Recent content by Di-Dorval

  1. Di-Dorval

    The Pull of Dark Souls II

    Yea I was really surprised when I tried to dodge a slow attack just by moving sideway and the enemies actually spinned in the air to hit me. It shouldn't be in the game. Make the enemy faster don't give them crazy magnet powers. (The game isnt really hard but its just a stupid thing that...
  2. Di-Dorval

    Let's Look at Art

    While I agree what Piediewtv does is silly. Using a boring maymay to display your point is just has bad..
  3. Di-Dorval

    Attack On Eyeballs

    Kill La Kill shall have that title.
  4. Di-Dorval

    Watch Seven Minutes of Saints Row IV Shenanigans

    I wouldn't mind the craziness if it was well executed... They want to do too much and it shows. Saint row 3 was one of the less polished games I played everything felt clunky and quickly done. Plus I'm really not a fan of the art team which wasnt an issue with a 'normal' world but I feel like...
  5. Di-Dorval

    Poll: The Elder Scrolls vs. Fallout

    Fallout games just seems to have much more to them for some reasons... Oblivions had many interesting quest ideas though. (oblivion is actually much better when you stop exploring) Skyrim is the worst game by far though.. there is nothing in it at all other than very similar dungeons or...
  6. Di-Dorval

    Poll: Bioshock Infinite: Favorite Vigor

    Devil Kiss hits like a truck on enemies so it ended up being the main power I used killing whole groups of enemies in only one blast).. I used Crow/bronco to stun tougher enemies from time to time and charge is a lot of fun with the invincibility window upgrade + the health sucking clothe...
  7. Di-Dorval

    RPG games to fill my Dragon Age Origins needs.

    This plus Dark Souls (amazing gaming experience with DS fix)/Demon Souls, Vampire the masquerade: Bloodlines and the original witcher since you already played the 2nd. All the mario RPGs are great too except sticker star. (Mario and Luigi: superstar saga being my favorite)
  8. Di-Dorval

    Zero Punctuation: Tomb Raider

    I loved this review. I didn't played the game though just saw a bit of gameplay and it seemed hollow and ridled with scripted events which always bore me. I'm just not this kind of gamer I guess.
  9. Di-Dorval

    Bastion Creator Reveals Transistor, Offers A Short Trailer

    Not a fan of the camera perspective in the trailer the character looks far too small and weird (in game).. But seems like this game will still have one hell of a soundtrack. I'll see.
  10. Di-Dorval

    Canadian Government Stands Firm Against Zombies

    Well this talk is because of the disaster exercise that happened in Québec and Alberta that was zombie themed. Every one is so mad about it on my facebook saying its a waste of tax payer money without understanding that the exercise would have happened anyways and that the theme dosn't change...
  11. Di-Dorval

    Jimquisition: Review Scores Are Not Evil

    You go on to say that reviews scores can do much harm and that they bring nothing to the review and that you use them mostly for 'fun and debate'. You also say that the main reason you keep them is because they provide more traffic to the review. I don't see how you justified review...
  12. Di-Dorval

    Humble THQ Bundle Waves Bye-Bye to Indie - UPDATED

    Gave 5 buck for metro. Already baught Darksiders full price a while ago and I baugh the full saint row 3 pack on steam... I would not have payed higher for that game anyways.. Plus I had pre-purchased Darksiders 2 on steam.. Gave everything to THQ because.
  13. Di-Dorval

    Get Rid of the Dang Arrows

    Thinking about it. I think the arrows encourage lazy map design. For exemple Skyrim and Oblivion and the likes are just big empty maps with important place far apart from each other. The removal of markers would encourage smarter and more intersting designs imo. Maps and the ability to put...
  14. Di-Dorval

    Get Rid of the Dang Arrows

    Playing Vampire the masquerade bloodlines atm and I have to say the fact that there isnt any marker dosnt bother me at all. It actually make finding some stuff rewarding (some time the game dosn't even say the place you need to go you just have to use a bit of logic) instead of just following...
  15. Di-Dorval

    BioWare Montreal Takes Over Mass Effect

    Will keep and eye on that one cause it's made in Montreal and we Quebeckers are awesome in everything we do.