Recent content by Dan Stillman

  1. Dan Stillman

    Annoying Video Game Quotes Forever Etched into your Memory

    Not annoying but, the Half-Life 2's Rebel saying "HEY OVER HERE!"
  2. Dan Stillman

    Steam User Finds Misogynistic "Joke" Buried in Dead Island Code [UPDATED]

    I'm buying Dead Island now, who cares. Honestly. It's a line of code and is being made into a huge deal. If something were said about the men which would be considered "offensive", no one would care.
  3. Dan Stillman

    "Feeding Kids Meat is Child Abuse"

    Nah man, they try and save EVERYTHING. And in the process the animals all end up dying from various things like starvation to disease because of PETA's inability to care for them.
  4. Dan Stillman

    What's the best Free Game

    osu! Is really fun, although, difficult at first. It's a point and click music game which really challenges your speed and hand eye coordination. But there are plenty more games that are better however.
  5. Dan Stillman

    Recommendations: Anime to Avoid

    Anime recommendations huh? Well your wife (or possibly you!) may like Clannad and Clannad After Story, it's a drama. I bawled my eyes out and liked it :-) Chobits is a really good one too which I advise for both you and your wife!
  6. Dan Stillman

    Is it just me ... or do women make terrible comedians?

    Yeah I have yet to see a funny one myself. People like Janeane Garofalo just really aren't funny.
  7. Dan Stillman

    Mojang Crushes Valve, Opens "The Minecraft Store"

    This honestly scared me for a few tense moments, haha.
  8. Dan Stillman

    Hypothetically, could you kill an innocent to save a loved one?

    I sooo guessed the spoiler.
  9. Dan Stillman

    Bethesda Rewarding Parents That Name Children "Dragonborn"

    I would kill my parents if I got named that... Though I would love to see the popularity of that name rise. That would be pretty neat also.
  10. Dan Stillman

    [UPDATE] Dead Island Trailer Buzz Ensures Movie Deal

    Very rushed, but still DO WANT.
  11. Dan Stillman

    Anonymous' Target Planned to "Take Down" WikiLeaks

    I hope they do something similar to what they did to Gene Simmons website :3
  12. Dan Stillman

    Criminal Genius Seeks Hitman on Facebook

    It's scary how close this is to me. This kid is stupid, posting it on Facebook AND having the girl he raped added on there too!