.
  7. C

    THQ is Unruffled by the GTA V Trailer

    Meh, I didn't even watch the GTA5 trailer. Haven't liked one since 3, so I'm not gonna waste my time.
  8. C

    Origin Online Exclusivity Won't Hurt The Old Republic, Says BioWare

    BioWare and EA have admitted that they are deliberately capping the capacity at launch however, so whether it should really be used as a metric for success is debatable. What's to debate? It's a terrible idea and is a fairly blatant disguise for low sales predictions.
  9. C

    Bethesda Introduces Skyrim's New Faces

    Redguards look like raiders from Fallout 3/NV.
  10. C

    How often do you impulse buy video games

    ALL THE FUCKING TIME.... lately. Bastion? Impulse bought, was very glad I did. SPAZ? Impulse, slightly less glad than Bastion. Cthulhu Saves The World? Impulse'd. Semi-happy with.
  11. C

    PC Battlefield 3 Lacks Key FPS Feature

    lol at this thread. "You're wrong, guys! It's not a lack of server browsing, it's a lack of a main menu! You get to tab out anytime you'd do something you could do ingame with a menu!" Remind me how this is a good change?
  12. C

    EA Controlling Old Republic Player Population for Launch

    Pretty much. It is EA though, so who's surprised?
  13. C

    EA Confirms No Battlefield 3 on Steam

    You don't get hit with deals because EA doesn't have Steam-quality deals on its games. lulz.
  14. C

    BioWare Pits Blonde Against Brunette in New FemShep Poll

    Face and hair both suck. Good thing I never use defaults.
  15. C

    Poll: Boycott Rage

    I'm not buying it just because it doesn't look very good or interesting, tbh. If I were interested, maybe their cutting content might matter to me.